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I should make a mommymilkers dakimakura



Nicolas Demers

lol @ "The Woke Left is coming for our waifus" by TheNobleFedora

Yelling Bird

I am NOT GokuDildo47 and nobody can prove otherwise.


I read a profile of Burger Lord's CEO in a business almanac recently, but they spelled his name with seven letters - embarrassing typo!

Ben French

I don't like the look of either Rationalist_Glen or TheNobleFedora.

Zak Reichle

*May immediately subscribes to GokuDildo47*


I wonder if that video has anything to do with Burger Oni, or if he was going to upload it today anyway.


This is so true that it hurts


EpicMemeTrent is the worst.


The things I don't understand in the gamer-centric QC strips are also the things I know I don't want in my search history.


...but all this is just making Marigold more money by directing more attention to her, right? Or am I misunderstanding how this system works?

Magic Chopstick Games

Are BurgerOni’s engagement numbers falling off or was the MommyMilkers event just that huge?

Zak Reichle

I really want Burger Oni and MommyMilkers to do more Collab shows and see how amazing that is. I can't imagine either of their channels has as many viewers regularly as that one stream peaked at, especially given how it appears to have broken the internet so thoroughly.

Ursus Ridens

Off-topic but important anyway: A startlingly large chunk -- or at least more than you'd ever expect -- of Nova Scotia is on fire. Some 16,000 people have been evacuated from in or near Halifax. (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/30/world/canada/wildfire-halifax-nova-scotia.html) Smoke has drifted as far as southern New England. Here's hoping that everyone in NS is safe and the destruction ends soon.


Weird I don't think I got a email for this new comic. Is it just me?


All she has to do is make a video admitting that she was the dumb sucker and that it was partly self loathing, and people will love her again. But it seems that people aren’t mad because Gatcha games and evil, they’re mad that Oni called them dumb suckers.

Andrew L Butula

A lot of people online get mad just to get mad. It's fun to fling tomatoes at the person in the stocks. Fortunately that portion move on pretty quick.

Eric Sieck

Nope, came to the comments to see if it happened to anyone else

Fart Captor

This is just actual gaming YouTube


Samesies. Guess the gacha game controversy must be clogging up the tubes so bad email can't get through.

Owen Smith

Thanks. Thus far, no fatalities or missing persons, which is remarkable considering how quickly the fire in Halifax was initially spreading, but it’s consumed something like 200 structures. The last day or so it hasn’t really grown, but it’s still uncontrolled. The other big fire is in a more sparsely populated area down by the southern end of the province, but it’s enormous (19000 hectares atm and still growing fast).

Mandy Hoskins

I never know what any of these items/terms are in Marigold/Dale storylines, so I feel like an affable geezer smiling cluelessly at what the kids are doing.

Michael Boettger

I really hope Marigold was able to pay cash for everything, or she's going to be back in her little apartment sooner than she thinks.


A gacha game (from the Japanese 'gacha', a toy from a vending machine) is a game where you can pay real money for a random in-game reward. The desirable rewards are typically enormously rare, encouraging people to waste a lot of money trying to get them. A waifu (from the Japanese 'waifu', a wife) is a character that one particularly desires or treasures. A dakimakura (from the Japanese 'dakimakura', a cuddle pillow) is a great big pillow, often with a picture of one's favourite character printed on the cover. A GokuDildo (etymology unknown) is a carving or objet in the shape of a phallus with the hairstyle popularised by the popular entertainer 'Goku' in his Super Saiyan form.


"Greetings everyone! This is my 100% run of 'BURGERONI.WAD' on ultraviolence, with fast monsters enabled, 100% kills and no saves." (I guess I've watched too much Decino lately...)


I'm sure dakimakura of many of your characters would sell, Jeph... I just don't know how many each would.


That, or Burger Oni will make you her bitch...


Thanks from another geezer, who knew roughly what some of these things were but had to look up 'gacha' when this plot line started.

Todd Ellner

Her business is playing and reviewing video games. Every purchase is tax-deductible which lessens the sting a bit


Er, I’m genuinely worried you’re going to wreck her life?

