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colossal psychic damage

EDIT: decreased the number of MommyMilkers subscribers by a factor of 10 for reasons that will eventually become clear



Fart Captor

I love Aurelia so much


I would 100% watch her streams




daaaaamn aurelia

Lana Del Prey

...Aurelia is making at least $1 mil a month?

Aditya Rameshan

This just keeps getting better and better, lmao


Wow, she made Twitch Partner.


"I am 400k subs vtuber"

Michael Boettger

I love Aurelua too, but poor Clinton! Although, it's kind of understandable, her kids have grown up and living their own lives. Better than sitting around, watching reality TV and drinking box wine.


Aurelia Got Invited To Youtube Rewind


400K subscribers, assuming $5 per subscriber per month… great googly moogly. Emphasis on moo.

Matthew Graf

Aight I love Aurelia even more now


My world is udderly shattered. Aurelia is a BADASS.


Don't act so surprised. We already knew your mom was way cooler than you could ever hope to be. ♥️

Raven Razor

This is fucking amazong


Aurelia is out there living her best life. 💜


every night i think about how you said "it only escaltes from her." every night I go "nope this is at the peak of what my brain can even attempt to process, no way it will get worse the next night." Each night I am wrong. I have no words. Imagine your mother assigns you a fursona and its a cow twink. i know understand the phrase psychic damage.


I am in hysterics, this is so good and ridiculous. I love Aurelia!!!

drone r0m-3

I'm more interested in the "why was she MommyMilkers420 before having the avatar" question that needs answering.

Dylan T

In today's episode: Clinton succumbs to existentialism


Better call HVAC as we have lost all of the cool.



Peter McDevitt

just wait until he hears about the Onlyfans...

Joseph Bonnar

Like any Mom, I think Aurelia has been wanting to get back at Clinton for a long long time. And now she has DONE IT!!! :)


My very important question is: How does Clinton's robot hand get shown in his cow-sona?


Nothing wrong with box wine would be my only quibble.

Ted Van Roekel

Clinton has got to be the mentally toughest person alive, because anyone else would have snapped like a twig by now.

Alex Kosnett

It’s cute that Clinton’s playing along with the bovine lingo.

Bruce Steinberg

Aurelia is amazing, but not warning her child about her sexualized vtube avatar before live streaming with said child is not the best or well thought out decision she’s made.


Well, if this is any indication of what it was like to grow up with Aurelia, I think we now know why Clinton has zero chill.


That's some funny shit right there. Killin' it Jeph, killin' it.


Clinton is having a day...

Evgeniy Semyonov

This arc would end with Clinton coming into the bar, downing a shot of vodka, and telling Elliott to go and have sex with him immediately just to set his mind free from recent experience. Last panel would be Yay calmly telling Hercules "...and that's why we probably won't see Elliott here tonight. But don't worry, I'm here to feed you, given that he is suddenly indisposed."




She's the #1 streamer of all time, everyone else can retire. It's fine


She has *how many* subscribers and she's still using **that** mic???


lol this arc keeps getting better and better

Shawn K. Younkin

I need to know what games she plays now!!


This is without a doubt the best plot I've had in a webcomic ever.

Simon Green

I didn't know it was possible to acquire lactose intolerance by reading the internet.


I get the feeling she does not make a lot of well-thought-out decisions

Yelling Bird


Mr. Ifrit

Clinton's just being infinity combo'd to oblivion by MommyMilkers420. pepeHands.

Michael Steamweed

"COW-lossal psychic damage"! AMIRITE? :)


How can such a cool mom have such dorky kids?

Thomas Halpin

I can get where Clinton is coming from. It's one thing to find out someone has a hobby they haven't mentioned. 400k subscribers isn't a hobby, it's a career. A successful career. Very successful. Like finding out your mom secretly runs a company that is bucking for the 501 spot in the fortune 500.

Hugh Eckert

He grew up with her as his mom. She has been secretly training him. In the Bovine Gesserit way. He is the next Kowsatz Haagendasz.


How is he behaving? He hasn't stated any opinions about anything, he's just voiced astonishment. I don't see that that's arse-ish behaviour.

Sleepy John

Some world level mind-boggling going on.

Kenneth Carlile

If this doesn't end up with Clinton having a heart to heart with Martin, I will be surprised.


