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arms explained




Might explain why she's reluctant to talk to her folks if the arms are a recent development; kinda the tattoo reveal times 5. "Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you." Mom: "OH, God. You're pregnant." "What? No!" Dad: "You got a dumb tattoo, didn't you?" "NO! I have artificial arms!" Mom: "Oh go...wait. WHAT?!"

Fart Captor

Oh God imagine getting your hair caught in your arm seems tho


So she's already smol for 19, and has at least two artificial limbs which means she's gotta be a major lightweight at the bar.

Captain Button

So wait, is she going to grow up to be The Major in Ghost In The Shell? (Who had a traumatic childhood event when her cyborg hand crushed her doll.)


With hot-swappable arms, I wonder if she can connect alternate manipulators.


Frak. I had not noticed the seams before

Nicholas Lopez

This is like the second or third time Claire has told someone that and they finally believed her.


Notice how the rest of the pub looked to see what was happening and then went back to their drinks. "Oh, never mind. Just somebody taking their arms off. Say, that reminds me of a story..."

Daniel S

Turns out Marten has a very…disarming personality.

Chris Crowther

She seems a bit concerned about the possibility.


I wonder if they're interchangeable... Depending on the connector orientation, that would either make the hands backwards or the elbows would bend the wrong way (easier for scratching your back I would imagine).


Claire is so stoked to lie to these people


Why? Why does she have robot arms? Was it due to an accident? Was it a choice? Enquiring minds HAVE to know.

Ben French

Ok, that answers one question...but raises so many more.

Yelling Bird

Ok, either masturbation can't do that, or I'm Superman.

Brent Ward

Looking back, the arms do not appear to be a recent development, she likely had them before coming to Cubetown. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4984

Nobilis Reed (personal)

Hey, fun fact! A person with one or more artificial limbs has less alcohol tolerance than a person of similar size with all natural limbs. Lower blood volume means each drink hits harder!



Sean Kinlin

I'm wondering if the arms have bluetooth or other wireless connection. As in, can Liz make the arm move while Marten is holding it?


I love that Claire tells that same joke to every new person she meets when she can.


"A Farewell To Arms 2: <i>Hello Cyborg Parts</i>"


Man, I am NOT excited by the prospect of robot arms. I like my fleshsticks where they are.


Wait what if she had that focused dysmorphic disorder about her arms, there was a famous (well internet famous) website by a woman who had this and she planned to have her arms removed in an "accident" and replaced with steel protheses.


This is a banger. Thanks Jeph.

Daryl Sawyer

Claire, it isn't funny if he isn't here to loudly object.


So could she attach arms which are twice as long?

Mad Marie

Panel two is really beautiful, Jeph. There’s a quiet confidence and dignity to it.

Mad Marie

Totally called it!!!! Wooohoooo! (throws both arms up in the air and they promptly pop off)

Comics Ladybird

Mad Marie has spoken, this is the highest point this comment section can reach, it may as well end now.

Captain Button

Come to think of it, this and that third-arm lady back in Northampton mean there must be an international arms trade in the QC world.

Ruth Merriam

Two years in a damp cellar with no arms maintenance? *sigh*

Daniel Drazen

"Typical. You start detaching body parts on a Disney show and everybody wants to get in on it." Edalyn Clawthorne

Wayne Farmer

She was easily disarmed.


So that

David Durant

Like Firefly, Owl House will live on in quotes long after it was cut off in its prime.

David Durant

Given we've seen several of the AIs needing to recharge every day, I wonder how Grimlizabeth does that same for her arms. Having them plugged in while sleeping would surely just end up in a mess of wrapped cables - but taking them both off to charge gets us into the how-do-you-put-the-first-one-on issue.


The practical way'd be bracelets or gloves with some sort of power receiver in them. Either that or a really biiiiiiig charger-pad under the sheets. (Ooh, now *why* don't AIs have large charger-pads that you can slide inside furniture cushions, pillows, etc.? Even plug-in ones'd be practical. "S'cuse me, gotta go plug in the guest futon...") Or, of course, Egrizzlabeth could charge alternate arms each night.


They'd likely have to be special-ordered/custom-made, since that's probably not a standard retail option, but I can't think of a technical reason why not. She should probably think seriously about the pros and cons of such a modification, though. While there are obvious upsides: reaching significantly higher and further than her height would normally permit, retrieving items from the floor or low shelves without crouching or bending over, and, with practice, probably even running significantly faster in the semi-quadrupedal fashion of most apes and monkeys; there are bound to be drawbacks, too: performing almost any task of manual labor or dexterity will, at minimum, require readjustment thanks to needing to either be done farther from her body or with her arms bent into new and potentially awkward positions. Just imagine having to type on a keyboard with your hands held sideways - or having to magnify all the text and images by 30% to see what you're doing clearly, because now you have to sit a yard farther away. Far better, I should think, to upgrade her arms to extend, rather than being twice as long as normal all the time (plus, get a pair of leg replacements with the same feature!). Stilt Man may be a lame super-villain in Marvel Comics, but that's only because he's trying to go up against Spider-Man and The Hulk!

Sleepy John

Now I want to se her swap left for right and go play the piano in the corner.

Andrea Andrew

Good thing there’s nothing she’d sell her arm for.

Captain Button

Wristwatches that are really mostly batteries. Or shoulder pads, if those are still a thing for women's clothes.

Mad Marie

“Doctors in Cubetown are furious over this one weird trick…”


"first one on" isn't really an issue. think Addams Family's Thing.

Zak Reichle

Did they all switch to darker beers or was the swap to something non alcoholic successful?


I'm busy counting the number of people Claire *hasn't* told this amusing story to, because it saves time.


She's gonna get that joke entered into the Archives at CubeTown and Clinton is gonna stab her in retaliation.

Mad Marie

They’re on the ocean; the salt air causes things to oxidize quickly.

Mad Marie

^ Now that they have robot limbs, maybe someone can fix what was cut off in its prime?


just for historical perspective, this is the early days of Marten realizing Clare's work might take her elsewhere! https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3978


She has two pair. She charges one set while wearing the other.

Merle Blue

I kind of hope we never actually find out how the arms happened.


oh neat


I hope she gives everyone that asks a different explanation.


"Bitten off by a giant squid." "I'm the reason escalators have been banned in most of North America." "Honey badger pen at the zoo. They really need to make stronger railings around those things, you know?" "Born without them; these are prototypes." (my bet for the real explanation.) "You know how they tell you not to try to open elevator doors as they're closing? This is why." "Sharktopus." "Combine harvester; I was four years old and I wanted to see how it worked." "I used to bite my nails." "Well, how did YOU afford to get your doctorate? Sold 'em on the black market, of course."

Thomas A. Dennis

Venus de Milo, A Farewell to Arms, etc