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she's just trying to be reasonable




All of Canada is on the North American Dialing Plan, Hanners. If you're paying tolls you need another mobile provider.

Thomas Halpin

Marten wasn't expecting to put Faye in this situation, and Faye is doing her best. She could text Marten to tell Hanners if she felt like trying to alleviate the situation, but that's not her responsibility and there's nothing to say she's currently calm enough to think of it.


Faye needs to become more scary again if even Hannelore feels more comfortable bothering her than bother Marten


Marten did not think about the force that is a focused Hanners


Marten just needs a discord server for all his eclectic friends. Then so many problems would be solved


I absolutely love panel 3.

Orion Rhine

Pintsize would just spam the general chat with pictures of [REDACTED].

Opus the Poet

And technically Station is part of the US for calling purposes. Long distance for sure, but still in the US. Calling the ISS is the same as calling Houston because that's where the relay station is.


But you'll bug Faye nonstop no problem suuuuuure XD


I'm sure Marten will be in range soon enough, it's only a matter of time before he pushes the wrong button in a Cubetown elevator and finds himself in low earth orbit.

David Paul

Marten was pretty distracted by, in order: Moray, Ol' Boaty, Evan, Brant, Atlas, Smythe, and Gremlizabeth. At least he prioritised Faye, and will likely contact significant others when they've got back to their room.

Stephen Wells

We've had some excellent "glaring at each other" panels recently, great theme :)


You'd think the fact that Faye has news she can't share (and that Claire and Marten didn't return home immediately) would be enough for Hanners to infer what that news is.

Alex Rahr

But there could be other explanations so Hanners isn't certain. She needs certainty.


oh good, the Faye anger engine is warming up


Personally, I find it easier to jump out of an airplane than call someone

Jared Kolbly

I mean, it's only been a day. I think they planned to stay a few days for this trip, and I'm not sure if it was mentioned but I'm certain they plan to return at the same date whether Claire accepts the job or not. Faye not wanting to share the news (although she has a point in her not being the one who should share it) could be a tell on what the news is.


Same here, but honestly there have only been five or six times in my life when I've been forced to choose between those two things.


Hanners of all people should have access to any mode of communication, synchronous or otherwise, that suits her temperament.

Thomas A. Dennis

I've been on both sides of that sort of conversation, multiple times.


This is why you text/IM. Both far less intrusive than a phone call, and IM's don't give a darn about long-distance


Yes, do whatever, manipulate people, start a war, just not to have to make a phonecall, I agree.


She should send a carrier pigeon


Faye is totally playing the Uno reverse card to Hanner's mom energy in panel 3. 😂


Anybody can go skydiving. It only gets difficult if you want to go skydiving *twice*.


Texting is the 21st century equivalent of sending a telegraph.


The only person I have to call is my mom because she never views her texts, especially as she gets like 50 a day from her family in Thailand.


Server channels: #general #memes #counting (for Hannalore) #music #butts #buttsbutts #pintsize_only #buttsbuttsbutts

Mad Marie

The flight attendants always roll their eyes when I insist on jumping out of the plane…onto the jetway.

Ursus Ridens

What is so hard about making a phone call? (Old people want to know.)


bothers people, makes you have to use your voice, can't do it on the toilet, causes anxiety in general


It’s a good choice when there’s complex things to talk about or coordinate, but it also requires some dedication to block out time and focus vs just texting while engaging in another context. If it’s a simple question texting is more efficient. I pretty much always text someone before I call as it feels more intrusive.


To be fair there's plenty of evidence that Station listens for her. He could just patch her voice to whoever she wants to talk to up there as a result

Some Ed

The news could also be that - Claire is trapped and Marten's working with the Canadian authorities to remedy the situation without making it more of an international crisis than it is. - They've met an uncannily similar group of people in Cubetown. They hit it off, and they're all coming back to Northampton where they'd fit in better. Don't tell anyone, it's supposed to be a surprise. - Oh my god, there's an explosion every day around 1PM! But we're safe, don't tell anyone who might worry, especially Hanners. - Unrelated to the job search, Marten's grown another foot. He looks really strange now, especially since it's growing out of his forehead. This has to be seen to be believed, he wants Faye to hold off telling anyone until they're back. - Claire isn't taking the job. *But* they'll be staying in Canada a bit longer than expected while their case is heard in court. Marten will be calling someone else from their circle tomorrow. But they'll be fine, the Canadian government has provided them with a really nice attorney. - Claire isn't taking the job. *But* they'll be staying in Canada a bit longer than expected because Claire's a material witness in a murder trial. Somebody's been killing off the Cubetown directors, and she saw one of them happen. It'll be fine, they got the guy, they don't want anyone to worry. - Claire isn't taking the job. *But* they'll be staying in Canada a bit longer than expected while they run through adoption paperwork. Surprise, it's a feral 19 year old woman! But people will understand once they're home and get to meet her. It's late, or I'd probably have a bunch more of these. There are more possibilities than I can currently imagine why they may have called with news but don't want it to spread.

Some Ed

Also, if you're doing it right, with mixed case rather than all caps stop. Not that I know anything about what telegraph machines are like stop.

Some Ed

It's not entirely about age. My grandmother found it very difficult to make or receive a phone call since her family got a telephone sometime around World War II. I think it was after the conflict started, but before the US entered the war. I'm pretty sure there were people on the record as having aversions to using the telephone long before then. Different people are different, and some of us have profound difficulties with communication. Sometimes it's limited to certain modes, and other times it's more general.


if I'm gonna deal with voice input, I need face input as well (but not over a camera, cameras make me look terrible) so I don't misread tones. Text is easier for me bc it's bland and impersonal, so I don't have to worry about misreading it so much.


I'm not young, but I don't like phone calls as the worst of both worlds of real time communication, so no opportunity to self-edit (without awkward pauses, anyway) and no facial cues.


I struggle to pay attention/retain information on phone calls. zoom/teams are not as bad, but i prefer having everything in writing (text/emails) so i can refer back to it later

Ursus Ridens

What I'm getting is that some people don't like phone calls because...they're just not used to them! A self-reinforcing situation. (Maybe it's like potato chips -- one survey found that the best potato chip is the one you grew up with.)