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By MirandasDream

For MinosReturned

I wrote this a while a go for a dear friend on their birthday.

Minos/Isk, thank you so much for being you and I thank that you were born every single time we talk.

And now, on with the story. Please let me know if you want me to continue it.


“Now for experiment 2,” Andrea bounded, her small light body making up the distance just as fast as Onyx’s long legs. “Transference!”

“Trans-what?” Nadine deadpanned, giving the duo a non-plussed look.

“Well, what we actually came over to ask for is if Stephen would swap our bodies.” Andrea gestured back and forth between herself and Onyx.

“Uh, ladies, I don’t think I can swap brains around, I’m pretty sure I don’t work that way.”

“No not our actual bodies.” Onyx rolled her eyes before shooting a look at her girlfriend. “More like my height and boobs onto her body, and her lack of height and boobs onto mine. Swapping more than transferring.”

Oh. “Oh.” Could I do that? I hadn’t tried. The two ladies came to mind easily enough, I’d seen them both naked far too many times for a guy who would never have a chance with either of them, let alone one, all thanks to Onyx’s exhibitionist streak and Andrea’s complete lack of shame about her own fit body. “What about muscle tone?”

“Na, I need that for volleyball.” Andrea drawled, her accent coming back.

“Are you saying I don’t have muscle tone?” Onyx looked down at her own cute girlfriend.

“No, I’m saying our morning and evening walks aren’t equal to the extra three hours I work out EVERY DAY.”

“Oh. That.”

“Yeah, that!” Andrea rolled her eyes and turned to me. “Ok, let’s do this!”

The image formed in my mind of Onyx, big, tall, busty, raven haired Onyx with her gothic makeup and pale skin and the corset perfectly shaping her curve. Her legs were so very long, longer than her torso, and were about the only spot the curvy woman had any muscle definition. But then she needed it with the pair of what she’d bragged were head sized breasts above. Unlike Nadine’s soft, floppy breasts, Onyx’s large pair were for the most part quite firm, making most people mistakenly think she’d had implants and prompting her to show off how wonderfully bouncy they were. As much as she liked her breasts, loved showing them off in corsets that merely supported them and caused their tops to jiggle with every step, her ass was equally a show to behold. With her height, it was wider than most men’s shoulders and the plump cheeks behind her made a great counterbalance to her grand breasts.

Standing next to her was her vibrant, sexy pink-dyed right down to her eyebrow’s girlfriend. In a lot of ways, Andrea reminded him of Mira. Both were short, energetic, and a bit too much fun for their own good.

Andrea though had a pair of great thighs, muscular, meant for holding onto you and being held onto during sex. She’d once gushed about how Onyx would hang onto her thighs as she would lovingly lick Andrea’s center, diving deep into her honey pot and holding her thighs apart. Her butt was athletic, firm, with little dimples when she got excited. She didn’t have a trim waist, being built a bit more like a steel rod, but she did have a gorgeous six pack of abs that stood out in even the slightest provocation. Most of Andrea’s outfits, like today’s midriff baring tank top, showed off those lickable abs. Her breasts were small, perky things with nipples that always seemed hard. She’d once shown off how she had them both pierced at Onyx’s insistence and now loved it when her lover would use her teeth to pull at the little dumbbells fitted through them.

In Stephen’s mind, the scale between them started to tip more towards Andrea than Onyx, and wonderfully, Andrea’s cute little buds began growing, her legs and torso lengthening.

“Oh my Goddess!” Onyx breathed, pulling Stephen’s eyes open to watch as Onyx began shrinking in her own clothes. The corset she was wearing rapidly showed off her nipples as her breasts began shrinking away. She also became shorter, filling up less and less of the room as she shrunk in on herself. “One goth, going down!”

“Not yet,” moaned an impassioned Andrea. “But I expect you to soon!”

Stephen’s eyes once more feel on the pink pixie as she grew taller, bustier, before his eyes, absorbing everything Onyx had to give her, Andrea’s tank top stretching to reveal a mile of cleavage and barely containing some of the firmest, fittest breasts Stephen had ever seen contained in cotton. She yanked her shirt up and bit the hem with her teeth as her firm tits gave the slightest of bounce into view.

