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will QC outlive the United States Government? We'll see I guess!!!



Joseph Bonnar

Bubbles is THE conflict resolver!

Spoogle McGee

Can't crush them eyebrows though.


Is the last panel a reprint?

Joseph Bonnar

Um, did I just get the first comment? On THIS page? That's never happened to me before.

Celine Chamberlin

Forget the government. I just want to live in the QC universe.


C'mon, Faye. She's trying!

Michael Boettger

Well, the QC universe does seem like a more rational, kinder, and fairer universe than ours right now.

Joseph Bonnar

If this seems familiar, that's because I believe it is one of those that Jeph put up as video draws for us patrons.

Joseph Bonnar

I'm praying things improve, and working as best I can to HELP them get better.

Joseph Bonnar

I agree, May is trying. Very, very trying. :) (I'll go quietly now, occifer Raccoon.)


Another benefit of living in Canada


For real. Sign me up for the QC universe

Joseph Bonnar

That's kind of a low bar, the third circle of Hell seems to be more rational, kinder, and fairer right now.


I'd put my money on QC


It's been a bit, and I'm still not past how tall May is now

Darnel D Cooper

May does deserve better,.... I wonder if Station needs another shuttle pilot? It's not a jet,... but....... Now there's a question: Can the AI control remotely other devices? Sync with and run like an appendage?


In that last panel. It says “muted” but shouldn’t it be “mooted”?


Huh? What's the problem with a little full-contact employee friction?


Bubbles as the Head Crusher from Kids in the Hall


-will QC outlive the United States Government? We'll see I guess!!! are you suggesting this may be the last QC strip?


So, you're saying that Bubbles will be the rare QC character not to work at Coffee of Doom?

Michael Boettger

I recall her doing some remodeling of the counter with the concrete saw once, does that count?


"Will QC outlast the U.S. Government?" Will see tomorrow what state the U.S. Government is in.


Six days into 2021 and this shit at the U.S. Capitol happens. What a great start to 2021. FML 😩🔫


You know how it is after the holidays... there is a ton of leftovers in the fridge still and you'll soon have to decide what to freeze and what has gone bad already. Eventually, it all get cleaned out... Hopefully before you have to bring out the flamethrowers to put down the Thing-wannabe.

Joseph Bonnar

She's no longer our horrible little goblin. She's now our own horrible tall hobgoblin. To borrow from Tolkien, she's now our big blue Uruk-AI.


Now kiss


It just seems 2020 shitfest doesn't want to stop and is refusing to stop fucking people over even though the new year has started and we're trying to make 2021 better 😓😩🤬


Seems the Stormtrumpers might be with us all year...


Man Faye really has a bug up her ass about May eh?


This may have come up years ago, do the square AI speech bubbles indicate the synthetic nature of the sound coming out? Like does May sound like a snarky Alexa?


That's the idea at least. It's one of the things Yay! has that differentiates them from other bots

Captain Button

The robots are practicing non-robotic speech for deception ops in the Great Robot Rebellion.

Andrew L Butula

Not really. Faye makes it about both of them, "we'd probably kill each other," not about May individually. There's a lot of daylight between having a problem with someone and recognizing that you can't spend the majority of your time around them for the foreseeable future.


"May IS insufferable in her own way" Yeah, teenagers are often like that. She's also adorable and trying really hard to grow up.

James A. Whitney

Actually, no -- for something to be "mooted" means it gets brought up for discussion. "Moot" as an adjective does mean rendered pointless, as Erin said, but as a verb it's quite different. "Muted" is the correct term here, its meaning again being what Erin said. For reference and further edification: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/moot

Clifton Royston

I think Faye probably has it right, they're both good people but also assholes. If they got peeved at each other, they'd both escalate it until Bubbles had to pick one up in each hand and shake them.

Clifton Royston

I don't think Jeph has ever said that's canon, but it's the general conclusion the readers have come to.

Gabriel Burns

Is May supposed to be a teenager? I never got that. Do AI's even have adolescence?


Is Coffee of Doom still open?


No, it got bulldozed and replaced with an AI coin-op car-wash named Scrubbles.

Some Ed

@James A. Whitney: Erin's looking at definition 2 of moot - adjective. That said, I still think she's wrong. Muted definitely works better here. It's also more likely to be in an AI's vocabulary, since software volume controls frequently have a mute toggle that one can use to temporarily turn off the volume, while saving what it had been set at to restore later.

Some Ed

I keep being surprised at how many people are surprised at the 2020 shitfest continuing. Was any part of the 2020 shitfest suggesting that it wasn't going to continue on 2020 December 31? If so, I missed it. Sure, there's not one but two decent vaccines for SARS2 now. But we don't have long term effectiveness numbers yet, and we have projections that 50% of the people will refuse it. Now, to be fair, that 50% does seem to coincide a great deal with the people who haven't been wearing masks, so they'll include most of the people who got SARS2 resistance the hard way. There's also the aspect that there's millions of people in this country alone with SARS2. That translates to it's mutating faster than ever before, so there's a question of whether we can vaccinate before there's a strain that the vaccine won't work against. Trump's been complaining about the least fraudulent vote in the nation's history since the results came out, so the attempted coop was to be expected, even if it is sad and infuriating.

Sleepy John

No offense, but May had better invest in a ball gag if she's going to let her mouth run on around Faye. Bubbles is VERY protective.

Am Queue

I don't see this being an instance of May letting her mouth run. The statement/sentiment makes perfect sense to me.


Waiting for what happens when they realise they've both boned Sven