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Super "nice"? I see what you did there Jeph. I see it.


I. Love. This. Arc.


RULE 34 always applies!

Fart Captor

Clinton is being such a good son here 😢

Erin Moriarty

This is the best thing you've done

Jaron Mortimer

SexDrawer69 is Jeph's self-insert character.


Poor Clinton, but good on him for looking out for his mother.

Scott Vogel

This is about how I expected this to go.


Bi the way Clinton, don't forget the other topic you needed to bring up tonight.

Celine Chamberlin

Just when I think it's impossible to like her more, she makes me like her more.

Cody Renton

I can't decide if it's better or worse that she can identify the artist by looking at the art


patreon.com/sexdrawer69 404's... but only for now🎵

Solomon Garland

The good news is, fanart of her avatar hasn't made it to the rule34 site yet. The bad news is, fanart of her avatar hasn'- *gunshot*


Did someone miss rule 34?


I feel like all these years reading QC were just fillers until we could get to this. This is the bestest, Jeph ❤️


Jeph these latest updates have me wheezing

Matt Grayson

No disturbingly sexy cows. I can click "like" again. Phew.

Ted Van Roekel

And the hits just keep on coming. Congrats Clinton, you and Marten can now commiserate over fancy beers about the pain of being a sex icons offspring.


Who expected this arc?!!?!?!!!


Clinton's chill-reserves are reaching critically-low levels.


Goddamn was I called out for my porn fanart


On a completely unrelated note... how do you feel about MommyMilkers porn fanart? :D

Anthony Gaglianese

I require multiversal access to this google search....for reasons.


I promise if you go to any of the Rule 34 sites out there, it's already TEEMING with it.

Kyle Major

It is good to be careful online, its nice to see him caring but life is life Clinton gotta let her live as long as things aren't crazy

Shawn K. Younkin

Clinton's mom is so supportive of people... she really is THAT kind of mom, it's awesome.


2:1 odds that SexDrawer69 is Pintsize's alias

Joel Bateman

I'm sure there is some real porn now drawn of her avatar.


Say what you want about him, but Clinton really tries to look out for the people he loves.

David Durant

Remember what Marigold was like when she found out _Sam_ liked video games. Wait till she finds out about 40k subs!

Yelling Bird



This is one of my most favorite storyline in......... well, a VERY long time, if not ever!


Jeph I love it when this comic makes sure to live up to its name

Captain Button

Aren't we forgetting who invented Quantum Fetish Mechanics? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=715

Jonathan SCE

Wait, the last comic said she had 400,000 subscribers... Unless he is taking about the number of people that were on the stream.


God I love this




I'm having some... complicated feelings about the Agustuses right now.


So I googled mommymilkers420 just to see what would come up, and there's quite a few people with that name. Prepare for the inevitable "how dare you steal my incredibly unique name Jeph! I know there were other people with it but I came up with it first!" Emails.


Dear Clinton: In all of your years of living around your mother, did you not have a clue that this sort of thing was going to happen, eventually?


"It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search" Oh, give it time, google...


I know it supposed to be read as Sex Draw'er but I choose to believe that their gimmick is a actual drawer full of naughty items.


*makes mental note: from here on, read QC and QC's patreon in incognito mode.

Dave Van Domelen

I mean, TECHNICALLY it's not porn of his mom.


Is this a request for fanart?


So anyone care what game she streams? Me neither. :D We need a cowbell emoji

Chloë Salzenberg

Clinton is shown having good priorities here. He ain't got time to squick when a possible threat shows up. Security Mode First. Secure From Creeps. (Bubbles would approve. In fact, I'll be just a bit disappointed if she isn't shown approving.) First check the locks, *then* deal with therapy bait.


he's handling this a lot better than i thought he would. perhaps he does have some chill in him after all.

Evgeniy Semyonov

It's quite probably signed. OTOH, he may have sent her his SFW fanart and she recognized the style.


Notice that he acted exactly like this with Claire, reciting facts to prove that she was endangered and trying to protect her. Seems to be something he falls into easily.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Priorities - straight! Everything else - not so much.


Oh lord I had only thought of it like a naughty nightstand until I read your comment 🤦‍♀️


Comment #s 1-68 were taken...


He should probably talk to marten about dealing with this.


I'll be in my bunk.


that blep tongue. omg.


What I find interesting is that when aurelia got into video games, streaming, anime avatars, a "rig", she didn't talk to her nerdy son who is into that stuff and would have loved showing her the ropes. She must have felt really constrained by her 'mom' role to feel the need to make this her own thing rather than something she could share. I'm glad she's reaching out now and showing that side of herself (even if there IS such a things at one step at the time, aurelia)


That's awefully specific. I... I'm probably going to regret asking this, but does the number signify anything special?


