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I would not be surprised if the Director is either somehow Yay or Pintsize.

David Paul

Honestly, I hope Claire does get this sorted out. I still believe this entire hiring process has been out of whack from the start, and this result is the culmination of an entire cattle station's worth of bullshit. At the very least, she deserves answers. At most, she could at least be given clear and coherent instructions as to what she is actually needed there for, and decide what she wants to do. Maybe sleep on it and talk it through with Marten.


Clair is mad... and SCARY. The director seems to get his ass chewed out by her

will davison

Martin’s clearing his ears every 10m to equalize the pressure. Claire’s flexing her eustachian tubes open angrily. Do QCrobots have trapped gasses they need to worry about?

Comics Ladybird

Surely, Claire, you mean “No talking *to* the elevator”, right?

Comics Ladybird

Fun fact: I became aware of this reference just in time for you to make it and for me to understand it https://twitter.com/Phanto17/status/1603869943447044096

Wayne Farmer

Let's not forget that at some point Jeph will have to push the reset button to get Claire and Marten back to the setting of the story. That constrains this arc to have Claire either not be offered the job, or refuse the offer. But there could still be some lasting effects from her visit to CubeTown. Sorta like "The Wizard of Oz": Dorothy comes home, there's one less bad witch, and the government of The Emerald City has a new set of leaders that will do things differently.

Some Ed

There are other options than reset button. - Marten and Claire leave the strip (I don't think this will happen, but a lot of people have worried about it in the comments.) - Introducing a new locale that the comic will sometimes alternate to. Much like Aurelia's place, it's a bit removed from where the rest of the cast hangs out, but it's a bit more definitively stated by what amount of distance. - Start of the transition of the whole cast to Canada. At first this would look indistinguishable from the prior option. Or maybe it would look indistinguishable from the next option. - Providing a more thorough explanation for why Marten appears so infrequently in the comic that initially focused primarily on him and Faye, but he and Claire still do appear from time to time in the strip.


I wonder if we'll run into Steve?


There is, unfortunately, another option: Marten and Claire moving away is the first of several loop-closings that will be done as part of Jeph ending the strip :\

David Durant

"Who is the Director?" - "That is irrelevant, you are Number 6!"


Claire is not a mass effect fan

Daniel Rydberg

This strip needed to be at least 4 panels longer, with panel 1 and 3 alternating/repeating 4 more times.


This reminds me of when Hannelore was mad at her mom and said she thought her face was stuck like that


@chelsea Jeph has said he has no plans to end the comic at this time (people had similar worries regarding the upcoming wedding)