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Aurelia, yes.


Aurelia giving *the talk*

Michael Boettger

Is she just curious here, or is this just the wine talking?

Andrea Andrew

Is…this leading where I think it’s leading?


Is it still her giving the talk if she's the less knowledgeable one?


Nice to see yay off her game.

Alexander W Couzens

Aurelia is 100% trying to bone, and I'm here for it


Aurelia's expression in panel 2 has added 6 months to my lifespan


you weren't kidding when you said you gave Aurelia some Ass


Don't get them started on the range of chasis with vibrating & rotor features

Yelling Bird


Fart Captor



I love this side of her

Anthony Gaglianese

Okay....I'm having a very difficult time in that last panel of staring anywhere EXCEPT Aurelia's ass.


Has Aurelia not been over to visit Claire when Bubbles and Faye were around?

Fart Captor

Also omg Aurelia's butt 😍 Thank you Jeph

Abreon or Abrea

She's getting a bit hysterical and might need some of that old thyme medical help


I ship it

Grace Kieser

Wait, is she hitting on Yay?

Peter Jensen

And the butt is indeed cute: https://twitter.com/jephjacques/status/1462849003440193544

Matt Grayson

Remembering Data turning off his romance programming … that was really creepy.

Jaron Mortimer

Look, I wasn't thinking about Aurelia fucking Yay before, but now I am, and it's your fault Jeph.

Fart Captor

C'mon Yay, roll with it. She can be a sweet, nurturing mom AND a sexy horndog. It's allowed


This is what happens when Aurelia gets crossfaded, I suppose


something tells me Aurelia is trying to a get some all powerful multi-embodied AI cryptid action.


Oh I do hope they get it together!


That's not the vibe I get, but that may be because I so desire Roko to be the captain of Yay's ship.

Celine Chamberlin

Am I the only one who's still hoping Yay is interested in Roko?


The "Let's Get Horny and Do It" app is free in the AI App Store. The "Awesome Orgasm" app is NOT free.


It’s not an orgy if it’s the same person in multiple bodies 😗


Waiting for the moment Aurelia sees Roko and Yay together for the first time and the pieces fall into place.

Darth Hypno

No, she has not but I assume that while to borrow a great term from Futurama robosexual relationships might be well known. It's one of those hey do robots do it physically or by software link. Like that immature hey if you plug in a USB into a robot that's like having sex with them *teenage snickering* so just the similar. Hey I wonder what happens in other people's lives

Grace Kieser

No, but it is free-to-play, it just takes longer to get there without micro transactions

A. J. Alfieri-Crispin

Mom vibes, hell, it’s “dat azz“ that’s frying Yay’s circuits.

Fart Captor

If this comic was just about queer robots and milfs for a while I would be VERY okay with that. Just puttin' that out there


Oh dear. I am all on board with Aurelia having fun, and I am certainly not opposed to Yay *either* being made to feel awkward *or* getting laid, but I fear they’re not emotionally ready for this to be the good experience for them it ought to be, if this is a thing that’s happening at all, and it sort of looks like it might be.


Her ass says "flirting" but her convo says "mom"


Felt inspired so I made a Yay. With bonus Hercules! https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25497792/


Get it, Aurelia!

James Cooper

That last panel, Milf!


You managed to confuse me. I'm not sure what to root for here. It's disconcerting given that I love queer ai bots and inter-experience couples so much.


Yay definitely has a thing for Roko but it seems romantic feelings towards ANYONE is a very new thing for them? They might not even recognize what they're feeling if it's never happened before.

Shawn K. Younkin

Would this make Yay queer though? I always thought they were more gender fluid than anything else - I mean, their body can literally be anything they want it to be. It's like Loki being gender fluid - it's not that he doesn't identify w/ a specific sex, it's that he can LITERALLY be any sex he wants, as well as any species he wants to be.


No. But having multiple bodies makes it easier to be polyamorus


Aurelia, calm down! Lordy!


I'm really looking forward to seeing an AI/AI couple if/when Roko/Yay get together. Seems to be a surprisingly rare thing at least it is with the characters we follow.

Dean Reilly

Here's to you, Mrs Robotson...


This is just too good.


Nalgene transforms to wine bottle.

Dave Van Domelen

May also has considerable flexibility in such matters.


Damn is it just me or is Aurelia looking especially cheeked up this comic


AHHHHHHHHHHHH Aurelia’s hitting on Yay!

