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who could have seen this coming (me, I wrote it) ((but also the whole Liz thing was a surprise even to me)) (((writing is weird)))




Faye's been here, smiling to divert with: "I'm not a therapist!" "See a mental health professional!" "Imagine how much better an actual professional would be then!" https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4624

Jerry Curlin Jr

yes. I agree that writing is weird.


At least *she* didn't have to be turned into an orangutan to get her job...

Mad Marie

Her business cards have a hole at the bottom centre and begin with “Librarian, The”

Mad Marie

Marten Reed, Media Resources Assistant II


@Jeph. Been following since shortly after issue 1 when we first meet Marten an Pintsize. I think it’s been an amazing 5,000 issue journey for you and the characters and can’t wait to see where the future brings them. Congrats and thank you for a great strip.

Daryl Sawyer

Considering Marten's original title was "office bitch", and the length of time he spent working in a position of authority in a library, do you think he'd be qualified to do HR?

David Paul

Given that Cubetown is into all sorts of fields of study, it would not surprise me if they are somehow caught in a reality-altering <s>spell</s> experiment of some kind.

Hugh Eckert

Angry Claireface.

Ursus Ridens

Panel 1 is as close as we're ever going to get to Clair Augustus as Kate Winslet.


All of my arty friends are becoming therapists in their late 30's, pretty sure Marten is on the path.

Some Ed

No, being an administrative assistant and then a library supervisor does not particularly qualify one for being in HR. To be clear, I'm not saying that he wouldn't do better at it than Moray-X21, who probably had no experience or reason the Director thought she'd be particularly well suited for the task. I'm just saying that his work experience to date has not particularly prepared him for it. His general outlook on life may have done a better job at preparing him for the job than his work history.

Some Ed

Every artist who has gotten to know and care about you has gone to study therapy? Does this say something about you?

LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

As a librarian myself, I'm just angry that I never thought of calling any of my partners "Librarian Consort." Freaking sounds awesome AND its gender neutral.