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Claireface is descended from Aureliaface




Bet Aurelia is getting a dick pic RN


I agree, milves is the obvious choice 😌


That's conniving smile


Milfen but perhaps that sounds a bit German "Die Milfen" 😀

Shawn K. Younkin

Devil grin Aurelia is best Aurelia!!

Captain Button

Regarding Aurelia in panels 3 and 4, she's right that him running off may have been for the best. While neither of my parents was awful, speaking as a child who was stayed together for, there can be a nasty unintended effect. I suspect one of my problems with relationships is that I don't believe they are real, because the one right in front of me growing up wasn't anymore.

Yelling Bird


Doug DeJulio

I hope she's getting as much as she's implying.


...should that be H. G. Wells?


I mean, the actual plural of beef is "beeves" so why not?

Doug DeJulio

Also: I hope we get to see her ex set on fire at some point. By Martin's mom. While streaming.


kinda shipping yay and aurelia but aurelia seems very into flesh men unfortunately


Did...did Aurelia just basically fantasize about Domming her younger self. That's sadist face right there.

Yuu Yi

Aurelia's face in that last panel, I can't describe how much I love it.

Dylan T

The fucking devious smile. Aurelia is RELISHING in the knowledge that she's a milf

Patrick Harris

aurelia in last panel = very grinchy expression. love it

Captain Button

Another reason why in time travel training they tell you not to sleep with relatives in the past. Including yourself. *Especially* yourself.


Wait...that isn't the plural?

Danny Beans

I get what Aurelia's saying in panel 2, but if that's the case it's probably for the best that he split. I know my parents' divorce was the best possible move, even if it took me a while to realize it.

Andy Sleeper

You are not alone in that history. Sometimes I wish they had split up for the kids sake.


I fucking adore her.




I wonder if Yay always uses the same body when they visit their meatfriends, or if they just casually switch them around.

Fart Captor

Aurelia being top surprises me, but probably shouldn't. God I love her 🥺


But Jules Verne didn’t write time travel. Am I missing something?

Darnel D Cooper

Yeah, she's right about Milf's.


Might kind of be shipping Yayrelia now...


So for all that I super want to see more Clinton-Elliot kisses, I am now also keen on seeing Aurelia with younger hot dudes!


Got the full Grinch grin going on there in the last panel.


Mothers I'd Love to have Variable Endless Sex? "Milves" works for me.

Sean Rotter

Loving all of this!!


That smile in the 4th panel is great.


I feel like the most unrealistic part of this whole comic with advanced AI/robots running around everywhere is that anyone would cheat on Aurelia.

Alan Wiggs

In my experience, if you're somebody who cheats, you'll cheat on anybody.

Thomas Halpin

Aurelia with that look like she just figured out how to silence all of Whoville


These two have such a great dynamic going. I love their budding friendship <3

Joseph Bonnar

Yay and Aurelia... Hmm. Can't find a shipping tag that really works... Yaareli... No ring to it. Can NOT ship these two. That's that...


OMG I LOVE that last panel! Aurelia has the best naughty face EVER. And somehow yesterday I missed she was drinking wine out of mason jar :D Also, totally shipping the two of them.

Nicolas Demers

Assuming more than one body is in Northampton, I somehow get the impression they casually switched them with Roko just to add to the thrill. But with Aurelia, they're using the same body as their first encounter, just as a courtesy.


I think it's actually a Nalgene bottle.

Ryan X

Am I missing a joke? Why is the title Jules Verne?

Mad Marie

Around the world in 80 Yays?


I think Jules Verne might be a "hot guy into milfs". He married a widow with two children.


Am I the only one sensing something between the two? Yes?


while i kind of hope you are right, i'd also kind of hope for it to just be a close friendship, they both need a confidant they trust after all :3

Stephen Wells

While we're thirstily shipping these two, here's something to reflect on: Yay is a virgin. I'm not helping, am I?

Stephen Wells

It was, until the alteration of the time streams. Which reality-shard are you in? Quick - who defeated Attila the Hun at Waterloo?

Eric Sieck

Wouldn't it still be milf? The m just stands for mothers instead of mother.


Plural the same as the singular, like cannon.


Aurelia possesses a most excellent smirk.


Everybody seems to think of Aurelia in the last panel thinking about hot young guys, lots of sex, etc. I'm also seeing a world in which she got some sort of surveillance photo of her ex, upon whom she had unleashed some extremely inventive vengence, and who is now very miserable and has no clue why. I'm thinking Aurelia isn't the type to need others to re-direct a decommissioned communications satellite on her behalf. She seems very capable on her own, not to mention VERY imaginative.

Todd Ellner

More to the point she's a grownup. He was a shit to her decades ago. She has more important things to worry about and isn't wasting any more time on him.


She seem very happy at the thought of scandalizing her past self


A very nice Grinch though.


that's what I was thinking. Then she got an idea. An awful idea. Aurelia had a wonderful, awful idea!!


Yeah the kids will turn out fine as long as you pay attention!! Sigh.

Valerie Kaplan

I have decided that the ace (or just Not Into That) version of MILF is MYLF.

Alan Wiggs

I'm very sorry to tell you, but that name is already taken by a porn site

Am Queue

I'm not getting the Jules Verne reference...