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Last time lapse video I've made for now, the rest of this week will be...something else? Ollie pics? WHO KNOWS



(No title)





These are really cool. Thanks for posting these.

Michael Boettger

May almost seems....wistful here. She really is working hard to get in people's (especially those who have shown her a kindness) good graces.

Yonatan Zunger

I love these! Watching people's process is cool, especially people whose work I admire.


Ha! Bubs, the nuclear deterrent.


I would totally be behind THESE being subbed for the early comic release.


Did someone say May pinup? ....No? Damn tinnitus.


JEPH, just take the damn time off. STOP WORKING. GO REST. But I wouldn't mind more Ollie pics

Haunted Hermit

💯!!! I have unknowingly looked forward to these each day... it was only when I read “last one” that I felt the deep seated longing of loss... cannot wait to see what comes up next though!


We’ve gone from everyone getting jobs at the coffee shop to everyone getting jobs at the library to everyone getting jobs at the repair shop


Those backgrounds seemed to magically appear at the end. Are they that fast to draw? I also enjoy the small adjustments you make to character heights, to get them just right both in perspective and proportion to each other. Cool!


Man watching these.... I just keep thinking of your work in the early early days, Jeph. So incredible to have been able to enjoy your storytelling over all these years all while watching your art just bloom. I can't even imagine how much you've learned about character design, drawing process, things like minding where the lighting is in a panel, etc etc etc. It's truly a privilege to enjoy your work. I hope you take some down time and enjoy yourself. Thanks for sharing all this.

Shawn K. Younkin

I love that even though May got a new body, she is still trying to actively improve her situation.

Hugh Eckert

It appears that your time lapse is infected with butts disease.

Leticia Sparkman

You can see the background in the ...well, background... fairly early on. It appears to be an already-drawn layer, I'd assume because it's a 'set location' in the shop that should look consistent between strips.| Edit: Having rewatched, that's true of panel 1 and 4, I think, but he draws panel 2 on the page, then puts in the background layer in the middle of the video. Probably panel 3 too but it's just a zoom on the doorframe.


Did Jeph say it was time for one more prolapse?


I love your dog and would love more pics!


Jeph right now: https://flic.kr/p/2kmGPX8


Dude, I fucking love this extra content, and seeing your process! It's extra super cool that you let us watch you work. But man, if you need a break - take it! I know creating is it's own reward/curse, and I - WE- appreciate the work you do!


Seriously, I have learned so much just from these little speed things. Thank you!


this reminds me of the ustream days


Love these!

Joseph Bonnar

This is great. Thanks, Jeph!


Thanks once again Jeph. Great stuff. Happy New Year to you.


Yeah, the timelapses have been a lot cooler than just seeing the comic early, but I expect they're a lot of work for Jeph too.


The most surprising thing about these is that the dialog gets put in so early in the layout. After thinking about it it makes sense but I would have guessed it goes in last.

Bruce Steinberg

I love that Faye grew an inch in the last panel! Also, Ollie Pics!!!!!!!


It can be pretty impressive how much a person's height changes with their posture. I also agree that we need some Ollie pics.

Some Ed

I've seen a fair number of comics where the dialog gets put in last. They tend to have some rather unfortunate issues. Probably the most memorable of those was Soup Comic, but unfortunately, that's not still online. I don't blame the author of that comic; I'm sure it was a frustrating and humiliating experience. It was a very interesting story, but the art was very interesting for the wrong reasons. At least it ended on a sweet note.

Joseph Bonnar

As for the rest of the week? We need more pointy boy!

Will Cuppett

The Pintsize Adventures Flip-Book

David Durant

A patreon perk that would seriously make me consider going up a level (or 2) would be one of these at 1/10th speed with Jeph describing how he decided to compose the frames and then talking through how it's done. I'm not remotely an artist so things like shading just seem like magic to me.


Having played a bunch of Hades lately, it strikes me how May looks generally akin to Megaera.


Thank you for continuing this webcomic, it's been a hoot and a half since I first found it!


Wait, does May have enormous round eyebrows?


Quick question. What's with the pink background before the finished comic?


These time lapse videos are awesome, thanks! Interesting to see how you work! (I've been reading QC for 8 years now and it's my first time on Patreon)


At a guess - everything is that colour before colour is properly added to the panels so that its super obvious if anything that was meant to be coloured hasn't been.

Maurice Kessler

These are wonderful to watch. I'd like to hear more about the software you're using and why you chose it over, say, anything else.