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The wine so mom it made the news




Sometimes it rains satellites


Drop a decommissioned satellite on that one ex who did me wrong so I know it's real


Yay looks so excited in the last panel…. Remind me never to piss them off.

Michael Boettger

So THAT'S what happened! Yay, you have absolute permission. Whenever you're ready.


Yay has quickly become one of my favorite characters.


Oooo, backstory!


Surprising no one that Yay just has a satellite up their sleeve

It's Lina

That last panel is the greatest Yay face ever!


Whoever could she be talking about?


I would drink mom wine


Omg Yay’s face!

Todd Ellner

Just hypothetically speaking

Livy N

This hits too deep 😓 are you going to mention the lifelong pressure from society and parents that going to college to get the good job is the only way to be successful 🥴


backstory! fuck mr augustus


Just to confirm, Aurelia is drinking wine out of a Nalgene, right? If so, damn, girl, that’s a big night ahead of ya!

Martin Zarate

Wine from a Nalgene is a mood.

Matt Grayson

Station would notice. “Hannelore, did you just drop a satellite on your friend's estranged father? Because *I* didn’t.”


All wines are mom wines.

Chris Heg

When you care enough to send the very best...


Coincidentally I’m listening to Recovering the Satellites from Counting Crows.


YAY NO¹. ----------- ¹: Yay yes.


At this point I'm more concerned with the fact they hadn't had an opportunity yet.


You don’t realize how perfect Aurelia drinking wine from a Nalgene bottle is until you see it.

Yelling Bird


Matt Grayson

That’s funny. I’m getting a message from a decommissioned satellite. It says “From Aurelia, with love.” Huh. I wonder what the old girl’s sendi….


I like how supportive Yay is. Even to maybe a slightly homicidal degree.


I love Yay

Dylan T

Usually I'm in the comments trying to be the voice of reason This time? This time I'm with them 100%


The fact that she is drinking wine out of a travel water bottle is the most Northampton thing I've ever seen.


I've always wanted to blow raspberries on Yays stomach...... ^_^

Fart Captor

I love Yay so much

Evgeniy Semyonov

Yay is a perfect embodiment of the dichotomy "Do I love them or do I want to be them?" (The answer is "Yes")

Taylor Kendall

Nagile water bottle for wine :chefs kiss: North Hampton feels kind of like Bellingham WA

Matthew Van Gangelen

I just assumed he was already dead. Best to make it official I reckon.


I don't know if this is a Dresden Files reference, but I hope this is a Dresden Files reference


What, Yay doesn’t have access to an orbital laser? Station has one.

Thomas Halpin

Mom Wine is hilarious and fantastic

Sleepy John

Antigua *does* get a fair amount of rain, you know.


Mom wine best wine

Grace Kieser

The proper vessel for red wine is a Nalgene!


Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours Hydrazine.


BACKSTORY! edit: + retaliatory violence + orbital bombardment! Trifecta achieved!

Edward Clayton Andrews

... i'm not sure whether she should take their offer, and that worries me.


... I kinda want to meet those backstory characters, but I'm afraid everyone would demand their heads no matter the circumstances, so it's probably better if they never showed up


What if Yay just... Safely deorbits said satellite as an intentional very near miss, and send a few 'So watch yourself' messages after


So that's what happened to C&C's dad


Jeff, if you were trying to get me to find Yay more attractive with this page you succeeded marvelously.


Love me some MomWine!

Clifton Royston

Seems a bit extreme, as there could be some collateral damage with a falling satellite. I just want Tortura to drag him back and kick his ass very thoroughly and publicly


Yay really, really wants to drop that satelite

Todd Ellner

My preference is something untraceable that looks accidental, but Yay gets lots of style points for this one.

Stephen Wells

I'm not saying that Yay and Aurelia should bang, but I'm definitely not saying that they shouldn't bang.


I imagine Yay calling in a few more bodies to give Aurelia the thorough ravishing that she deserves!

