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hi Jim




Jim is cool as hell, y'all


He's a good Dad.


Oh my god Jim <3


Proud parent ❤️

Cody Renton

I would watch the hell out of a horse trying to walk a tightrope


I wish we saw Jim more often. But then again, I say that about everyone.

Haunted Hermit

I have so much more respect for Jim 😃

Lord Crusade

If only everyone could have as supportive a parent as Sam

Michael Boettger

I'm oldish. Is this what they mean by "woke"? But kudos to Jim for being so supportive. And Faye, avoid referring to body parts and functions, mkay?

Spoogle McGee

In a webcomic full of sentient AI's and invisible animals, "Making money in a creative field" just shattered my suspension of disbelief.

Matthew Graf

Jim is good people


Nice to see ya again, Jim. It's been a while.

Joel Bateman

Jim is a good dad. We love Jim in this house.

Andrew L Butula

I love that the power of May's eyebrows can't be contained by her hair.

Scott Vogel

I am proud of Jim.


Panel 4 caption: Jim notices May's boobs.




OMG. After panel 3 I was expecting a strongly negative reaction. And then he's crying with happiness and I was too. Love this so much


The expression used to be "ELEPHANT on a tightrope". Then this became a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkYQnLoENY

Shawn K. Younkin

Panel 4 is the face of a parent who has just realized their teenager has done more to help people than they have... LOL


While I wouldn't' call it peak Northampton, I would call it peak NPR listener


Which turned out to be inhumane and cruel: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1326182/Circus-cruelty-Adult-elephants-forced-walk-metal-tightropes-Thailand-tourist-attraction.html Edit: Fix URL


I'm just now noticing. If May's arms are joined seamlessly then why does her head have a skin seam? Is there some Borg queen thing where transplanting the head into new bodies needs to be a user accessible option?

Fay Roberts

Managing to giggle hysterically while having tears standing in my eyes at the cuteness? Why yes...


i always figured the neck seam was there because of the steam vent thingys. though shoulder steam vents might be someone's kink, who knows...

Shane Wegner

This hard-bitten criminal scum can barely contain all the swears.

Joseph Bonnar

I wanna be a dad like Jim. :)

Dylan T

Jim is so pure.


This is probably why Sam didn't mention it, lol

Ben French

Jim is a good dad


It took me a long while to figure out a succinct way to phrase what I love so damned much about the May arc- from her pre-onscreen intro all the way up to now- but I think I finally have it pinned down. It's that when society and 'the system' fails you, *community* can still hold you up. Wider society screwed her over, but it was local community, friends, that eased her back in.... and in a huge impact, an agent of the system choosing to abandon it and help her community instead. It's 'cause her story is about how people, working together, can overcome a deeply, possibly impossibly, broken system. <3


Especially given just how badly the system failing her beat on her spirit- had her convinced that she wasn't even worth help.

Some Ed

We can only do what we can do. Our system is deeply broken, but one of the ways it's deeply broken is the 40 hour work week. There's studies showing that people are more productive with a shorter work week, assuming they don't work another job. This is especially true in creative fields, but it even applies to things like basic warehouse work, where the only mental effort required is remembering what things you're supposed to get, where they'll be on the shelves, and to where will you be delivering them. (I categorize the related 'who gets what in what boxes via what carrier' job as shipping, but I know for a lot of people, it's part of the warehouse job. But when it is, it's no longer *basic* warehouse work.) This results in a system where it takes about as many people as are in the QC cast to get one ex-con back on their feet, there are more ex cons per capita than that, and most people don't do their part, so we still wind up short. We do what we can, because we must, for the good of all of us, including those responsible for messing up the system like this in a short-sighted way to try to improve their situation in life at the expense of others.

Some Ed

I'm white and oldish myself, but I'm pretty sure this is part of what they mean by "woke". I think there's another part that's about watching out for yourself. While I agree that is important for everyone, watching out for yourself and others is unfortunately far too much of a necessity for the non-affluent, and being supportive of the community at large is not nearly enough of the affluent white culture - a lot of affluent whites do the exact opposite. I'd like to say, "Stay woke, y'all.", but I'm afraid it'd be taken the wrong way. I want to be supportive, but other people who superficially resemble me make that difficult.


Screw May and Faye. I want Bubbles to cuss

Shane Wegner

That would be an unacceptable breach of decorum and military bearing.

Todd Ellner

Soldiers don't cuss? Shane, what color are the sunsets on your planet?

Shawn K. Younkin

It would be hilarious because of how bad she would be at it... "Gosh.... darnit... Faye... Why did you have to play with the frizzled dang ball bearings again w/o securing the silly container lid??"


@Ed Grimm It's funny, I live in the UK and all the jobs I've had have been 37.5 hour weeks, which is normal here. But then I'll get a survey from Google or some other US company about working hours, and anything less than 40 is listed as "part-time".

Shane Wegner

Minor detail, did Sam actually agree to taking her on as an assistant off panel or something? Or is she just generally paraphrasing how she was hanging out with general well wishes and suggestions?


Neither; Sam offered May assistant work when Faye & Bubbles fixed her up a while back...


Here https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4131

Shane Wegner

Hmmm, yes that feels right. I think that memory was conflated with May asking Faye if she needed any paid assistance and was declined in my mind.


If Jeph had the energy and time, he could write several concurrent strips with the huge cast that he's created.


Given Bubbles' previous attempt at "getting down with the kids", it would probably be hilariously unnatural. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3552


I think they are held in place magnetically. There's plenty of room in the mouth for the equipment needed since robots don't chew food. They're a blue tooth head-sit.

Chris Gallaty

Can she cuss? Given them a micron and they'll take a furlong...

David Pipes



If Faye gets to cuss, so do I.


Okay so I have a question: is Jim more proud of Sam’s charity or that it’s likely that Sam will follow Jim into being an entrepreneur and she is already showing Jim how good her business decision making is?

Clifton Royston

@Ste Saunders, Yes the US actually legally enshrines 40 hours as full time. And many if not most companies consider that as not including lunch time or break time, so you're expected to spend closer to 9 hours a day at/around work to get paid for 8!

Clifton Royston

Thanks for that link, I had missed that too somehow and was wondering about it.


The pessimistic version: local community props up a deeply broken system and keeps the society limping along without major reform... I love that Jeph correctly addressed that BEFORE crowdfunding the replacement body.

Some Ed

It's complicated. But something I've noticed: all of the politicians I've heard talking about how the government shouldn't get involved in providing a social net because would prevent people from helping those in need that I've looked into have not contributed directly to any social programs. Some of them have donated to churches, but most did not donate enough to count as a tithe. The legislation I've actually read that enshrines the 40 hour work week doesn't actually penalize companies for giving full benefits to people working less than 40 hours. They give the option to not give a lot of benefits to people working equal to or less than 36 hours and don't seem to be able to conceive of a work week that is between 36 hours and 40. I'm not a lawyer, I've not done an exhaustive legal search on the matter, my eyes get blurry looking at legal text for too long, the legislation I have read on this is far too long, and even at my best I didn't have the concentration and persistence to get through all that stuff. I've encountered a few companies who opted to give benefits to any employees working at lest 32 hours per week, but those companies were both local area restaurants which made "we're not completely horrible to our employees" part of their marketting. I don't know how much it cost them to do this.


Indeed https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4284

Martin Trebuch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 05:02:56 let's just say he's proud of her, no matter what! <3
2021-01-12 13:56:59 let's just say he's proud of her, no matter what! <3

let's just say he's proud of her, no matter what! <3