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the beatings will continue until morale improves




I just can't even...


I just became lactose intolerant. 🤣

Matthew Graf

Jeph you magnificent b*****d



Waffles the Mooose

I'm not sure why I needed this in my life but here we are 😂

Joseph Smith

I approve of this.


I have no words...


Oh my lord... I... I... Of course Clinton's mom would be a vtuber. *facedesks*




Jeph damnit I was just about to go to bed, now its going to be in my nightmares

Dylan T

I look at this picture and feel like I've seen something I wasn't supposed to


Jeph. I’m trying to eat here, at a Denny’s!


Jeph my dms are open if you need a chat x


Hey Jeph, thanks for this high quality patreon only content. Truly we are having a better experience than the sad website goers could even imagine.

gaijin 99

There is no possible way Aurela doesn't know what she's doing with that avatar. So why is she inviting her son into her kink?




Udderly ridonkulous... o_O;;


The entire previous 4489 strips were just an elaborate set up right?

Chris Keiser

Well SOMEthing is getting beaten.


...why? Nightmare fuel right there.


This is moooving.


Who's up for a random excursion into 1000 strips of da(i)r(y)ing in-game footage like this?

Ted Van Roekel

Nope. Failed my SAN check.


I believe you'll have to continue with the beating!


So when's the e621 username reveal coming jeph


So... will there be merch of this? A plushie perhaps, or maybe a dakimakura? Asking for a friend.


Thank you sir, can we have another?


Bleating will continue until morale improves

Matt Grayson

Words fail. Fortunately.

Matthew Harris

Land of ten thousand nopes


This is just getting udderly ridiculous now, Jeph. Moove on.

Bryan S.

My moral has improved sir, but you can keep beating anyway...

Scott Vogel

I wasn't expecting this. I am hoping for Clinton's cow model next. Just for his "Mom why?" look.


you know Jeph, if this webcomic thing doesn't work out for you, you could make a decent living as a furry artist


comparing your partron earnings as a webcomic artist to furry artists are we?


Raisin Bran promised two scoops of raisins. She promises four cups... Of milk.

Douglas E. Smith

I can't decide if Aurelia is a naive mom or a wicked but thoroughly aware troll but I am leaning towards the latter.


Jeph why.


Every other commenter is a hater #TeamMilkmaids

Joel Bateman

First it was hot humans. Then hot robots. Now hot furries? Jeph, what are your evil plans?


I think it’s admirable that every time we think Jeph couldn’t possibly be more of a troll to us he always takes it one step further. I can’t thank you for this, but I salute you.


That’s what we get for nonstop asking Jeph for more lewdness in QC. And frankly I think it’s what we deserve.

Molly McAllister

Curious why she went with the quad-stack instead of a single udderly enormous pair... I'm guessing clipping-issues on-screen.

Lyman Green

I bow to your superior trolling skills Jeph. Well done.


This was an udderly ridiculous post.

Rik Kershaw-Moore

that was one of the more disturbing images ive seen this week ... brilliant


Thanks I hate it. (Continues patreon subscription)


Sorry Total Recall lady; you’ve literally been one-upped.


Bestie I cannot emotionally handle this today ✋🏾


At least you've got something to fall back on if this webcomic business goes under.


I actually like this a lot in like an aesthetic sort of way


I, personally, am most amused by the millennials and Gen Zs who seem to believe they invented furries, boobs, and lactation fetishes.


To teach us that it's completely okay to enjoy ourselves and each other in whatever fashion makes us happy?


With so much milk available, how is it I am MORE thirty now? XD

Spoogle McGee

I remember the comic VG Cats suddenly disappeared. I checked up on it one day and the creator had switched to drawing furry porn instead. He then had a total emotional breakdown. Just sayin.

David Pipes

I can hear all the snickering that went on while you drew and detailed this, Jeph... :-)

Thomas Halpin

I'm genuinely surprised that there's nothing of this on e621 yet. I guess there are fewer furry artists supporting QC than i expected.

Thomas Halpin

Also, i like that the tail on this one is upgraded


Sir this is a Wendy's.

Jon Guyer

After that, I need to go find something decent and pure on the internet... like Oglaf

Gary Walker

Internet things.

John Smutko

I have not regretted becoming Jeph’s patron until now


Uh, Jeph? It's not exactly "free" if it costs me my sanity...


(Also, if the beatings continue it's more like "free whipped cream"...)


oh no

Doug DeJulio

I apologize in advance, but I'm loading this into that "wombo" app *right now*.

