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But what if Pizza Girl comes back and goes rogue and the only that can stop her is juicy gossip??!


Luckily a coffee shop should have some paper bags for her to breathe into.

Yelling Bird

I swear, if this means I'm going to have less Hannelore in my life, then I'm gonna smoke more weed...


Who wants to move to Cubetown with me?


Two can keep a secret if one is not Hanners

Steve McSheffrey

It's turning out to be excellent reading. The chaos would have me going nuts in days living it.


Hannelore's just like me fr

Zak Reichle

I joke but as someone who has made stupid choices and been lucky enough to have survived, do avoid doing extensive testing of drugs(other than weed) people.. I have anecdotes that in hindsight are funny, but probably don't emulate

Dean Reilly

Marten, this conversation will not end until you and Hanners agree on a duress code.

Joseph Bonnar

Just Small is gonna have a HUGE hangover. I wish that bothered me more... Nah.


19 year olds typically don't get hangovers. I personally didn't have my first one until 26.

Zak Reichle

Make sure you do a safety dance, Marten!

Yelling Bird

Nothing wrong with that. Till I had some major medical issues I didn't do anything. While I was in physical rehab I became quite fond of Dillaudid (or however you spell it) but these days I smoke weed for pain and anxiety issues.

Zak Reichle

See now I've got chronic pain from a low back injury that keeps me on hydrocodone. But yeah I did a lot of benzodiazepines for a long time and a good number of other drugs along the way. Addiction is a hell of a thing. But you can take your life back from it, at least I have been able to. My state also finally made it legal for me to grow my own weed to smoke and that's been lovely to be able to deal with anxiety and pain as well as insomnia in a way that doesn't involve some other pill


Liz is a bad influence on Moray


What if the only way of saving a group of sexy firemen is to tell the secret?


Honestly, as if The Librarian isn't already the hot gossip of CubeTown, including all of their social media. Clinton probably knows by now.


Yay obviously knows and has probably told Roko (because what is the point of knowing hot gossip if you can't tell people). Roko couldn't care less, but might have let it slip to Beeps or someone else in the extended friend circle

Grace Kieser

Nah, they do get hangovers, they just don't care because they start drinking again!

Opus the Poet

I have a TBI and one of the side effects is even a wiff of MJ gives me a raging headache. I can tell the difference between skunky weed and a real skunk in the first smell, no headache is a skunk, instant headache is weed.

Opus the Poet

I'M 64 and I've never had a hangover. Pairs up well with never having been drunk. Unless you count that one time in the Army when I had one beer on top of time-release allergy medicine. Put me right out. BUT, no hangover.

Zak Reichle

@Opus the Poet: since I started smoking, let alone growing weed, it has been interesting to notice that I've become desensitized to that skunk smell. It's much better than smelling like cigarettes, which I used to as well I have had epilepsy since my late teens, and I have found it to help with that to a small degree

Orion Rhine

Pintsize knows because he bugged Marten's phone years ago for a prank that never worked but he never bothered removing the bug.

Shane Wegner

Oddly enough, the more I think about it, the more Hannelore really is under more risk of kidnapping than average. The daughter of two wealthy industry titans, the ransom possibilities are apparent. Plus, AI has plenty of detractors in THIS timeline, and our AI is currently just scripts with motivation compared to QCverse. The angriest zealots of the QC world may have an even stronger bone to pick and somehow decide to take it ouy on the daughter of the creators of AI. And although most of the AIs we have seen count as sane (The Fruit(and Vegetable) Sisters are pretty quirky and Corpse Witch was sociopathic, what with the attempted mindmurder and all that), it stands to reason there are some mentally ill AIs. And who knows, maybe the 1% least sane of them revere Hanners as a goddess or a devil or something and believe she needs to non-optionally come live at their robo temple. For all we know, Station is snuffing out a few of these plots a year, or at least anonymously tipping off law enforcement before they start.

Chris Crowther

I have the feeling it would definitely end badly for anyone who tried to kidnap Hannerlore, especially considering some of the people in her circle of friends.

Peter Jensen

Orbital Railgun Justice! https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3389

Salodni Ikkis

But imagining hypothetical scenarios where I'm under duress is what I'm best at

Ted Van Roekel

Eeee.... I just had an image of Bubbles hearing about Hanners getting kidnapped and just quietly starting to put her armor back on.... Yikes!