My guess is a (male) ‘friend’ mentioned that phrase at ‘some point’, she thought it was cute, and adopted it.


If Clinton starts shaming her I am going to be Very Disappointed In him. He's still kinda straight-laced about some things, so I see him having to go off to process and getting told whats-what by someone. Oooo, maybe Yay?


“Lonely old lady,” my ass! Well played, ma’am!

Andrew L Butula

I'd bet that young Aurelia was a complete dork herself. She has chill now, but one of the reasons chill is a well-regarded trait is that it's a product of maturity. She's seen a lot, done a lot, and now she knows who she is. Clinton and Claire are still figuring themselves out, which doesn't lend itself to chill.


I had dinner with my 91 year old mom this evening. She still surprises me. Clinton deserves no less!

Livy N

Wait so are her and Clinton actually showing up like that to viewers?


No, I'm assuming she means 400k followers, 30k average stream.


I love how the fact that Clinton just smooched a dude he wants to explore a relationship with is in no way the most memorable thing to happen him this night.


Yes. Her webcam and his phone are capturing their movements and applying them to their animated avatars.

Mark Thomas

I think Clinton's Continual shocked answers as the hits keep rolling incubate that none of this was normal to his childhood, which means it's all surprising and drastically out of character for what he thought he knew


why is noone talking about Clinton's "gotta ... chew some cud"? that's some surprisingly quick thinking from him!


"Did you get a subscriber?" "No..." "Did you get 400,000 subscribers?" "Yes... VERY YES!" "Well do something before it gets worse!" *turns into cow*

Grace Kieser

You can get really good sound out of a lav for voice! She's streaming, not producing a show where she's using a whole set

Everett Bradshaw

I've been turned into a cow, may I go home?


Ah so that's what he can't handle. Mom Is Popular On The Internet.

Shane Wegner

30K viewers is incredible! This is easily enough to be a full-time job with a good monthly salary, based on even average bits and subscriptions. And I just know Milkmaids would be more supportive than average. Edit: When I say "good monthly salary", I estimate 30k average viewers would be bringing in on the order of tens of thousands of dollars a month in bits, subscriptions, and donations. The most viewers I know of on Twitch is kitboga. He counter-trolls phone scammers and does other hacking stuff, averages 10K viewers. https://www.twitch.tv/kitboga Pink_Sparkles only has two breasts, and her show is really about "just chatting", but they happen to be ample and are featured prominently on her stream and even in her ad banner. More power to her, she's leveraged this combination to average 5k thirrrrrsty viewers with 1M followers. If you want to see incredible stream thirst in chat comments, or just how ample I mean when I say ample, Pink_Sparkles is here: https://www.twitch.tv/pink_sparkles

Chloë Salzenberg

Clinton has trouble relaxing but he is Very Clever. Improvising uncomfortable conversation is a survival skill for people like him. ... not that I'd have personal experience or anything

Chloë Salzenberg

More like, he can't handle being dropped into the equivalent of a stage show at a furry convention, with his mother in a sexy starring role. Without warning. I couldn't handle that either, holy shit.

Chloë Salzenberg

Responses that range from highly amused to cheering Aurelia on remind me that a fair number of people have led remarkably sheltered lives.This is kind of like Hannelore's mom but oblivious instead of cunning. Imagine Marten's mom letting him discover *her* day job in a similarly cavalier way.


hell yeah Aurelia! use those thirsty furries to your advantage girl!

Ben Russell-Gough

Yes, Clinton, your mother is Internet Famous.


I'm shocked by how many people are praising Aurelia and putting down Clinton here. Setting aside the awkwardness of finding out your mom portrays a four-boobed anime cow lady online, imagine agreeing to sit down and play games with someone only to find out you're being broadcast to 30k people without your prior knowledge or consent. That's kinda fucked up

Brooks Moses

Aw, Aurelia is blushing! Why is nobody talking about the blushing?

Evgeniy Semyonov

I think something is going on in the collective subconscious - Daniel Thrasher just uploaded a cow-milking-themed video (SFW, but may require sanity check): https://youtube.com/watch?v=07YVqNyrWmQ I wonder who's next.


Zero. Chill.


