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they have facets, you see



Mad Marie

Bubbles doesn’t need stilettos; she has diamonds on the soles of her shoes.


Diamonds aren't just an AI's best friends, they're forever <3


Diamond fucking is a facetnating topic


Come on down to Shane Co's Diamond Fucking Emporium today! Our experts will offer only the finest fuckable diamonds to get your rocks off! Shane Co, now you have a friend in the diamond fucking business!

Dylan T

How does one become a professional diamond fucker

Dylan T

Man fuck you i live in CO that man's voice is seared into my brain lol


The meta on that is why I come here.


To call someone with a diamond iPhone, use facetime


Most diamondfuckers have a better time when Pearl is not nearby.

William Cole

Usually, you have to go to school and get your MD (Master of Diamondfucking).


GDI Wargrunt! • @Dylan T ➤ Shane Co is in a lot of places like Northern California, Missouri, Oregon. He’s a menace.


@William Cole • DD aka Doctorate of Diamondfucking seems too much on the nose.

Ruth Merriam

Diamonds are forever. . .

Thomas A. Dennis

Some random dude: yeah, I got a diamond-cutting boner; some random bot: oh, I don't think so


And then there's those of us wondering whatever happened to Brun and Millefille(?)

Mad Marie

“Millefille” = “One thousand daughters can’t be wrong”?

Mad Marie

If you experience a diamond lasting more than four hours, please seek professional medical assistance.

Sleepy John

Pintsize is only into diamondfking because diamonds have great cleavages.


You're right. It's generally mohs problems than it's worth.