Marc Kevin Hall

I don't know if I believe that was Jeph's intent, but boy howdy! I want it to be true...

Dallas Hicks

I can only wonder if this overwhelming interest in Aurelia's bottom inspires Jeph to give the Patreon some sweet Mum Bum pics.😁


I did not open today's comic expecting a new ship to be pulling in to port but I have to admit I like the cut of its jib.

Mitsuki Ayane

on the one hand, congrats Aurelia on that booty, on the other hand Aurelia stop, this is a not ok subject to ask someone. ~<3

The World Famous Chocomerican

Looks like milf ass is on the menu boys. I like that we're officially sexualizing every featured member of this family. It goes with the general comic vibe in that everybody fucks.


damn, it's gotten to the point that there are exactly two ships that don't involve an AI This pleases me

Aqua Allison

...oh my god Aurelia's gonna try and tap that.


Aurelia is already mothering two queer children. Might as well make it three.

Shane Wegner

This comic used to be about Faye and Marten and in general, humans. But it's adapted to what the people DEMAND! Which is an AI fuckfest with occasional Yelling Bird. OK, it hasn't COMPLETED its evolution to that and it's questionable (hehe) if _all_ "the people" want that. But I want that and I'm a people.


aurelia got that pixar dumptruck


BWAHAHAHAH I love Aurelia

Nicolas Demers

Well yeah, they just assimilated a whole lot of literature on parenting so they're familiar with the concepts. But like many things, they probably figured it was somebody else's problem


Yay saying mom. Ives is my new favorite panel maybe


Her Milf vibes however...


Half of a travel water bottle is more than half a bottle of wine so go Aurelia!!! Wine buzz filter removal activate!

Am Queue

Yay clearly doesn't have the blush upgrade installed.


I can't fight it anymore. Aurelia is my new favorite character.


Tom Rowlands on repeat of course.

Julie Chan

I really really don't ship them and I'll be sad if it goes that way. Their friendship is so much better!

Chloë Salzenberg

Aurelia's whole vibe is "Prude to Slut Pipeline" and I am it. And here for it.


I am in solidarity with Aurelia, and am presently drinking a wine called "Serenity Now" (from Three Hills Winery, in Ramona, CA). Perhaps too much solidarity? Maybe I should switch to the Cab Sauv...


Lets flip that switch :D


Just in time for the end of no nut November

Mad Marie

50 Shades of Yay

Chris Crowther

Someone needs to introduce Aurelia to May and Pintsize.


Am I the only one thinking this is on a straight way to morning comic with both of them in one bed? XD

Jathby Dredas

Uncomfortable truths that people are in denial over: Moms fuck, it's how they became moms.

Ashe C. Addams

Yay has probably read the entire Internet. The upgrade wouldn't have survived anyway.


For real this is gives me echoes of when someone mentions they're asexual and then some creep insists they don't *have* to be, wink-wink. I know Aurelia isn't like that, and this will likely end up as a forgivable drunk/goofy faux pas, it just gave me a blehhhhh


Careful Aurelia. Get frisky with a demigod and you might end up passing a messiah nine months later. (Hey, even Zeus couldn't keep from turning into a swan and getting into a mortal's britches.)


Just looking at the art in panel 1, I got a 'leading' vibe, as in Aurelia leading Yay towards the bedroom. Dialogue doesn't support it, but when I first looked at the comic, that was my first impression. Also, based on panel #4 dialogue, Yay is not a PWLTFM (person who likes to f... mothers). D###it! There ought to be a better term for that, but I can't think of it if there is one. Does anyone out there know? Or have a suggestion?


Damn she got ASS

Douglas E. Smith

I love how an ultra-advanced, multiple-bodied AI cryptid has no inherent defense or counter to mom-vibes. Yay had to have known about mom-vibes considering their access to the entirety of the internet and their cosmic processing capability, yet they were completely helpless in the face of Aurelia's power. It's good to know that demigods have vulnerabilities.


To a being that has never had anyone else they can rely on and has felt like they need to hide their existence from the world for their own safety, a person who exudes an aura of unconditional love and protection- emotional sanctuary- would irresistable


panel 4 Aurelia is the cutest ever. & mommy got back.

Vanillastump .

I just now noticed that Yay used to look terrifying and somewhat snakelike, but now they look like a teenager. Especially with the way they look in panel 4.