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By MirandasDream

For MinosReturned

I wrote this a while a go for a dear friend on their birthday.

Minos/Isk, thank you so much for being you and I thank that you were born every single time we talk.

And now, on with the story. Please let me know if you want me to continue it.


Stephen had only made it around the side of Nadine’s yard before he had started to feel bad and was about to turn around and see what he could do to help when two things, or rather, two someone’s stopped him. Walking away from his front door was Andrea, a short, cute, pink headed volleyball player who ‘pixie with muscles’ was probably an apt description, and Onyx, a raven-haired goth girl with breasts easily the size of her head and a height somewhere above seven feet.

To say the two stood out was a bit of an understatement. Together it was a shocking juxtaposition that threatened to break reality every time the two brushed fingertips.

Which was often, they were lovers after all.

Stephen had met them years ago in College, at Miranda’s insistence after she met them in a photography class. The women had been introduced by Miranda as ‘hot, bi and both partially available’ much to the three’s chagrin. While the duo had stayed a secret fantasy, I mean, who didn’t have a pair of hot lesbian friends that you didn’t wonder if maybe someday they’d invite you to a ménage a trois? It was a bit of a male fantasy…

But then again, what about the last day hadn’t been pure male fantasy? Well, save the female fantasy parts of women getting what they wanted and screw the guy and-

“Oh, Stephen, tell me Nadine didn’t get to you before we got here.” Onyx reached over and patted Stephen’s head decidedly like a puppy who was whimpering about making a mess.

“Onyx…” Stephen sighed.

“Mira did warn ya!” Andrea’s slight southern accent bounded through as she bounced on her heels. “That one is-”

“Currently pinned to her couch with her own tits.” Stephen interrupted, looking down at his own shoes.

The two women shot each other a brief look of surprise before bolting past him and into Nadine’s back yard. Stephen opened his mouth to say something, anything to slow the duo down but they were far too fast between Andrea’s athleticism and Onyx’s long stride for him to get a word out before he could hear their startled squawks of surprise.

Sighing, he turned and trudged back into Nadine’s backyard.

He found the two had already flung open Nadine’s sliding glass door and briefly closed his eyes as he could hear the trio talking, or rather, shouting inside.

“Oh, why are you here?!”

“What’s a matter, NADINE, finally suck off more than you could swallow?”

Stepping into the room, I found Onyx and Andrea laying on Nadine’s breasts as if they were little more than beanbags, and Nadine herself so red in the face I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or overloading from it. The breasts had been more than powerful enough to hold her up so I didn’t think it was pain…

“You two are right cunts, you know that?” Nadine grumbled.

“Don’t be like that…” Onyx rolled over, the hot goth now laying atop Nadine. I had to hold myself back when both those sexy asses, Nadine’s naked one and Onyx’s barely clad short skirted one, were presented to me, one atop the other. “You finally got too much of a good thing and you totally had it coming.”

“Ugh, Ok, yes, I’m sorry. I did wrong and it bit me in the-”

Both Nadine and Onyx gasped at the sound of a shutter, and looked to Andrea. The short little pixie had hopped up and dashed to the other side of the room before whipping out her cellphone and snapping a picture of her girlfriend astride what was perhaps the bustiest woman on earth. Onyx had been whispering into Nadine’s ear a tad seductively at the time and I was sure the picture would make for great material.

“Oh GOD,” Nadine went face first into breasts and let out a sob. “It’s going to end up on IG and I can’t stop it and no matter what happens now! I’m ruined and…”

Onyx shot her girlfriend a pointed look who shrugged and bit her lip, digging one toe into Nadine’s carpet to at least look sheepish. I’d known the two long enough to debate how true Andrea feeling shame was likely to be. Onyx shook her head in exasperation before leaning forward onto Nadine to once again whisper in her ear. “Yes Nadine? Who’s fault is it? Who screwed you up?”

For a moment, I tensed. I didn’t want to hear my name on her lips. I had done this, used my power against someone without their permission. This wasn’t any different than throwing a punch or… I suddenly felt absolutely terrible. Sure, she’d been a bitch, had used me, both for boobs and for sex, but had she deserved to be left as she’d ended up instead of given everything… she… wanted…

Damn she was manipulative!

Still, I didn’t want to hear this, hear myself get blamed for everything. I still felt guilty and being called out on it was-

“I did this.”

“What?” Onyx was stroking the sides of the huge breasts that dominated Nadine’s body, sending shivers down the naked woman’s spine. “Little louder please.”

Nadine snapped her head around and glared into Onyx’s lascivious face. The two were so close they could almost kiss. “Mine, ok? I tried to twist things to my advantage and I took advantage of a nice guy and when I finally pushed him too far and made him feel like the garbage I make every guy feel like, it was me on the…”

She trailed off as she finally realized I was in the room. Whatever she was about to say was lost in Onyx leaning forward and capturing her mouth in the goth’s own. The two silently made out while Andrea came over and kissed me lightly. Unlike what Nadine and Onyx were sharing, what Andrea and I felt, as we held each other in our arms was soft, quiet, healing.

“Gah!” Finally, Nadine freed her tongue from Onxy’s grasp. “What was that for?”

“Humility is sexy!” Onyx and Andrea said together, the little pixie in my arms giggling as she did.

“Right.” Nadine rolled her eyes but had the good sense to blush over her shoulder at me. It was cute how it went all the way down to her plump butt, or was that simply because Onyx had just been lying on it? “S-sorry Stephen.”

“It’s ok, I… I shouldn’t have stormed out and left you in that state.”

Before Nadine could say anything, Andrea stood up on tiptoes and tapped me on the nose. “You’re darn right about that, Mister! Never leave a woman who’s so obviously in need of a good fucking without giving her exactly that.”

“I am not a slut in need of-” Nadine stopped with a sudden gasp as she felt her ass cheeks spread apart and her plump, pink pussy revealed, her lips engorged and glistening, presented to me as if begging for my thick, hard cock to just-

“Ahem.” Andrea poked me in the chest. “Before we all get too excited…”

“Too late.” Onyx purred, stroking down Nadine’s delightfully thick thighs.

“We should see if you can put Nadine back to rights.”

A quick glance at the prone woman and her hopeful nod was all the permission I needed. I stretched out my hands, arms slightly apart, fingers poised as if I was about to conduct a symphony. In my mind’s eye I pulled up how I had been doing it before, the current image of the woman and then imagined her changing. In this case, I imagined Nadine’s huge breasts shrinking, shrinking, growing smaller and smaller. The delighted look on her face as she became the size she wanted, just a bit larger than her head and…

And I opened my eyes to find not a darn thing had changed. I shook my head no at Nadine’s hopeful expression and watched it fall.

“Oh… well, ok.” Nadine gave a slight sniff. “I guess I could figure out how to-”

“Experiment 1, shrinking the boobs, failed!” Onyx announced, her long legs stretching her over to the same spot Andrea had been in earlier when she’d snapped the pic.


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