Merle Blue

I like this and I hate that I like it

Doug DeJulio

(Didn't work. The baby AI couldn't figure out where the mouth was.)

Michał Matyas

I miss the good ol' days when QC at least pretended to have plot instead of being a constant stream of weirder and weirder fetish art

LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

*maniacally cackling* I thoroughly appreciate the level of trolling on display this week.


Are there more of her? Asking for a friend :3


Eh, weirdness is the main reason I tune in. Go for it Jeph!!


I should be looking at cow milf... But I'm sorry, the comment reminds me too much of my fav youtuber, so I'm now thinking of an old gnome and warships... Damn memory association!


Moo-rale imp-hooves.....


This comment section is weak and would not survive furry Twitter. This is the tamest thing I've ever seen (Not a fan of the quad-tits, but I appreciate the dedication to the joke)

Bonnie Fiddis

Not that’s some “Questionable Content” 😳

Chris Gallaty

Don't care if it's the fifth post. This was the first thing I saw and it was udderly unexpected. (Scrolled down to the comic and got the context)

Shane Wegner

Sigh, take my stupid Tier 3 Subscription. Welcome to the character you'll always be remembered for, Jeph.

Peter Jensen

Now you're just milking it ... and I knew the moment I wrote this, that it was a mistake, but I have to get it out of my head.

Errol Lobo

I can't believe you've done this


Well... lotta boys in the yard now, eh?

Jessi Lloyd

So, Jeph is pivoting to furry art now? Not that I'm complaining, necessarily


Fresh-squeezed milk, anyone?

Evgeniy Semyonov

Well, their snake/mongoose/shark girls have only a pair of boobs each, so they're pretty tame, sure.


oh damn, she's a furry ;p and a kinky one.


Pretty sure most of her fans aren't milk*maids*.


I am ridiculously into this


jeph no


You mean “The milkings will continue until morale improves” 😛


She brought the milk to deal with all this fuckin thirst

Solomon Garland

More like free milf amirite fellas


Oh heck


Considering she’s banged a non-zero number of college students whom Clinton has at least has tutored, I’d lean towards being a wicked yet thoroughly aware troll. She’s probably has even done the hooters goof.

Mad Marie

Anthropomorphization is tricky...hooves in the back, hands in the front, human breasts, but doubled in number in homage to the udder.


Somewhere, Yelling Bird had spontaneously combusted in delight. (Unfortunately, he’ll regenerate at 12:01 GMT tomorrow.)

Mad Marie

Very important questions: 1. Is she a vegetarian? 2. How did she get the milk into those glasses so elegantly? 3. Where did she get that cute haircut?

Kyle Major

She is a sweet looking moma

Shawn K. Younkin

Which post was this, not asking for a friend... asking for me.

Stephen Wells

How do I upgrade to the Patreon tier which DOESN'T get this :)


Joke's on you, I'm into this sh%t.

Julie Scott

I did not think you could top Marten's mom being a dom, yet here we are. Also now I really do need them to meet. Also now Marten and Clinton can bond over having wierd moms.


Can we please get a full KMFDM cover of "Free Your Milk"????

Drakoo Dreamer

Confirmed! Jeph is a secret furry and this is his fursona!

Michael Boettger

Bravo sir. But we definitely need a poster of your patreon only stuff.


Patrons increase by 2000, and 500 furries suddenly realized they were furries.

Hugh Eckert

Soon may the UdderMom stream To bring us cheesecake made with cream One day, we'll connect to Steam To load our save and play!


Jesus Christ almighty!


Stop that

William Etheridge

This is bad. You are a bad person for doing this....also do higher tiers get the NSFW stuff like on Prywinko's page?


I keep having to explain what I'm looking at when my kids see what's on the screen. "This isn't what it looks like, kids. There's this guy on the internet called Jeph..."

Hugh Eckert

There once was a milf who got real stoned She went online and her mind got blown And then she made the cows come home So pull, my milkmaids, pull!

Joseph Bonnar

I am having SUCH a great time with this arc, Jeph. THANK YOU!


Morale: Still not improved, but it's getting there

Shane Wegner

Here's an ancient VGcats that is exploring this comics space. But this is like... 12 years old. 1 year= 1 century in webcomics time. This is like Benedictine Scrolls of humanoid anthropomorphic cow milk representation: https://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=134 Edit: Did I say 12 I MEANT SEVENTEEN.

Shane Wegner

Don't think I haven't noticed that the splotch nearest her heart is shaped like a heart. I noticed.

