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be careful Willow




Willow is the opposite of Faye


🥰 yes they should be friends


The best way to befriend Faye is to admit that you're afraid of her. Good to know.


Willow is speaking directly to my heart

Lana Del Prey

Regardless of intimidation, I would take talking to Faye 100% of the time over hearing about Foucault.


Why do I relate to Faye AND Willow??? Oh. It's the boobs. But also, social awkwardness and then leaning into it.

Jaron Mortimer

Yes, be friends. Now kiiiiiiiiissss ...or maybe don't, that would make Bubbles sad.

Rob McBobson

I like how the robot hand is sorta synchronized with Faye in the third panel.

Dylan T

Faye no don't spook the cinnamon roll


If that's not pure sapphic conversation, I don't know what is

Andrea Andrew

Huh. Faye is wearing overalls that she’s unbuttoned. Bubbles, you sly dog.


Is it just me, or does the robot arm have a penis for a thumb?


Barrette, barrette, barrette, barrette. Bob happy.

Mandy Hoskins

Faye has a +10 to Intimidation.


god mood

Shawn K. Younkin

I appreciate the amount of boob in this comic.


I love the side comment about Foucault in the first panel.


The robot hand is gesturing--is it semisentient, like Clinton's?


Faye's missing her scar... Unless it's lower than I remember?

Dean Reilly

Robot arm acts as a silent Greek chorus throughout.

Emma Humphries

I think that's Ahnold's thumbs up as he's lowered into the furnace at the end of T2.

Captain Button

Is it rude to point if it isn't your finger?

Sleepy John

I've got a robot hand, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Sleepy John

I wonder if Clinton noticed she's left?


Long lost twin sisters?


Yeah, I think it's just below the top of that top.


Robot hand is controlled by Faye


I wonder if the hand has a name. And what pronouns I should use for it. And what is it's backstory?


I’m in thicc heaven.


There's a lot of curve in those frames... I wonder if JJ is going to figure out how to get Willow, Faye, Bubbles, Brun, Renee, Marigold, and Tai into one frame. We haven't seen Marigold in a while and WHERE TF is Millie!


Willow is doing fine

Simon Green

Remember kids: you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose. Not even with a detached robot arm weirdly in sync with your conversation.

Darnel D Cooper

(smiling - up from the gutter - I'm allowed, folk are supposed to find others attractive,) On a more serious note, Faye has changed an awful lot from when I first read her,... I'm thinking getting off the Booze and being with Bubbles is supposed to be the catalyst - (Sez Capn Obvious.)


Did you name Willow solely for the purpose of the pun? If so, good job! 😂


What Happened to Faye's scar? Did I miss something or did Jeph stop drawing it at some point?


I’d be intimidated too! Faye was armed!


Well he has drawn a lot of comics maybe he forgot? I have heard of whole character being forgotten about by the author in manga before. You don’t even see Martin and pintsize hanging out anymore

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

Ah, the last two comics have been a nice reminder that I would never develope a friendship with someone like Faye. :)


Faye may be armed, but she's outboobed by Willow. Did Faye have a reduction?

John Ridley

I wanna know what makes the arm move. Is Clinton still controlling it wirelessly? Is it semi autonomous? Is Faye manipulating it somehow?


I’m liking Willow, but I’m also getting Emily vibes from her, and I miss Emily!


Willow almost looks like she's sweating a bit in that last panel. :P

Joseph Bonnar

And Faye with, of course, her permanent sex hair. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3798


I'm sorry Jeph but I really don't like Willow. She feels super forced into the cast and she's honestly kind of creepy about Elliot and Clinton.


I think it shows a lot of maturity on Faye's part that she isn't using that robot hand to give the finger.