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Heh. If anything, Marigold's point is reinforced. Who better to classify a gacha game than one who finally got free of them.

Carl Fink

I will bet that the cookies:milk relationship here is not a coincidence (with Mommy Milkers).


This "finally free of them" reminds me of "It's easy to quit smoking. I've quit hundreds of times."


I deeply respect the painstaking research Jeph must force himself to do for this strip. What he suffers through for our amusement.

Rob McBobson

"I hate the internet" is an actual novel. Pretty decent one, too.


A month ago: "gacha? why would I ever play that scam" One month of Honkai Star Rail later: "oh no"


Heh. But did you have a May standing behind you with her arms crossed saying, "If you spend one more damn dollar on a picture of anime tits, I'm going to take your phone and mail it to a Japanese fetish club"?


this emotional support cookie is sponsored by raid shadow legends

Mad Marie

I have never personally experienced gotcha games…and this arc is certainly not swaying me towards trying one.


Momo butt!


Yeah, see, she should have stopped before the “dumb sucker” bit. Even if it’s true 1. Gatcha games can be enjoyable. 2. People don’t like being called dumb suckers, especially if it’s true. That said, Mar is mad at herself and calling herself a dumb sucker first and foremost. If she admits that, her fans will love her.


Marigold would definitely be playing NIKKE and complaining that she has no pilgrims.


Today, after more than a decade of reading QC, I realized the real joy of the whole series is watching the cute robots get continuously larger every day I, for one, welcome our giant robot overladies.

Captain Button

As long as none of them get tall enough to reach into outer space and turns us all into Tang...


Momo is helping


Cookies? On the internet?! Are you crazy?!?

Emma Humphries

Marigold is speaking truth.


OMG is it a weed cookie? Is this gonna be a shenanigan prelude panel?

Opus the Poet

This strip confirms that this is not the same lake that Emily got lost at way back when, because this lake is within walking distance of Aurelia's house with warm cookies, and the other lake house was hours away by car, and capable of getting lost at after finding the right lake.


Aurelia comming over to mom on the Marigold household is The Best

Shane Wegner

Let's just say Marigold's IQ is undoubtedly higher than her EQ. True of many.

Shawn Spencer

lol. Well I can relate to Marigold for sure since pretty much the same thing happened in these comments.


how tall are Momo and May, or are Aurelia & Marigold real short?? or are they sitting in chairs?


When in doubt have a cookie about it indeed 💙 🍪


Momo has such a cute lil butt 🥰. Her boobs be heckin pointy tho 🤔

Dan Curtis

did she do this as her Burger Oni persona?


Cake. Cake is the answer.

David Durant

I know regarding age for AIs "it doesn't work like that" but Momo still feels like a teenager to me so discussing her body like that always feels off to me (as if we were doing the same thing about Sam).


Hmmm fair I suppose.


I literally keep a quarter batch of cookie dough in my freezer for this sort of emergency.


Having a batch of sugar cookie dough for emergencies is a really great idea! 🍪


we're on cookies today. maybe cake tomorrow. it might be the answer but you're asking the wrong question.

Yelling Bird

I'm torn. I like the classic versions of Momo and May, but I also like Tall Momo and Big-Titty May.

Dan Curtis

I love making cookie dough. It's truly unfortunate diabetes runs in my family.

Ursus Ridens

Everything in moderation, and you can get away with a cookie now and then. Your mental health is important, too, and cookies are major mental-health-food, right?


Apart from the fact that May's old body finally disintegrated, it would be nice for them to swap back for old times' sake.


My problem is I never bother baking them. Cookie dough popsicles for the win.


This comic reminded me I bought cookies!