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Hello friends! As you may know, I traditionally take the week between Christmas and New Year's "off," which in practice means running old Patreon stuff on the main site so I can use those days to build up my buffer. But that would also mean I don't really have anything to give YOU all that you haven't already seen, and I feel kind of bad about that? So I'd appreciate your feedback! Thanks! 




I think we all deserve time off including you!

J. Toufic Chahin

It's been a long year man, take the time off!


Take a break. Give Ollie some pats from us.

Darnel D Cooper

Yes,.. take your break,.. Merry Christmas dude.


Take a vacation! You need/deserve it!


While I really appreciate the opportunity to cast a vote and decide what you are going to do, it has been a long and hard year. Do whatever *you* need to do to be able to be in the best spot to give us more awesome comics next year! (Also, robot butts <3 )

Eric Sieck

You definitely deserve a break, but I really wanna see that very good boi 🐶


Spend some time resting and/or enjoying fun times!

Joseph Robertson

Take some time off. You deserve it.


Yep. Nada. Sleep!


aye, take the week off, and if you really still want to do something, just put some nice pictures of the doggo up!


Take the week off, my man. We can entertain ourselves for a while.


Only one week? Nah, everyone working as hard as you do deserves two weeks of paid vacation...

Rob McBobson

Let me be clear: You SHOULDN'T feel bad about taking a week off without giving us anything that particular week. You're human. It's fine to take a little vacation once in a while. Really, it is. :)

Patrick Harris

Take the week off! But maybe one Ollie pic? ;)


Take the time really "off"!


Take a break, friend!

Thomas Halpin

Relax. Take pics of Ollie if you want, don't feel obligated


Take the week off. But also. Pupper pics please!!


Take a break. You deserve it 😊👍🏻


You deserve the break!


Are guest strips not still a thing? I used to love those.


I was going to go with the "take the week off" option, but I always look forward to the commentaries on your comics, so I'm being greedy and asking for more! 😂


Take the week off dang!!

Gary Walker

Take the break, man, you've amused the hell out of us this year.


Now hold on there, Bobbalooie! One week is fine, but two weeks gets into withdrawal territory.


Jeph, you work very hard to entertain us and make amazing art. Take the week off, enjoy yourself, don't burn yourself out. But, if you insist on posting just one or two things over the week, post best doggo Ollie.


Take the week man, everyone deserves a vacation and some time to recharge.


I came here to suggest a week off and very glad so many others have beaten me to it :)


Take some time off, you deserve it! Especially in this terrible year


It's fucking 2020. Self-care is the name of the game. You gotta start next year off fresh 🙂


Take a break for sure but if you decide to post a few Ollie photos I won’t complain


You deserve a real week off! Thank you for entertaining us for the better part of two decades.


Bruh. You do so much for us all year long. Take yourself a good ol' break.


Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and take the fricking time off!


My guy, I started reading QC back in 2008 and fell off the wagon in 2013 when Google Reader was kill. I recently restarted and read all of the archives in a couple of weeks. I realised that so much of my music tastes have been influenced by you. Also, I feel close to your comic because I've grown in very similar ways to some of the characters over the same time period. You've done a whole lot. Take a break and do NOT feel bad for it!

Thomas A. Dennis

I mean, you clearly deserve a week off. If you do doodling anyway, that would be fun to see, so I voted for it, but I'm not expecting like a full-blown character sketch or something.


You're working hard dude, chill. Play some cyberpunk :p


I mean, I want you to take the week off but I won't say no to Ollie pics.


Dude just relax for a bit


Take time off... Or more naked robots


just try to not think about work at all. we're all here because we want to support you so that you *can* take breaks.


Right now, "take some time off" is at 666. The devil wants your idle hands, Jeph.


Definitely take the week off!! Enjoy the holidays, kick back with the pup, and relax

Nicki Faulk

Dude, take the time off. YOU DESERVE IT!!!!


Dude, take some time off and recharge your batteries. We’ll be here when you get back. Enjoy!


relax and spend time on yourself ♡♡ self care is important too


Struggling between take time off and ollie pictures.


Enjoy your days off. Thank you for all the free comics over all those years (I only just recently became a patreon supporter, sorry).


In the future, I would love commentary content. But you should definitely take some time *fully* off.


Save those excellent ideas for another time and take time for yourself! Everyone deserves a vacation after the year we've all had.

Brian Pickering

I said past comix with new comments, but... feel free to take a break as well!