Darnel D Cooper

It occurs to me that in this world,.. an AI could see this and decide to have a frame built to these specs. (Imagining the AI knocking on Clintons door,...... (His mom wouldn't sweat it,....)


Jeph Jaques, you'll pay for your crimes one day! In the meantime, I'll pay for your crimes monthly.


The law of averages dictates that there is a very good chance someone has done a spit-take while drinking milk when they opened their browser and saw this. My one comfort is knowing that it wasn't me.

Livy N

Why was I udderly not surprised to find this in my email today


...I become increasingly terrified I'm the only person in this comment section to have actually seen Hololive.

Anthony Gaglianese

Roll for Fortitude. 2. Welp, I'm just going to prep my local mental health clinic. They're never going to believe this. Jeph, you'll be a reference for me, right?


People on the website have no idea what goes on behind the Patreon paywall.


Crotchboobs or GTFO!


"I hope this doesn't awaken something in me..." Oh who am I kidding?


so mayn people discovered a new fetish thanks to this pic. this is your legacy Jeph.


Because of scrolling, I saw this before I saw the comic. I was well confused. Actually, I can’t say I am any less confused now.


TIL about a website. To think I'd just thought FA was the main place for that kinda thing


TIL: VGCats gets updated once a year now - I had totally given up on it...


Well, my idea of a virtual YouTuber is what Ami Yamato does - certainly not big $$$ business...

Yonatan Zunger

I don't know what it says about me that my thoughts immediately went to: "Well, she has cloven hooves, but she also has paws. Is she kosher?"

Nicholas Kratzer

This is a surreal and bizarre turn I didn't expect from QC, and I am all for it! I am loving every second of this.

Nicholas Kratzer

Good question. I think so, as I don't think creatures with paws are explicitly forbidden, so she would just be considered an animal with cloven hooves. If she had both cloven and uncloven hooves, that's when the question might get tough

Kyle Rudy

I just can't stop laughing.

Penny Gotch

Terrific art, but incredible cursèd. Thank you.


Google: how do I delete other people's posts


That moment when QC blends in with the furry content I back...


I'm not sure how I feel about this


I guess a new "Rule of the Internet" is that every digital artist will eventually do something furry. Though I guess we crossed that bridge at 1526. 😆


Also, my roommate has a visceral distaste for the term Mommy Milkers which made the reactions to the new Resident Evil thing horrible... Yes, I shared this week's comics with her. 😈


Now this is truly making me feel like a patron of the arts.


I'm dying XD

Matthew Van Gangelen

It suddenly occurred to me that if this individual actually existed she would suffer from debilitating back pain her whole life.


we hates you, jeph jacques

Grace Kieser

Thank you, sir. May I have another?


I initially hated the term mummy milkers, but this comic is making me warm to it!


I joined your Patreon for this. To put it mildly, it did not disappoint.


If these are the beatings, I'm going to lie about my morale


I hadn't read the comic in a few days and then This arrived in my inbox. I was so confused hahaha


This is a sin. A dark and terrible sin. What hell has the careless hand of man unleashed.

Yelling Bird


Ben French



Honestly I unironically love that she went for the quadraboob If you are gonna be a Mommy Milkers cow, at least have an udder lol


Welp, I’ll be able to sleep well tonight. No way my nightmares top this...


Four glasses of milk, four.....thirsty guys off to the side. ^_^


I've always known I was fur-curious ever since Disney's Robinhood. Also, Gadget.

Jeff Brown

Bwahaha! Perfect.


Am I the only one thinking Rule 34 are gonna have an absolute field day with this? Wait... field day... hehehehehe...


Wait, are we 100% sure this isn't Oglaf? (I like it)


I find this after just watching Greasy Tales “What if your mom was an anime”.


What was the name of the minotaur's mother in Greek myth again? The one who had a cow suit built so she could get down with the king's prize bull? This stuff is as old as humanity.




Aaand now that song is suck in my head, thanks Jeph..

Jeff W

Does the computer that renders the avatar's clothing have a shorts circuit?


Welp. Guess I have a new fetish. Thanks. I hate it.


doja cat 2.0


oh dear


Well, darn it. I think bleatings was funnier but that would imply sheep fetish.


Jeph's making jokes, but I wouldn't say there could never been a "So I married a cow." Anime.


my god


DAMMIT BONER!!! We are not doing this! ......>sigh<..... Fine we will do this when I get home from work,


I signed up for this...literally.

Kyle Rudy

Say what you will, HER outfit has POCKETS.


If the pockets aren't sticking out the bottom, the shorts are too long.