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what's a whatfor



Sean Kinlin

For short, Faye could just say "goddemmett"

Zak Reichle

Everyone was eyebrow fighting!

Emma Humphries

Foiled by the feral Canadian child.


"God damn it" vs. "godamit". Clearly, Faye was not in a rush.


Hannelore's expression in the last panel is perfection.😄


Faye, I'm pretty sure Hanners would understand if you'd just say, "I've heard from Marten, but he wants to tell everyone their decision himself, so I've been swore to secrecy."

Shane Wegner

Bubbles, you're a hardened commando! I expect you to hold out longer than this under interrogation.


Right? "I'm sorry, but that's Marten and Clare's news to share"


Once upon a time, pre-QC my mind wouldn’t have immediately gone to “how do you know she’s goin’ commando?”


missed opportunity for a title: whatfors and wherefors

Ben Duguid

Ah, the distant cousin of Sod Off Baldrick :)

Mad Marie

Those cat’s were fast as lightning! (cat’s = caterpillars)

Eric Sieck

Hanners, you have that secret spaceship thing, I'm sure getting to Canada to visit them wouldn't be difficult

Salodni Ikkis

Hanners IS super beautiful


That distraction didn't last long.


Yo you mastered Hanner's condescending/upsettii look tho in those last panels

Ruth Merriam

Hannerblush! Emmett will have so many places to go with his sooooo many questions. "A whole new woooorrrllllddddddddd!!!"


What's a whatfor? FOR POOwait that doesn't work.

Michael Keogh

A whatfor is what you get for posing a howcome.

Christopher Beer

Better tell her, Faye. You don't want Hanners using "the voice"


What for you give him those what fors? 🤣


Martin's idea to create a coffeeshop means there are routes for EVERYONE to move to cubetown folks: Dora could move the Coffee of Doom to it, and bring many of the staff with her. Claire needs staff BADLY, so Tai's covered, Emily possibly, I don't know if Marigold would want to give up the $$$ she's making as BurgerOni, but her computer support could be very helpful Cubetown has a lot of AI citizens. Given how slapdash everything else is there, do you think they have affordable, sassy and quality chassis repair services? In this crazy head cannon, I like to think that Hanners moves to become....the manager for the coffee shop. That would be a joke they could milk for miles!

Stephen Wells

Canonically I thought it was Faye who is... already debriefed after her commando missions? :)

Stephen Wells

Tai, canonically, knows how to delegate. And I bet someone in Cubetown has just invented something that will get her higher than she's ever been.

Michael Chui

Streaming really only requires having a safe, soundproof-ish space with a good internet connection. Marigold's main obstacle to moving is that it'd mean she'd be going out of her comfort zone, and following Hanners is a pretty good reason. I think Dale and May would be fine with moving, so the real question is what Momo wants. I'm not sure what Momo'd choose, at this point.

Ursus Ridens

See QC#515. Hannelore has much evolved. Just sayin'.

Some Ed

@Michael Chui: "Pintsize isn't allowed in Canada and Sven is moving there? Ok, let's go." That said, I'm not sure why Sven is moving there yet.


clearly there is a job for Pintsize in the wacky hijinks research group

Vanillastump .

I'm imganing Hannelore saying that in the most petulent bratty voice, and I'm litterally crying.