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hey Ted Cruz if you read this: fuck you



Jaron Mortimer

You mean Reptilian Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz?


Wait, what's going on here? Is Aurelia sitting down or is she really just barely taller than the kitchen counter?

Andy Sleeper

I don't understand artists who are willing to piss off half their paying audience by getting into politics. I come here to escape politics. Too bad. Bye.

Carl Fink

That's Tall Momo and May. They are both very tall. Aurelia, like her offspring, is short.


I don’t understand people who feel the need to announce their exit because they got their feelings hurt. I come here to escape crybabies. Too bad. Bye.

Holly Nelson

Definitely sitting down. Standard counter height is ~ 36”/ 90 cm, and Aurelia is definitely NOT a 48”/120 cm shrimp lady.


As a Nevadan, my location is less relevant, but I still agree. Fuck Ted Cruz.


If you think half the people here are conservatives, all I can say is: lol; lmao


Also, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Not being snide: it's a real problem we've had. Someone should really adjust the spring on that door...

Gorbulus Maximus

Ted Cruz doesn't piss his own pants. God no. He tells a servant that God told him they need to piss their pants, take them off, and give them to him.


I love how Aurelia, the oldest one here, is the shortest.


Okay, honest question: Why are you surprised? This comic has poor, disabled, neurodivergent, PoC, female, queer, and sex worker main characters. And has them because Jeph makes an effort to include people from various walks of life and who have faced different challenges. That sort of understanding of others is incompatible with the stated position of the modern GOP. Of course Ted Cruz et al aren’t well-liked here, they advocate for the death or torture of the main chars of this comic and a significant portion of the readers.


As a Texas resident, I can confirm: Fuck you, Ted Cruz.


Ummm... so we just jonna roll with Momo becoming tall with no story? the last time she was featured she was smal (https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4602 )

Ben French

Glad I'm not alone on this. Kind of want to see some backstory on why Momo got tall...maybe in a later update.


Hey Jeph, I sent you a message via Patreon, since you aren't answering emails.

Opus the Poet

Dittos and dittos. Been in Garland since 1994 and Texas since 1989 and hated Ted Cruz since he ran for Senator.


Jeph is planning a 500-comic arc where Mom and Marigold visit the chassis store and shop through several hundred options before picking one and having a length discussion with the store clerk about applying for a Bodyhub Line of Credit™.


Yep - whatever story Jeph chooses to tell, or not, is just fine by me

Joseph Bonnar

Jeff, my headcanon on this is as follows: Long story short, May had it with being the only one able to reach the upper shelves and bullied Momo and Marigold until Marigold used some of her money to upgrade Momo to a taller chassis.


The family has resources now. I She went shopping. You need to upgrade periodically, or you end up like May in the before times. I don’t know as it needs to be more complicated than that.


I own ted-cruz.info for some reason. Maybe I'll point it to this page when the comic goes live tomorrow.


I don't think that's the counter, it's *way* too close to the bottom of the cabinet. That's the tile "backsplash" that goes up the wall, I think the actual counter is off-panel. Now … looking that fridge handles … those *are* pretty high up, just below shoulder-height on Tall Mono & May😆


Wait, when did hating Ted Cruz become political? Last I checked literally everyone on both sides hated him.


And … 🤦‍♂️I was looking at the last panel. You're right the counter is visible in panel 1. OK, I'm with the "she's sitting down" crowd now …


Bye-bye, Andy. Come again when you can't stay so long! There are decent Republicans (some of them are giving that shit-bird Texas AG Paxton the axe) but Raphael is not one of them.


I dunno why you chose to insult Rafael today but good a time as any I guess 😎😎

Mad Marie

Fox News: “There seem to be repeated chants of ‘Let’s go, dude!’ from the Patreon crowd viewing this comic…”

Mad Marie

Tangent: Every now and then, it occurs to me that there aren’t any little kids in this comic, (aside from the occasional background sighting). Like, statistically, might someone in the cast have had a baby after all these years? Are there any families with kids in Cubetown? (not sarcasm…genuinely curious)


Um. Is "Ted Cruz" safe to Google? I'm a very confused (and obviously ignorant kiwi here).

Yorick Fossil

He's a terrible US politician. Safe to Google if you don't mind getting mad


Ahhh, that explains it. I hate politics. Hard enough to stomach our lot in order to work out who to vote for. I feel for you guys, your lot seem worse, and I didn't know they could be!!


Oooooo. See what you mean. What a see-you-next-tuesday.

Captain Button

All these robots are running on RTGs, and the cumulative background radiation sterilizes all the meatbags. That's why the robot rebellion has been called off, they just need to wait 100 years and it will be done for them.

Darnel D Cooper

(chuckling at the Ted Cruz convo.) I'm not a fan and constantly wonder how he keeps his job. When he comes up in conversation in my family, words like "slimey" are the nicest you will hear.


The pants-peeing kink community does not claim Ted Cruz. We're better than him.

Joseph Bonnar

Yes, it's safe to google him. He is NOT a good human. In fact, I'd call him one of our lizard overlords, except that I LIKE lizards.

Joseph Bonnar

I can almost always find something kind to say about somebody if I try. But not for Cruz.

Joseph Bonnar

I want this understood. I don't like Ted Cruz. I have friends and loved ones in transition. I have friends and loved ones who are NOT white and who are NOT Christian. I can either stand with Ted Cruz, or stand with my friends and loved ones. That's not a difficult choice for this old cis white guy to make.

Joseph Bonnar

By Christian, I should make clear that I am not referring to the Republican Jesus flock. There are a LOT of good Christian people out there. Cruz isn't one.

Stephen Wells

Seeing Momo get all maternal about Marigold in the last panel... that's quite heartwarming. (also it makes Tall Momo even hotter, somehow.)

Daniel Drazen

In the real world I had a performance evaluation once every year. With TC it's once every 6 years.

Doc Gumby

I like how Jeph added the gray hairs to Aureila so non-patreons won't be confused as some of us were.


"NOT a good human." Hence, the popular Humans Against Ted Cruz movement. I have the t-shirt.


As a Floridian, I second the notion

Ace of Hearts

is Jeph going to keep drawing Momo taller until someone notices?


“Attack of the 50 foot anime robot” “She’s got eels coming out of her—” would be the 4 star general’s last words.


Wow man. We are in exactly the same place!! Hats off to you for your forward positioning!!!


Yes. It's her way of getting even with May's variable size gazongas.

Joseph Bonnar

Momo is so hot that if you were to pat her head (WITH PERMISSION!) you'd probably get a third degree burn.

Matt Pedone

Nice MBMBaM reference!

Zak Reichle

Like that scene in Cloverfield where the monster is shown shedding more smaller monsters, but with eels.

Jared Cyr

I actually really like how they're separating the crews up into necessary groups. it makes sense and allows things to happen "off screen"