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ze leetle grey cells




Are those tactical chocolate bars in the vest? Or tactical handheld game consoles?


Claire is just being mean here. Of course there are critical points of failure in a security system. Give them the benefit of the doubt that they have thoroughly checked Evanescent.

Stephen Wells

Poor Evan. If there were a panel 5 she would be resigning in it. She needs to talk to Roko.

Mad Marie

I have a tactical chocolate bar in my purse. Keeps the me in line.


Wow, she's uh. Not nice.


From what i hear and read this is the experience of most Germans moving to the US. The rest fit right in.


I worry Claire is going to blow the interview on the grounds of culture fit. She’s way more uptight than any of the locals.


I feel like finding a stranger scoping out your room in an unfamiliar place, operated by an organization that's giving you a lot of red flags (and also putting the potential stress on you of having to move away from friends and family to deep dive into a project you don't know if you're equipped to deal with the scope of) might result in someone being on edge with increasingly limited patience for shenanigans.

Daryl Sawyer

On the other hand, as Yay said, they desperately need someone like Claire.

Matt Pedone

So, either she doesn't get the job, or she's named the new director of Cubetown.


True. However, realizing that your prospective employer is trying to bug your room would be enough to piss off the Dali Lama.


Also in the realm of possibility: Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, High Priestess, or Mayor...


In real life, Claire would be heading into choppy waters. But I agree, any of these outcomes is more likely in QC.

Andrea Andrew

I think this AI woman might be as tall as May or Bubbles.


Probably not as tall as Bubbles, she's only about a half-head taller than Marten.

Gemma Hentsch

Or maybe a good security officer would assume there were flaws in their security system and therefore would opperate under their assumption...

Cole Blackblood

This. No such thing as a fool-proof security system, it would actually make sense to prep and do checks incase of failures, versus waiting for them to happen to do them.


Oh, in real life Claire would be a complete imbecile to do anything other than get back on the boat. I've seen what happens when people are brought into highly dysfunctional large organizations. It's never "they have a good time".


TBH biggest problem with this whole environment is the horrendous lack of *boundaries* - hilarious for a comic, but triggers all my work and childhood traumas.


She's gonna be Director Augustus before the end of this visit


No comic today?

Joseph Bonnar

So far, no. I always worry a bit about Jeph when the comic is late or missing, which says a lot about me, and nothing about Jeph.

Some Ed

Fortunately, I don't think anyone in this comic is the Dali Lama. Looking at it from another perspective, how many people accept carrying a phone whose OS and updates are controlled by their company? Do any of them have a way to determine that they're not carrying their company's bug around with them?

Some Ed

I've known a couple of people who went to work at highly dysfunctional large organizations and had a blast. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to work with them at any company.

Some Ed

Someone I know went to work for the IT security department for a company with a reputation for being intensely focused on security. If I'm recalling correctly, his first task after completing his orientation was to do a vulnerability scan on the environment. A week later, he came back to his boss and reported, "I could not find any vulnerabilities." His boss replied without any hesitation, "Do it again. There's no way we're that secure." The second time through, he found a lot more problems. To be fair, some of them were false positives. But not all of them were.