We were all thinking it


She earns $420.69 per month

Darnel D Cooper

Props Clinton. I always enjoy this protective thing he does with folk he cares about,.... "No Chill required" Now if only Marten could be so organized and concise when he wants to protect folk,....


Claire: OMG, you won't believe the day I had yesterday. I got three rejection letters and Pintsize pooped in my hat. We didn't even knew he could poop. Clinton: Wow, yeah, that's a day, sure. I might have a little something to tell too...

Dylan T

Jeph. Please. Show us mercy.

Ben Russell-Gough

Meh. I suppose if Aurelia is okay about it (I can see her as viewing it as 'part of the fantasy world' that the Milkmaids live through her) then Clinton should be okay about it. That doesn't mean that he won't need brain-bleach having seen porn of his mother's avatar.

Chris Warren

It's sweet that she's friendly with the porn artist person. Aurelia continues to be super excellent.

Dean Reilly

Safesearch on, Clinton!

Stephen Wells

The phrase "My friend Burger Oni" would normally be the weirdest thing in a conversation but is not even in the top 10 for this one :)


The internet is dark and full of terrors.


I get how uncomfortable Clinton is (I would be too), at the same time I am DELIGHTED by Aurelia's reaction, and how chill she is about it.


After this is done, Clinton will go to the bar and talk to Elliot. "I just found out my mother is a gaming streamer! She has an anime-cow avatar and threw me into her stream with no warning!" Random nearby bar patron: "No way dude, you're LilBeef??" Clinton: "ARRGH"

Matt Pedone

Will it be that dude from the early days in the trucker hat who wrote erotica?


I’m so NOT going to search “Milkmaids” on my browser. I fear the malwares would be so strong that would affect even my moka.


I'm still half-convinced that Jimbo got a haircut and used the money from his novels to open a bakery.

Ben Russell-Gough

JimRelia shipping! Jimbo as Claire and Clinton's stepdad! We all KNOW we want this to happen!

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm just wondering if Jeph is planning to test that chill by introducing Aurelia to the REALLY freaky ones in her fandom.


You mean "SexDrawer69 was still available", Jeph.


So, direct question. Jeph is this an oblique way of asking for horny MommyMilkers420 fanart?

Comics Ladybird

She’s aware enough of the issues to take more precautions than just “I didn’t use my real name!”, and she doesn’t live in blissful ignorance of rule34 fan art. Remains to be seen how toxic the community ends up being; if you’re nice to your community, that tends to build a community on niceness, but with, ahem, titillation and explosive growth the community may be less reflective of the person. At the same time, furries tend to be less toxic, but it’s possible that there is a significant no-furry component here. If I were Clinton, after this checking I would be assuaged enough to leave the subject be for the time being. Get back to being a calf!

Joseph Bonnar

Am I the only one cowed by this arc? (I'll go quietly now, occifer Raccoon.)


Meanwhile parts of Aurelia's avatar don't understand gravity at all

Some Ed

I've talked with at least one parent with an IT savvy child who felt the need to do some IT-ish things, such as getting their own rig, setting up cameras for streaming from multiple viewpoints (selectible with the flick of a button), getting into particular video games where they're unlikely to encounter their child, but likely to learn the motor coordination necessary to play their child's preferred games, getting avatars , and social media accounts and stuff, specifically without involving their child, as a way to showing themselves that they haven't become their child's shadow (but *could* drop into that role in a moment's notice if their child needed them to.)

Some Ed

That's odd. I hadn't even *thought* of Jimbo as a precursor to Jim until you mentioned this. ... I guess that marriage suddenly makes more sense now.

Some Ed

Back in around 1990, when I first got onto a MUD, I found out about the bounce command, and thought it was kind of fun. After a while, someone suggested that I was bouncy, and later on started using that as my user name on MUDs. Years later, I got on IRC for the first time. I tried to set my nick to bouncy, but it was taken. I tried bouncy1, and that was taken, too. So was bouncy2. About then, my roommate invited me to a channel, so I went over there. Almost immediately, I saw a comment from bouncy69. I thought, "Wow, there are a lot of bouncy people here!" I decided to skip a few more, and tried for bouncy77. That was, at that time, on that server, available. I was completely confused as to why people started calling me kinky.

Dimitar Bounov

Can someone explain why `bouncy77` is kinky? For my friend here who is a little slow...