Mad Marie

I’m wondering now if Deadbeat has the last name of Augustus, or if Aurelia already had that name and the three of them all took it on as a means of disownership.


Like I know they're not being specific about gender here but come on we all know it's a dude

Alan Wiggs

Is that a mf'ing Blue Nun reference Always appreciate Achewood in the wild


Isn't that an evolution of a starter Pokémon

David Durant

Death From Above feels a little harsh - even in these circumstances. On the other hand, Yay has a number of bodies that don't seem to be especially busy at the moment. I'm sure 3 or 4 of them could make a personal visit...

Mark Thomas

I love Yay lmao


Shouldn't that read "The Vinodictive Type"? (hehe)

David Durant

Also, more drama that could have been potentially averted if more folks were poly...

Bruce Steinberg

Poly doesn’t stop people from being assholes and dropping entirely out of your children’s lives certainly qualifies him for that dishonor.


honestly im surprised Jeph missed, or chose not to use that pun heh


I am a little confused by the sudden brightening of the blue in the kitchen window. How long did it take them to walk away from the sink?


I’m thinking they all changed their surname. Kind of been thinking about doing that myself.

Summer Sudbrink

I'm going to be a little contrarian here and say that a makeshift-orbital-strike-of-opportunity seems a tad extreme.


So THAT'S what happened to the dad. Funny, I had my money on car crash.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

We already knew from Claire and Clinton's conversations that Dad is both alive and more-or-less in contact with Clinton. Claire doesn't have anything to do with him, by choice.


The Nalgene full of wine is upsettingly accurate


Yay's face at the thought of dropping vindictive justice from orbit is giving me life.


At the very least, more inconspicuous than a tungsten rod dropped by Station.


I am pro decommissioned satellite drop.

David Howe

The more traditional BPS approach is to use three satellites in a line...


I am picturing an older looking Clinton with darker hair and a shit eating grin.


Mom wine, like cat wine, but for moms.


Alright already. I loved Yay *before* discovering they had reserved a dead comsat as a personal nuke... Fortunately, they will see this message and know that they are loved. ...because of course they will.

Darnel D Cooper

Okay. 1. Yay,.. you are wrong for that. a. The doxie didn't ruin the marriage so she shouldn't be killed. b. I think a whole satellite is a waste on anything less than a city. 2. You are corrupting my sensibilities - I grinned at the thought.

Nicolas Demers

Hmmm since both kids look SO MUCH like their mom, I'm going to guess the dad looks absolutely nothing like them

Some Ed

Oh, between panel 1 and 2, we missed a two hour epic tale which included retelling a bunch of the stuff we've seen as well as a lot that we didn't - mostly about Claire's father. They left the kitchen and went upstairs, so Aurelia could bring out the baby pictures. There was a deep discussion on vtubing and camera techniques. They then came back downstairs, and various other discussions. So, to answer the question for real, Jeph cut us back in about 5 hours after panel 1, at a point when the conversation had just happened to come back around to what they'd been talking about before.

Some Ed

I'm glad it's not just me thinking that. I mean, OK, we missed the full retelling of Aurelia's ex's misdeeds that occurred between panel 1 and panel 2. But it's not like there are continued problems. Right?


By the time the dead comsat made it through the atmosphere, it would by reduced by the heat of re-entry to just be enough to take out a station wagon... those things are not designed for re-entry, there's a lot of thingummies sticking out and irregular shapes and internal voids in your average comsat. It will tumble and burn. It's not like mass driving a solid tungsten rod from orbit. (this was not an idea, Yay... Dont think I did not notice that sudden buy spike on Tungsten Ore on the Commodities market, just now.)


It took me a while to realize that Aurelia's drinking wine out of a nalgene bottle, which means she's drinking a LOT of wine there ( that's a 1 litre bottle she's got there, so she poured herself like half a litre, which feels like a lot to me )