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based on true events




It's like when someone says don't think about something

Joel Bateman

Who is this big old sweetheart of a beefbot?


A naked woman riding a sand worm coming out of the eye of a skull

Michael Boettger

Well, that's not a terrible idea. We're seeing a new side of May lately, and I'm happy to see this.


Waiting for the fan art to start showing up...



Matt Grayson

Based on true events.... Jeph, did someone ask you to draw a skeleton riding a snake?

Michael Boettger

And a standard skin tone pallette w/ pink mohawk and matching eyebrows.


Well, if she ever needs to get May out of some kind of hellish place, don't look back on the way out.

Evgeniy Semyonov

If they were co-creators, Sam could have learned a lot by following May's suggestions with "yes, and" formula. Like "okay, BLADE skeleton riding a FLAMING snake it is". But for now May really better be silent.

Thomas A. Dennis

Big guy with a pink mohawk reminds me of a City of Heroes character that I made.


I love this. I would love having a synthetic body and get cute spray tats that could be done over and over like a white board. This wholesome comic made my day better. <3


Now May needs a proper reclining couch to strike appropriate muse-like poses.

Melissa Smits

The classic Aphrodite on a seashell motif but make Aphrodite a Xenomorph

Darnel D Cooper

I really wish those books on robots were real,.....

Nicholas A Wagner

When I can get myself to create, suggestions are great, I can throw them out, or they may make me think of something I would not otherwise. Critique is important too. I like it when people say it's good, but when they can tell me why its good, what works, what does not, that is when I get better.


I’mma call him Roland until we find out next strip that it’s Fluffernutter Glorbulax


Yes!!! So very! I need to get rid of this MS riddled meat suit I am wearing while I ride my skeleton.


Careful with all of the speaking characters. You may get in trouble with the WCRAG (Web Comic Robotic Actors Guild).


Guest starring Jack-7 from Tekken!


I take great secret evil joy derailing great storytellers by suggesting my meagre tales.


Seems like spray customers trend toward a particular preference of body presentation. I think at least one other one had a similar pink hairstyle? They also seem pretty universally warmhearted and appreciative of Sam's artwork. I like the idea that the robot community has people who identify with certain styles similar to the human world, and that the wholesome personality seems to be part of the style. (Then again the majority of the characters in this comic are wholesome (which is part of why I love it so much) so I may be reading too much into it to think of that as a defining characteristic.)


Here is a story idea to hate : All the AI'S get excited as the first AI to gain sentience comes to visit and hilarity ensues, also the first AI turns out to be Stephen hawking's old voice program and has some of his quirks


I agree, Jeph, and this is why you should write an arc about how annoying it is when readers tell you what story ideas you shou...uhhh...wait a minute. Oops.


May would be the best* muse. *) You know what I mean


We are not a muse.


Now that's quite a musing, May.


Doodle the skeleton riding a big snake!


That guy looks like he belongs in Cyberpunk 2077


couldn't we just call him "Little John"??


That guy looks like Zarya's robot brother