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what about dancing, is dancing complicated




Asking the serious questions.

Michael Boettger

Oh my god! Bubble's face in panel 4!


So pure 🥰


Shipwreck avoided!


I love Bubbles trying and failing to anticipate his course of conversation twice.


missing a 'c' in significance in panel 2


I love them both.

Grace Kieser

Today we learned that Clinton is as much a cinnamon bun as Elliot


I applaud him for not saying “asking for a friend”

Michael Boettger

And Clinton pulling on his shirt collar indicates he realized where this could lead. And beat a hasty retreat.


holding hands is tricky, smooching involves a lot of lifting, and banging is fine cause everythings the same height laying down! SOURCE im 6'9


Awwww... so sweet!


Asking for the benefit of his own friendly giant!!


That's an interesting and cute facial expression from Bubbles in panel 4


Oh clinton you sweet pure boy <3

Kyle Major

That question may be more selfish due to his own love life

Captain Button

When you hug them, you can rest your chin on the top of their head. But probably shouldn't.

Alcaria Swain

This comic makes my heart glad


This might get Bubbles wondering if Clinton is talking about a tall AI... May? Crushbot?

Doug DeJulio

Oh man, I've been on the "tall" end of this. Don't worry, Clinton, you'll make it work.

Stéphane Lapie

(Slight typo: significane -> significance) And awwww.


Clinton, "I'm not pure! It's just... Elliott is so much taller than me and I don't want him to feel awkward if we... and I just wanted to know from another tall person if.. and... wait, what did you think I was going to ask???"




I'm shorter than my significant other, and they do this to me all the time. Frankly, it's adorable and I think it should be done by everyone who can


As a wlw, i find it less awkward than similar heights since it reduces the amount of boob tetris you have to play when making out.


i'm pretty sure she knows about Elliot.


See, now I imagine May wanting to ask a "physical" question about Faye and Bubbles that ends up with May needing body repairs...

Yonatan Zunger

I am now totally imagining two people making out with Korobeiniki playing in the background. Or maybe "A complete history of the Soviet Union, sung to the melody of Tetris."

Todd Ellner

Pure. Definitely pure.


Oh wait!! Bubs & Elliott are thr same height!

Captain Button

Somewhere, Pintsize feels frustrated outrage and does not know why.

Katrina Urmson

OMG Bubbles face!!! ❤️❤️❤️


My dreamship...is....setting sail!!! 💕💕💕😁


So much squeee


Ooooo they're gonna get together

Mad Marie

Welllll let’s just say that hitting one’s head repeatedly on the headboard can be a real mood killer...

Ted Van Roekel

As a 6'3" mountain of humanity who has dated two women in the the barely 5 foot range, it is indeed a tricky and often uncomfortable conundrum. Though not, obviously, insurmountable.

Dean Reilly

True fact: when they were making The X-Files, Gillian Anderson would have to stand on a box during her scenes with David Duchovny due to the difference in their heights. Perhaps Clinton could look into a similar solution?

Dylan T

I can feel that look from panel 3 *burning through the fourth wall*

Mad Marie

As one who has never managed to date anyone taller than my nose, I have always been curious about the other side of things. #littlespoonenvy


He knows that there’s a golden opportunity for a crass joke and that he’s missing it.

Danya Michael

No, Bubbles, that was exactly what he wanted to ask, for a VERY specific reason. :3


I'm 6'1 and I have dated someone who was literally short enough that the top of his head didn't even reach my chest. It's only awkward the first month or two then it just felt normal and natural. Of course, if he wanted to the "big spoon" it was a bit funny but that was it.


ohhhhhhh *honey*

Simon Green

Not having to *try* in order to smoosh your face into boobs would be great!

Simon Green

Also true fact: teenage me spent a loooooooot of time thinking about Scully.


That was so sweet


I feel like Claier is squeeeing harder than ever rn out of nowhere and she doesn't even know why.


Is it just me or does that read as "dude" to anyone else? Not exclusive to dudes, of course, but I feel like the need to anticipate questions like that, & the ego to be that sure you got it right when you didn't, is very much a thing men do more than women.

Shane Wegner

B-but Willow and Clinton are about the same height ::tears well up::


I took that as him just still getting comfortable w/ the idea of dating Elliot, not that he was gonna ask Bubbles how she & Faye boink. I don't think he course corrected at all.

Shane Wegner

I’m now curious about the calibration and inner workings of Bubbles’ Impurity Estimation Matrix.


*raises the horny red card in front of Bob*


ok, that was very sweet in a way that I didn't know Clinton could be sweet.