What had been firm but bountiful breasts on Onyx was translating into breasts maybe a third smaller but exactly that much more tightly packed breasts on Andrea. Some part of Stephan’s mind joked ‘hey, she didn’t need a bra before and with those she still won’t!’ Not that either woman had ever used a bra in his presence before.

As the transfer came to a halt, Nadine spoke up, looking over her shoulder at the two women. “Well fuck me running, it worked!”

Andrea and Onyx slowly turned to each other in shock. Where once there had been a tall, curvy goth, was now a diminutive, bottom heavy woman Stephan was fairly certain he could scoop up with one arm and had to fight the urge to do just that. Her once overburdened corset now supported nothing more than a pair of soft B-cups with cute pink nipples, a sharp contrast from the pale wonders he once knew she possessed.

Next to Onyx was her previously short, flat chested girlfriend. Instead was a powerful amazon of a woman, her dark skin now a loud contrast next to her pale, freckled goth lover. Andrea posed, flexing as much for her own perusal as for the feast that it gave the rest of us. Her breasts were firm and moved as if they were truly a part of her rather than appendages with no bone mass that most women seemed to walk around with.

Stephen was in awe at both women, who seemed the happiest he’d ever seen them, like they’d both finally found the bodies they’d always felt the most home in, and they’d found it by simply giving up their most noticeable attributes to each other. The two women turned and looked at each other with such love the universe itself seemed to sigh and thank him down in his heart for making it happen.

As the two women came together, laughing, crying, kissing each other, Stephen turned away to give them a little privacy. His eyes falling upon Nadine, his neighbor gave Stephen a look filled with a bit more heartfelt kindness then perhaps he’d thought her capable of after their last encounter.

“Oh, Stephen.” Nadine’s eyes shined up at him. “Ok, I think I’m ready for whatever you’ve got for me.”

He tried to control his emotions, the image of her growing even bigger in his mind, etc. If Nadine grew any bustier, it would just ruin the moment… Wouldn’t it? Was her comment an open offer to-?

“Hey, eyes up here!” Nadine snapped her fingers, breaking him, and the two lovers out of their trances. Stephen looked up to meet Nadine’s eyes and realized her chin was nearly in her cleavage, and thus that he’d added at least a few inches. She was smiling, and rolled her eyes, apparently content with what had happened. “Ok, ok, time for the bustiest gal in town to-”

She was interrupted as Onyx and Andrea burst out into laughter.

“Nads,” Andrea started, whipping away a tear. “I think at this point you qualify for the state… or hemisphere.”

“Well she does have some nice hemispheres!” Onyx quipped.

Nadine groaned and planted her face into her own boobs while the duo of lovers cackled like hyenas over Onyx’s terrible pun. “Ok, look, I… I want to be shrunk back down but… could you… fuck me while you do it?”

Stephen felt himself blink, hard. “What?” The last time the two had sex, she’d used him, abused his emotions and power, and then been planning to kick him outside.

“I… look, I’ve wanted bigger boobs, forever, because having the pair I did made me feel so feminine, and I wanted more. Having them shrink might… break me, and I think if I was making love to someone it’d be ok. I’d have that constant reminder that yes I’m desirable and it’s going… to be… ok.”

She was crying, he realized, the final few words coming out in sniffles.

“Actually, I have a thought on that.” The newly tall volleyball player said with her shirt straining breasts right at Stephen’s head level. “I was wondering about a bit of… an orgy.”

Stephen blinked and looked up and down the tall, strong and, as he reminded himself with a cold blast of water, gay and in a committed relationship woman. “I, what?”

Onyx rolled her eyes, enjoying looking up at her lover’s face. “Well she’s been hot for your bod for a while, Stephen, and we’d talked it out, left some ground rules, but basically, as long as one of us is here to watch, yes it’s ok if we fuck other people.”

“I call Onyx!” Nadine called from her boobie sofa.

“And I call tits McGee.” Onyx replied, bouncing over to the busty woman, before flopping down on top of her. The image of her plump ass and Nadine’s massive breasts got Stephen going in a way he didn’t know he had as the two women made out, using all four hands available to rub and squeeze and worship Nadine’s huge breasts.

“Which means you’re all mine, and I’m going to do something I’ve wanted to do for a while, fuck you while standing up.” Andrea ran her hand through Stephen’s hair.


Roxil Aeon

An enjoyment as always, Mira :D merry Christmas~