Daniel Blom Paulsen

Me, neither. Same thing happened a few days ago. I've also had it happen a while ago; it seems like Patreon just has a hiccup once in a while.

Stephen Wells

According to wikipedia, the term gacha-pon was invented by the manufacturers as onomatopeia for the sound of cranking the vending machine and a toy dropping out.


Same, think this is the second time in as many weeks it's not emailed for one comic.

Zak Reichle

I'm pretty positive that Jeph loves Marigold far too much to just totally wreck her life


you can't just drop a roommate premise like that and not elaborate on it. i hope they loathe each other

Gary Walker

I bet Rationalist Glenn has more stupid hats than I do.

Frank Wales

He stole them from TheNobleFedora, which was what sparked their never-ending enmity


It's a lovely window into YouTube. Here be the top-tier pages with sizeable viewer bases. Here be the mid-tier pages with more focused and specific devotees. And here be one of many folks who just is. You'll notice the mid-tiers beat both top-tiers to the punch, yet they have considerably less traffic.

Jared Kolbly

Should I be concerned that I look quite similar to TheNobleFedora, fedora included?


I am always entertained by how often this comic sends me googling terms I have no effing idea about. My compulsive collecting was usually more along teh lines of having a polo shirt from my Land’s End in every color available (with matching socks and underwear…) ¯\(ツ)/¯


Okay, so... I'm assuming the robots are heavier than humans, would all floors in the QC-verse be reinforced? The new house got me thinking....

Mad Marie

Booger Lourde better not take my waffles, either!

Some Ed

It's OK, though, Rationalist Glenn was just collecting because TheNobleFedora "stole" his girl. Not, mind you, that the woman in question had actually ever consented to do anything with either of them - or, for that matter, did. She just happened to move through the area they live in, spent a night at the hostel they live in, and both relationships existed entirely within Rationalist Glenn's mind. It's just she stopped talking to him after she came to the conclusion that he was an absolute loon.


Ahgahd it’s too real help heeeelp (Okay, GokuDildo’s probably violating TOS, but)


If a floor can handle a fridge, I can't imagine most robots would cause a problem for it. Larger ones, possibly but I don't see more human-scale ones like May and Momo being an issue.

Gary Walker

Let's be clear. The relationships existed in TheNobleFedora's mind because RationalistGlenn has never even fantasized about having sex.

Gary Walker

I commented because this one was funny, but I <3'ed it because the goddamned youtube thumbnails crack me up, as before.

Magic Chopstick Games

Also, loving the low-view-count shade for Polygo—I mean, entirely fictitious major gaming website Polyglot

Peter Jensen

I would suspect the respective lengths of the videos also factors in. Almost 300 views on a 56 minute video posted 58 minutes says something. Though how much actual viewing makes it count as a view for the All-Mighty Algorithm is probably a closely guarded secret. Also, 4:20 ... nice!

Opus the Poet

I used to play games that to progress from one level to the next you either had to perform a near-impossible task to get an item, or you had to buy the item with outside-the-game money. I don't play those games anymore. I think they might have been the ancestors of Gacha.


I forgot about the existence of plastic there for a second...

Gary Walker

Also, if you're using a dakimakura, have you even heard of dogs? They will totes sleep on the bed with you. I promise.


Oh god this is too accurate

Mad Marie

At the time, only one of them was aware they had a roommate…

Ursus Ridens

I confess: At first, I read the caption on panel 3 as "The Woke Left is coming for our waffles." Well, all I can say is, you can pry my waffles from my cold, dead...nah, they're cold too now. (Take 'em. I'll make some more.)


I have twice now tabbed into this page and taken a moment to realise that it wasn't actually YouTube.


The things people do with dakimakura... should not be done with dogs.


Hah yeah, I scrolled and thought Patreon had adopted an invasive advertising scheme.


"I should make a mommymilkers dakimakura" do it. Dew Eet, DO IT!


am I the only one that didn't get an email for this page??


Small note; the video time lengths listed are amazingly accurate. Nice touch.