While I'm fairly certain I'd rather have Liam Neeson chasing me than Bubbles, and orbital railgun justice is a lovely after the fact, Hanners strikes me as the type the kidnappers would release within 10 minutes. The kidnapping would certainly trigger a panic attack, which would leave her spewing an anxiety fueled stream of nonstop drivel broken only by short bursts of hyperventilation. I suppose for enough money this could be tolerated, but if she passes out, the scream when she wakes back up...

Greg Morrow

Security through obscurity? Hanners' very existence may be largely secret, or at least unknown.

Shane Wegner

Bubbles going on an armored vigilante rampage is exactly the negative publicity anti-AI types would dream of! Subtly antagonizing AIs until they do just that would be one plausible line of effort against them.

Captain Button

I assume that 1-10% of the people in Northampton are secret agent bodyguards* watching for anything suspicious** to protect her. But they are so good at stealth and acting that no one knows they aren't a homeless person, or a maintenance guy, etc. * If they can make Steve into James Bond in a few months, they can do anyone. ** Of course, telling what is suspicious from what is merely weird is very difficult, leading to a lot of nervous breakdowns and medical retirements to The Village.

Captain Button

I got my first and last hangover when I was around 20. It was awful. Put me off getting drunk. Getting drunk is like buying stuff on a high-interest rate credit card. You will pay back a lot more than you gained. IMHO. Also, dragging a 6'7" guy up a snow-covered hill is hard when you are both drunk.

Summer Sudbrink

Is it just me or is the bar/party getting more and more packed?


@Opus the Poet • I took a month past expiration date travel pouch worth of NyQuil once as a freshman at college trying to get rid of a cold and I woke up more in the floor than someone who had 4 tequila shots in them. I might as well had a beer with that cold medicine.

Daryl Sawyer

Blue hair lady seems to be considering Marten's phone call. I wonder if she hears, in his side of the conversation, *potential* in the other participant. Or maybe Marten, himself?


I think Hanners keeps her id pretty private. She always reacts negatively when people out her at the coffee shop. CLINTON!!!


I feel distinctly like we missed the moment where the reason for the arms was explained...

Stephen Wells

The explanation will be referred to tangentially at regular intervals but never repeated.

Am Queue

@Opus - probably only if you're working for the Director, as opposed to hired by Marten's coffee shop.

Brian Lort

I ship Blue Hair Lady and Marten. Once you've been Blue you never look back.


& your rhyming game is never quite what it once was.

John M Davis

Feels like our fearless artist has included himself as an extra in panel 2!

John M Davis

Sans pearcings it does look like hi, right? A little… or is it just me?


You think that's bad? We've had a Nudist HR Manager walking around in the alltogether for months of strips and no one's even questioned it except for the Science Goblin idly lampshade hanging it.

Jason Harris

Imagine you are sapient Goo; Imagine how fascinating it must be to witness a non-Goo entity ingest carbonated liquid and then warp the echo chamber of their breathing/speaking apparatus to make the biggest noise possible while expelling the pent-up carbon dioxide. If Moray were to drink a beer, she might become briefly effervescent.


Rather than panic attacks, I like to think that kidnapping could activate Badass Boss Hannelore, the same Hanners who faced down her mum, and she'd have the kidnappers crying and apologising by the time Bubbles burst through the door


I don't think so. His cameos look a bit different. https://questionablecontent.fandom.com/wiki/Jeph_Jacques?so=search#Cameos

Some Ed

You say that like phones aren't inherently bugged. If you can just say, "Hey, Siri"and have your phone do something, it *had* to be listening. Pintsize just put a tap on it.

Some Ed

I agree with all of this, even all of the contradictory responses, *except* the amount of thinking you doing about it having any impact on it. You don't need to blame yourself for this one. She's been under this risk since at least she got a surname, possibly even before that. But as others have indicated, she has multiple forms of adequate defenses.


I gotta say the lighting in panel 3 is done so well

Clifton Royston

1. Nobody's quite sure how or whether goo girls are supposed to dress so they're afraid of accidentally discriminating against the Morays. 2. Besides, who are they going to complain to, the HR manager?