I like how last week's events telegraphed "and then clinton came out to his mom as having a same sex love interest and his mom was super supportive", but Aurelia's fursona as mommymilkers420 is what is actually happening. Clinton coming out to his mom? Nah. His mom is coming out to Clinton. Also, I just realized what could be happening here. She's coming out to her son about her secret life after realizing that he's romantically involved with a dude.


I watch a couple streamers that have numbers in the low four digits for subs, with a lot being prime memberships and they take in around 100-130k usd annually (one of them is pretty open about their earnings and how swapping games cost them around 20k in 3-4 months). So subscribers in Aurelia's range?? She is doing very well for herself.


I think it’s pretty touching that Aurelia had a character rig ready for her son if he ever wanted to join her stream. You know she totally has one ready for Claire.


As the footnote says, this does indeed still not explain her streamer name.

Stephen Wells

Later, Clinton: "Claire, our mother is vtubing as an anime cow lady called MommyMilkers420." Claire: "But... I watch that channel during my special private alone time..." (prolonged silence) (thousand yard stares intensify).

Shane Wegner

It probably has to do with Clinton knowing that 30k simo viewers is in the top 1% of streams worldwide. A famous game like Warframe will get ballpark 20k viewers during a major developer event with free giveaways. 30K+ simultaneous happens on Twitch during rare, worldwide events, like the realtime streamed Nasa Crew Dragon module first contact with the International Space Station. Clinton probably realizes the magnitude of this and it's a lot to take in at once.

Shane Wegner

SURELY Claire would recognize her own mother's voice, 3D avatar or no.

Shane Wegner

I don't think Jeph will milk it just to skim some more creamy puns, he'll steer clear because that would be bullshit and too cheesy. He's butter than that.

Gary Walker

Aurelia just really liked nursing.


I have to say that what this is doing to Clinton makes this priceless. Perfect :D


Okay, what's going on with her right hand? I either can't tell what's in her hand or it's done thing I've never seen before.


Thanks. It's obvious now that I see it, but it being the same color as the glove confused me.

Ben Russell-Gough

What blows my mind here is that, of all things for Clinton to react to, the one his brain settles on his mother being a *streamer*. Isn't there anything else that bothers you on this Clinton, old son? Maybe the implicit fact that she's tapping into the fetish crowd to boost her numbers?


What's the official year QC is supposed to take place in?

Mike O'Dell

Proof yet again that hysterical madness is a communicable disease and QC is a superspreader. Just as the QC setting slides by our reality like looking in the windows of a passing train, QC captures a slice of the zeitgeist unknown to many and well side their historically accommodating mindset. It’s just freakin’ brilliant!

Salodni Ikkis

You're not necessarily a furry if you like them big cow tiddies, right?.. right?

Ben Russell-Gough

The time is always 'now', irrespective how far apart the 'now' is from the one a few years back. With regard to timelines, QC is set in an alternate universe where the first true sapient AIs self-compiled around the turn of the millennium and Congress passed an AI Emancipation and Equal Rights Act, granting them the same rights as any human citizen, in around 2010-ish. The Singularity, where AIs started building their own next generation (possibly including a pseudo-biological 'reproduction' of their intelligence algorithms) beginning in around 2015. Jeph has never said but it seems that Bubbles is a veteran of fighting in some kind of anti-terrorist campaign, possibly something historically parallel to Afghanistan.


I was thinking 400k subs? How many of those are not-embodied AIs? What are population numbers like?

Patrick Liston

Would you let your brain focus on your mother doing that, or would you prefer to distract it with other details of it?


Whatever time it is, needs to be soon. V-tubers AND posssible robo waifus? How can I hop on this timeline?

Lev Vaesinis

From indie bands to vtubers... What a ride...


Still can’t unsee that avatar :-/

Thomas Halpin

Okay, after the edit things are less shocking. It's less like finding out your mother is a secret celebrity and more like finding out your mother has a successful she side hustle doing standup comedy

Am Queue

Having 40k "fans" has nothing to do with 'lonely'. Nor does having unknown-frequency "booty calls."


The Road to Perdition is paved with factor of ten corrections for reasons that will eventually become clear...


The problem with The Road to Perdition is that when you're walking down it the camera moves away from you really quick but zooms in at the same speed.


40,000 subscribers... If that's like twitch isn't that like $80,000 a month after their cut? Holy hell