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he's very threatenable



Summer Sudbrink

Would a glib goblin be a gliblin?


How long has Jeph been waiting for the perfect moment to deploy "englibben"?


I think we may miss that Cubetown may be a good place for Marten. If our initial glimpses of it are any indication, Cubetown's dysfunction is not entirely a result of disorganization. It may actually be a collection of genius lacking a means of meaningful support. Just like Elizabeth gravitated to Marten, so too would others. Marten's history demonstrates that he is exceptional (maybe unintentionally) of building communities. Claire may build a structure, but Marten can build community just by being himself. I actually don't see him as being uncomfortable there, because he'll be doing the same thing he's always done naturally.

Todd Ellner

Englibben is the focus word Ms. Marvel uses to become more convincing and sharpen her repartee


Claire realizes that Cubetown needs library assistants, tech crews, structure enforcement, and a coffee shop, and then the entire cast moves there. Done.

Hugh Eckert

Faye and Pintsize both don't seem to grant Marten any agency in this matter. Maybe they should stop handwringing about it and trust him. I think Bubbles's statement may be closer to the truth, and that (facetious as it may sound) Faye's paraphrase may be true as well. Though I'm also impatient with the idea that there's some kind of absolute value to "getting pushed out of your comfort zone". I also have to wonder whether there's a certain amount of jealousy (or at least projection) here from characters like Faye who are having to struggle...

William Burns

Then after a two-year run, Cubetown accidentally triggers a powerful AI that thanks everyone for their work, gives all of them a generous severance package, and takes over the island. The entire cast moves to Atlanta.

Christopher Beer

Random thought: should he still be called "Pintsize"? Now that he has a human sized chassis that name doesn't really seem appropriate anymore.

Mad Marie

The Englibbrarian


There is a lot of assumption that living a chill life "not BEING GRATE or GOOSING TEH CAPITALIST DREAM" is inherently bad. To be, to be non-detrimental, to enhance your community: that is a very good life. Anything** else is luck and/or propaganda. ** considered "better". Less is still a good life, but perhaps mental illness? Circumstance? Other terrible sh*t? To strive to be better is noble, to persist is still an endeavor. Even the 'broken' are a benefit to us all, and we will all be better for doing what we can.

Fart Captor

I really want to be inside of that hoodie with Bubbles 🥺


That hadn't occurred to me, but you could be right.

Solomon Garland

Honestly... she's not wrong. It might be awful, but he might find something very satisfying to pursue up there

David Paul

Faye usually occupies that space. Are you sure you want to tell her to scooch over?


@Ursus: you mean he had to ask "englibben" for consent to use it after he originally came up with it for the very first strip?