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Alexa, play Gin Blossoms.

Eric Sieck

Neither Bubbles nor Faye think May is being sincere? I kind of hate this side of them.


Question, how is having a hint of jealousy “adorable?”

Joel Bateman

Beefbot seems like such a nice person.

Alacrity Fitzhugh

You can't give a proper noogie without a choke-hold first.

LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

I think Bubbles believes May is being sincere but is picking up on one of May’s insecure undercurrents. Faye could go either way but she’s coming from the perspective of “this is going to make Sam harder to keep in line.”

Michael Boettger

What is Faye's deal here? We've seen Faye as the charming drunk, as the survivor, as the rock bottom drunk, who came back, who finally found acceptance and love from an unexpected source. Now, she's being a bitter jealous shit. Is she threatened by Sam, because Sam is doing art, and she's not?



Alacrity Fitzhugh

A twinge of unconscious jealousy is normal. Plus, this is New May, who is just evolving. They expect Old May.


How is it that Jeph can keep coming up with fun character storylines that I totally can't wait to read?


That skeleton has a real R. Crumb “Keep on Trucking’” attitude to it.

Joseph Bonnar

Welcome back, Jeph. :)

Summer Sudbrink

I worry the rapid decline of the spray fad is going to be very hard on Sam.


What, a tattoo of Sam as a smoke machine?


Is this like Social Distortion but with a snake instead of a cocktail? I like it


Delts and lats and delts and lats and delts and lats and...

Melissa Smits

I think one of the successes of CoD is/was that it was a space for everyone (not always positive in the case of Faye, which Dora acknowledged). Maybe Union Robotics is becoming Sam's space and will become that for more artists and inventors. Also I wish Faye would make some fun machines of her own (possibly a challenge because they're specializing and also their income is sporadic). It's one of the best storylines going at the moment!


I have two comments for this strip. Sadly, May and Bubbles already said them so I have nothing to add. Let' me just note that I know a badass snake when I see one, and this, right there, is it.


Two questions. How did we get from comic 4425 to 4431? I thought the skeleton was going to ride a big snake? Not a snake riding on a skeleton.

Darnel D Cooper

I'm waiting for their first major rebuild,...... among other things. There are hints of a ,... blurring between Robots and Standard humans.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-10 18:59:26 That's the “flippin' it” May refers to.
2021-01-03 17:46:23


Jeph must be including last weeks comics in the count...


Yeah, Jeph ran the "Bad Comics" we got on Patreon earlier in the year on the website last week so he could take some time off.


Oh!!! I was thinking Jeph miss numbered this comic page. I thought Jeph's Guest Comics/Filler Comics didn't count towards his main comic numbering.


@Gereon Kaiping Thanks 😁 I've must of missed that part in the comic.


If I had to guess, the comic ID is literally the value of the ID column in the database. So the joke comics would have to take up numbers. But that's a guess based on the fact that I'm a programmer, who really knows.

Joseph Bonnar

I prefer to take my information from people who are skilled in the relevant field. I do not EVER want to find out that my airline Pilot is Jake, the custodian, who was asked to fill in.