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so cool...




May has a point, Faye & Bubbles. If Sam wants to know, let her know.


What? Is she supposed to lie?


So cool!


Let those in glass houses throw no stones...


The thing is, it *really* is cool. :D

Spoogle McGee

Fun Fact: The first aeroplane constructed in Ireland was called the "Mayfly". It's also the first plane design and construction credited to a woman.

Michael Boettger

That look from the two on the right. Please refrain from glamorizing any of this to Sam. Have Bubbles and Faye become Sam's aunties?


Bubs with the *absolutely perfect* mom eyes.


No lies detected in this strip at all


Was about to say this too. With one look they say that you can and should tell the truth, but also realize that you are being perceived as a role model, so act accordingly.


May would still give up boobs for afterburners...


Cool like the wind blowing through your turbines.

Nicolas Demers

Yeah, and don't glare at May, she's already expressed regret numerous times. Glare at the kid who said "That's so cool!"


Of the individuals in this strip who most recently worked in illicit enterprise?


Bubs is exactly the mother that May needs. Steady, supportive, and fully capable of disassembling her.


y'know... like a good role model.

William Cole

Remember when Faye was the cool, dubious role model for Sam?


I love May's face as she says "I... wanted to be a fighter jet"


May uses the past tense because she’s talking about an event in the past. Perfectly legit. However, she does not say that she still wants that. Bubbles and Faye need to give her some credit here.


It might turn out that Sam is the one who is bad influence on May, not the other way around.

Darnel D Cooper

Now I wonder what May looked like before Robot Jail. Where is her original body? Who's wearing it now? .... Only because Mays wants are all about "bigger, faster, stronger" and she was willing to steal to get it. After Robot Jail, and folk treating her as viable she still has wants,... but has grown a conscience, and now needs some self-esteem building. (Sorry for the ramble.)



Ben Russell-Gough

From what May said to Dale, the chassis she was looking for was a self-piloting version of the Chengdu J-20 (with a made-up name, courtesy of Jeph). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengdu_J-20

Peter Jensen

She did not have one, presumably she was working as an AI in a bank system. She was a niche case, which was why she had to settle for the crappy body assigned to her: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4173


i keep forgetting she stole money with intentions of being a fighter jet. my brain always changes it so she stole/illegally aquired a fighter jet. so now here's the question, if you have enough cash can you just buy fighter jets as an ai?


so cool


If you have enough cash and know the right places to look, you can buy anything. If the question is "Could she legally purchase a fighter jet to use as a body?" the answer is most likely no. Aside from this issue, what kind of work would she be able to do in order to pay for fuel and repairs?


I'd want to be a solar powered blimp, can you imagine just chilling up in the sky?

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Actually, if you have the cash, (Or, presumably the credit) there is nothing preventing you (In the US) from buying a fighter jet. The weapons attached are a different story in most cases.


Blindfolded, with a timer. Field stripping and reassembly of a bot in under 2:30


may's arc is genuinely one of the most interesting in the entire series, and that's saying a lot given the number of interesting arcs.