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poop joeks





Drew Teter

A bunch of scientists stranded in the ocean without coffee? No wonder cubetown is such a mess.

Ursus Ridens

Wait just a blinkin' minute, here! How many potential customers are aboard Cubetown? Are the inhabitants largely meat-people or robots? And can slime-girls drink coffee? (We think not.) Anyway, I'm not OK with all this unless we get lots of visiting between the alt-Noho people and the Cubitzns, (Especially if we can get Ms. Lelelalalalulu and Pizza Girl now and then -- take that, mighty Director!)


Coffee of Doom has many AI customers, so that wouldn't matter. As for Moray, she might be able to consume like either humans OR like typical AIs. Maybe she can enjoy it both ways, leading to a serious coffee habit and a highly caffeinated Goo-gal.


... and there is always Tea. I recall a strong response AI's have to certain teas.

Ursus Ridens

I dunno -- just have this ugly mental image of Moray's insides going all brown and cloudy (depending on what, if anything, she'd had in her coffee/

Seth Swanson

If anywhere is gonna figure out a way to let AIs eat and drink real food it's probably going to be tried (and go comically wrong) on CubeTown first.

Mitsuki Ayane

is this the start of the cast moving to Cubetown? Dora moves in to corner the coffee market (and makes a mint from easily duped scientists) Faye and Bubbles move in to increase their robot repair business etc. ~<3


I hope not. I was a big Dawson's Creek fan as a teen, and I remember the tension and sadness as everyone got ready to go off to university and split up. Aaaaand then, new season, few episodes in, everyone has switched university to the same town and the entire fucking cast, grandparents and all, has just moved to a new city. Hopefully Jeph is a better storyteller than that. Also Comic is a better medium for multiple locations.


These two just make me sooo happy 😊


Coffee of Doom II - the franchise


Faye will have to build him a dinosaur that poops espresso to really give him the edge on Tims


Upvoted, if only for the barbs which will appear from people who have seen "Tim Horton's" and "poop" in the same sentence.

Wild Card

Coffeehouse of Doom - Canadian Location


Re-reading this and the previous page, it seems like both Claire and Marten are about to embark on ventures that they're under-qualified for (though Claire is probably more qualified than she thinks, but I think it's a valid assessment considering there's going to be a lot of management skills needed and other things that definitely weren't covered in Librarian School). Hopefully they both find their feet! Also, there's some kind of irony in there considering that most employees in Cubetown are probably ONLY about the qualifications (as in, they have all the degrees and Expertise to their name but nothing else).


As soon as Marten went looking for a coffee shop I was hoping the possibility existed for a Coffee of Doom franchise location. Still may not happen, but my hopes are still high.