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Some fun untruths about Ollie!

1) he can run over 200 miles per hour, but only on odd-numbered days

2) he Knows what you Did

3) he speaks fluent French

4) his dad was a deer

5) his mom was a sawhorse

6) he can smell the future

7) when we got him neutered the vet was like "damn, nice balls on this one"

8) his ears are also wifi antennas

9) his eyes are vestigial and almost entirely useless

10) he's got a couple extra legs I think

and that's it for the holiday break! Regular comics resume on Monday. Thanks for your support through this shitty, shitty year. I hope you are all well and will stick with me as we advance into 2021. Maybe it won't be WORSE than 2020?  Maybe????





how do you know he can't smell the future? Any excuse for more oliie pics is appreciated.


His dad was a buck and his mom was a sawbuck?!


Funny thing is that's sometimes a comment we might make, but it's usually about the tiny dogs, and then the big dogs usually have Itty bitty ones...

Dallas Hicks

All the best to you and yours, Jeph! Thanks for all the years of entertainment and may this be the year the collective "we" finally smarten up and make a better world! 🤘🤘


Smelling the future is actually a fairly low tier doggy superpower. Most dogs can smell the future, unfortunately human language lacks the requisite olfactory vocabulary to communicate it to us :(


Take me to butt.church 🎵

Joseph Bonnar

Thank you for your artwork. It helped protect my insanity during this past year.


Some Ol-lies?


#2 oh no! I just watched Shut Up and Dance. (Black Mirror episode.) Don’t say things like that!


If #1 is an untruth, what's the truth? He can run over 200 MPH only on even-numbered days? He can run over 200 MPH on all days?


Here's to a less shitty 2021!!! 🥳🎉🎊 2021💩<2020💩




I'm confident the vet comment is true.

Ashley Thomas

i bet he does know what i did. i can tell. happy new year. i hope you had a nice holiday.


Hahahahhahahahaha! Woof


"well maybe it won't be WORSE" is word for word how I'm approaching 2021

Thomas A. Dennis

Begging your pardon, but how do you know that he can't smell the future?


Well at least he crosses his paws when he lies, so it’s ok (and adorable!)


Fact about my cat: when we brought him in for the check-up pre-neuter, the first words out of the vet's mouth, when he walked in the door, was "whoa, look at the pair on him!" And then he reached out to play with them!


I wonder if the "Ollie Lies" version of Ollie would be friends with Khoshekh.

Hugh Eckert

Dog lies are the best lies.


Having been a reader since 2007 and never chatting (an LTWFTW), nice balls on this one indeed. Love your work Jeph, keep it up and hope you're also healthy and well this year and the next.


Keep it up bro, the nicotine train is hard to get off of, but you did it! I've got a baby on the way, so I am trying, and it is damn near impossible. So from us still trying, keep it up.


Happy new year Jeph!

Captain Button

What is next? Ollie Myths, or Ollie Legends?


I sure hope 2021 is better. Happy New Year, y'all!


Happy new year, thanks for the stable source of joy throughout this year. :)

Vik M.

Do Not Tempt 2021


Dogs and other things that look like Ollie


Most of these are relatable, particularly #6 & 9 (nice)

Ísabel Pirsic

I say 6,8 & 10 are fake untruths


So long as he does know what I did last summer, we’re good...