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Claire mad




"This fucking Cubetown" should make Claire feel a bit at home. Well, except for if the Director is at ~200 feet. Claire never lived at 6 Atmospheres of pressure.


When this posted to the Web, you said, "Claire comes off as more unreasonably angry than I intended." I don't think she's unreasonably angry at all. Having worked with librarians (academic, public, and special) for 20 years, I've seen the malarkey they have to put up with their professional lives. What she's dealing with here is pretty par for the course, really, and she's being quite reasonable to call them out on it.

Todd Ellner

The Director was created at the same event as Yay. But there was only enough feck, gorm, and hap for one


In the little blog blurb under the post on the website version, Jeph said "This one got away from me a little, I think! Claire comes off as more unreasonably angry than I intended. Oh well!"


Jeph. When this comic came live on the web, I noticed the comment he had made.

Zak Reichle

Oh! huh... I guess I stopped checking the site very often, TY for mentioning this!


Typical of Claire to go from "I need more data" to defcon 1 in the space of a single conversation lol. I can't wait to see the director.


Are those snacks she's keeping in her tactical pouches?

Gorbulus Maximus

Nothing screams "security professional" like a tiny swiss army knife strapped to your bicep :D


This better be a bluff.

Daniel Rydberg

I’m disappointed in the lack of Red Flags in the comments. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


haven;t gotten an email since dec 11 about new posts, i even check if notidcations are on, and they are

Josh Moberly

At this point, Cubetown might as well be covered wall to wall in red flags. It has so many red flags that the bulk of it's load bearing support superstructure is constructed of red fabric. It has so many red flags the CIA have been planning to overthrow it.

Captain Button

It has so many red flags that there are USAF Opfor pilots slamming down vodka in the bars.


I like Claire, I always have. But it wasn't until THIS cartoon I began to understand why people dislike her. Whether or not her anger is warranted or not I feel it's unfair of her to take it all out on Evan. You can see that Evan is genuinely upset and apparently almost in tears so what is Claire's response? "I demand to see the manager." Fuck you Claire, have some fucking compassion. Yes there have been many fuckups to lead us to here, but having been the last link in a chain of fuckups myself I can guarantee you who's going to bear the brunt of this, and it ain't Ol Boaty. While on that subject, Ol' Boaty is an asshole. For the love of God either lay in some Dramamine for your passengers or quit pretending you don't LOVE to watch them puke so you can snark at them when they're feeling at their lowest. Anyone who has ever been seasick can tell you how low that is. Ol' Boaty needs a very up-close and extremely personal encounter with an Architeuthidae.


So many red flags China is claiming it's theirs and always has been theirs.


Somehow I doubt Jeph expected the current arc to generate THIS much strife and dissension.


She didn't demand to "see the manager." Evan offered it to her and she accepted. Also, she's not a customer; she isn't in that kind of power dynamic with Evan. If anything, it's the contrary: Evan is the head of security on an island that Claire can't easily leave. Claire is at Evan's mercy, not the other way around, and I don't see what kind of display of compassion Claire owes her in that circumstance. Claire is a potential hire who was offered a job, was flown out here, is in a foreign country, on an island she can't get off of unless Ol' Boaty (who as you point out has a hate-on for her boyfriend to the point of arguably wishing death on him) decides to oblige, she's been treated with a complete lack of professionalism, and now *the head of security of this compound, who is also manifestly incompetent and emotionally fragile, has invaded the privacy of _her hotel room_ for no good reason, and started by lying about it to her, including raising the notion of the room being bugged.* And in fact the latter, i.e. Evan's own unreasonable behaviour, is the only thing she has actually criticized Evan personally for. Of course she's angry. In her place I'd be scared out of my wits.


You're leaving out the fact that Evan also lied to her, was lurking on the balcony, and apparently doesn't know how to do their job. I'm not saying that they're not getting the culmination of Clare's ire, but they certainly deserve some of it - they are the head of security for crying out loud, not a desk clerk who just happens to be the last link in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyone - with the possible exception of Boaty, have been pretty incompetent. If Even is supposed to be head of security they need t act like it.


Believe me, neither did I. Having been thoroughly trounced in the comments I will keep my own council in future. Some very valid points were made and I did reconsider. But as was pointed out I have too much personal baggage along for this ride but I will hold my final opinion until I see how it plays out. Todays comic which is more of the same behavior does not fill me with confidence, but watcha gonna do. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. Also I like the people here. Everyone who disagreed with me stayed polite within reason, a rare thing on the internet today.