Knowing roughly how tall Jeph is, I'm now wondering how tall his SO is.


This is the cutest comic you have ever written, and I love it. Thank you


Can Clinton and Elliot just be boyfriends already?

Grace Kieser

It took Jeph nearly 3 years from hints of Faybles to their first kiss. He's a master of antici....pation!


Indeed he is! That's my second fav thing about this strip. The first is, of course, Bubbles' face. <3




Oh please Jeph we all know Clinton can't dance

Hugh Eckert

For me, dancing is always complicated.


I was worried Clinton might be gaining some chill. Glad to see I was wrong.


I would in no way describe Clinton as "deft".

Daniel S

Oh, he's not pure of heart, he just sees an opportunity...

Drakoo Dreamer

does anyone else want just a dancing compilation, Faye and Bubs, Pintsize, Hannalor just doing some ballet, or Marigold just doing some anime dance?

Some Ed

Actually, considering that he's not the tall one in the prospective match he's thinking about, and the tall cinnamon bun he's contemplating being with would never intentionally complain about it even if it did turn out to be an issue. Still, I suppose, if Clinton's a long term planner and wanting to avoid possible waits in orthopedic waiting rooms (specifically spine specialists), maybe he is being selfish.

Darnel D Cooper

Sad that I'm not surprised at Clintons question,..... Sigh. Yes, in his own way he is "pure of heart" he stalked Hannalore w/o recognizing his hero-worship could be seen as stalking, He took no advantage of Brun even though it was presented, he is too much of a nerd to offend anyone on purpose, and now he is trying to feel his way blindly into a relationship. Props Clinton.

Brooks Moses

Well, yes. I remember a couple of people surmounting Bubbles, even. (And not in the way you and Pintsize are thinking!)

Darnel D Cooper

Actually,.. I think bubbles understands May much more than is openly admitted. She probably has a "translation program running to determine what may means when she says something. (Meh, why am I tearing up?)


Speaking of dancing, have we ever seen Faye & Bubbles dance? I mean if there’s ever a Questionable Content the RPG, we’re going to need some /dance moves.


Clinton, you absolute dork XD

Peter Jensen

"There will be no dancing". https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3762

Am Queue

Hi Doug! It's cool to find people I know reading this!


When I met my foot-shorter-than-me fiancee, I never once thought about this kind of physical aspect. All I could think about was how cute she was.

Daniel Blom Paulsen

The sheer adorableness of Bubbles's face in the last panel could power several cities.

John Ridley

I think Clinton is curious because of a similar height difference between him and Elliot


Clinton is pretty pure of heart. and still he's not the cinnamon bun in that particular potential relationship


Neither stalking a stranger at her place of work, nor “not taking advantage” of a woman who has catastrophically lost her home, her personal property, and her job in a single event, get anyone “props”.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

That face in the 4th panel is so remarkable because of the contrast against the sternly impressive face in the 3rd panel. Genius!


Well done Jeph that is the MAXIMUM CUTEST Bubbles has ever been in the fourth panel. Holy shirtballs that little crooked smile is so freaking adorable omg omg omg thank you for this blessing


Hi, tall gorl here, my boyfriend is a good foot or so shorter than me and it’s PERFECT because when we spoon our bodies just fit together and I wrap around him like a mother cat 😂


Pure of heart


Bubs is da greatest


I think less of either and more of "asking for a friend". :P


this is the cutest qc ever omfg

Maurice Kessler

That might just be my favorite last-panel of this entire series.

Comics Ladybird

“Asking for a friend. Well, maybe more than a friend”.


I lurk, I do not comment, but this was all the loveliness. My heart, it burst!

David Howe

From experience of having a much smaller g/f - it makes spooning much easier, and when they are sitting in your lap, your faces are pretty much level, You DO have to learn to take tiny little steps instead of great strides when walking though.


the look on Bubs in the last panel ...

Randall Norman Pick

Get used to kissing the head. Casual liplock is enough of a logistic challenge to stop being casual.


I'm sure Elliot could just do a deep lunge or squat for handy smoochin'. Assuming he hasn't been neglecting Leg Day!

Ruth Merriam

I could squee a thousand times over Bub's face in that last panel. Also, my 1st husband was over a foot taller than me. He liked to pick me up and sling me over his shoulder when I couldn't keep up with him. Smooching led to neck cramping.


omg so CUTE!!!


Yes, dancing is complicated!


It took me rereading thos because Mr rereading the whole series has caught up to Patreon to realize he's asking because Eliot is much taller than him. I'm an idiot