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xmas xmas xmas



Shawn K. Younkin

Merry Christmas Jeph!!! Thanks for making a shit year so much more enjoyable.

David Perez

Angry Orgy of Discourse would be a great band name...not sure what type of band, but def a great name.

Yonatan Zunger

I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who always thinks "Foucault's Pudendum" at inappropriate moments during otherwise serious discussions.


Thanks for great comics, Jeph. Merry Christmas!! 🎄


Discourse? More like intercourse, amirite?

Michael Boettger

Underwhelmed? Ah, can't all be about smut and diodes. And thanks for another wonderful year Jeph.


put the you know where in the you know what because philosophy is the art of the impossible

Frank Wales

"Well, we learned Foucault from that book..."


Triple X-mas. Nice.


2020 has been a dumpster fire,but at least qc has been here for us. Thanks Jeph! ....SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!


Reminds me a joke on Twitter yesterday where computer wants to raid data centers to seize the means of predictions. Which is a very high brow weather forecasting (or any other kind of forecasting) joke.


Bender: Come on, it's just like making love. Y'know; left, down, rotate 62 degrees, engage rotor. Amy: I know how to make love!

Dylan T

That....sounds accurate. Leftists are angry and horny interchangeably


Merry Christmas Jeph! =)

Joseph Bonnar

Jeph? Merry Christmas, and may the Christmas Koala bring you what you want and need. :)


Jeph, you are one amazing human being!!


I'm a cis white grandmother and QC gives me life! Thank you, Jeph! Blessings all ways and always!

Peter Jensen

I've heard the term conversational intercourse ... an orgy of discourse is a new one, though.


Marten in panel 2: https://images.app.goo.gl/55Vvd2vS9oSHkJ6s9

Trip Space-Parasite

I first read the title as "pendulum", but fortunately I realized it was QC and looked again. I was not disappointed.


I totally expect him to have some horrifying realization about sex and Pintsize.


So what I hear is that there's an opening on the market for a real horny book about ai and humans fucking. Call jimbo


Phuk the postculturists and marxsists...


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jeph! Thanks for being one of the bright spots this year.


Merry christmas Jeph!


Merry christmas, Jeph!


Merry Christmas, Jeph! I hope you enjoy your time away.


Merry Christmas, Jeph!


Happy Holidays all.

Nicholas A Wagner

Do not ignore the "pinch point" emblems on your lover.


lol i'm diggin the new dude. they're funny


for a second I thought you had misspelled "pendulum" but then discovered a new word I didn't know about and am glad for it, thank you.

Scott Kenney

Can't be sure you aren't trolling, but I'll bite: that's Marten and he's in strip #1, soooooo kinda the opposite of new.


I am reminded of the comic in which Emily has the phrase “barn fart” stuck in her head, like a bat in a microwave. I assume this was a similar situation for Jeph.

Am Queue

I didn't notice that in the title till just now. Skim fail!

Will Cuppett

Is it weird that I was kind of hoping to see them open the vault and there would be Emily reading a pile of books? With nobody able to figure out how she got in there.

David Pipes

I was expecting to see a comfy couch in the Horny Vault...


Wasn’t that the title of Alanis Morresette’s first album?


Pretty sure there's a shelf or two of human/ai porn/metaphysical/sociological/economic analysis next to where that book came from!

Quantum Cat

The conflation of orgies and squirt guns brings to mind a very particular toy . . .