It's Christmas. Year been hard mate rest it good for ya

Leticia Sparkman

I'm fine with you just taking the time off, but if you have some Ollie pics to post without any grief or effort, it'll keep the feed alive.


You deserve a break. We'll be okay. :)


Take some time off; have a happy holidays and a great new year.


Plan to take the week off, but don't feel guilty if you feel the need to sketch an idea or two. I'm taking these two weeks off, my first time off for non-family reasons in over two years. I have no idea what to do with myself, but I figure that's part of the challenge, to grow my life outside work, and get caught up on non-work things I've been neglecting. The thing is, I love my day job, and I rarely feel any need to take more than weekends away from it. I have a stack of challenging problems to solve, and setting them aside is actually difficult, as they energize me rather than exhaust me. The hardest decision was to leave my laptop at work, to intentionally make it more difficult to work. Just opening it at home would guarantee hours of involvement. Unstructured time off can be tough! But I think I'm up to the challenge... Edit: Typos.


You’ve earned a break


Take the time off! (Just let me borrow the keycard to the Horny Vault.)


Take a break! Rest, relax, recharge!


Self care is important ❤️


Sweden says you should take a break, play some guitar, pet Ollie, take long naps, or whatever you fancy. We love you.


I never get sick of angry bird just dropping f-bombs.


Just chill fam, you've earned it


I want you to relax.


It's been a bitch of a year. You deserve the rest, mate. Enjoy the week off.


2020 is insane. Take a break! We’ll all be here when you get back ☺️


You probably have plenty of Ollie pix to share AND take the week off!


Kick back, learn to make glogg (Swedish mulled wine + aquavit). Bubbles could find the aroma -- stimulating ;-}


Consider it a week's paid vacation from your Patrons.


I'd love to see sketches and stuff but like, my dude, take the week off.


Robot n00dz aren't on the list so I voted for Nothing


Taking the week totally off would be fine, but also my heart won't let me *not* select the "dog pics" option.


Get yourself your favorite hot beverage and lean back - you earned it. If you really feel like giving us a treat, you'll do it anyway. ;) ... a few new Stelliferous-Tracks? XD

Karel P Kerezman

Dude. Take the break. You've earned it, I don't think anyone here would begrudge it, and man after THIS YEAR? Yeah.

Egg Tats

my real answer is nothing, but if pup pics are an option, well, I don't know that I can say no to that (seriously, take a break it's fine we're fine)

drone r0m-3

How about this: take a break, and if you feel like sending us doggo pics, then do so. But don't feel obligated to do so.


As others have said, this time should be your own. If you need to post, we’ll happily read, but your time off is important and you should take it without worrying about us!


Mandatory break with optional Ollie pix

Creepy Cat Lady

I wanted to say "Ollie pics" but I also want you to take a break, you deserve time off! If you post doggo photos I won't be mad, though.


Nsfw option was not listed, so enjoy the downtime.

Maurice Kessler

Thank you for asking, but maybe don't work for a week? We'll be here waiting when you get back. :)


Do whatever makes you the happiest, please.


Break. Obvs. But also all the ollie pictures in the entire world.


Take a break! Unless Kevin pics are an option, then Kevin pics.

Amanda Miller

The new commentary on old comics would be great at any time -- would love to see how your earlier work foreshadowed the current situation. (Plus, it would give you a chance to show off your brilliance :)) But you are entitled to a break, too.


Have a great break Jeph, we'll see you in the New Year. Take it easy x


Like most other comments, take a well deserved break and optionally share some doggo pics :)

Some Ed

But not too many. I mean, if you gave Ollie a couple pats for each of us, I think that'd be hard on both of you. One from each of us would probably still be excessive.


Be happy


Take a break! But if an Ollie pic or two strikes your fancy, I'm sure no one will object.


See you in Jan.


Really! Just take some down time. You more than deserve it! And thank you for so generously sharing all the brilliance you are!


For sure take the week off. But in the future if you want to run a light week that you don't want to take completely off, a "commentary track" revisit of some older strips would be awesome!


Since Questionable Content is one of the highlights of my daily routine, and has been for years, this week is hard for me. Since some of my other webcomics also take this week as convenient vacation, it's extra hard for me. HOWEVER, you need to take care of yourself. Take the week off. We'll deal with it.


I was gonna vote for just take time off until I saw Ollie pics as an option!! And how can I resist doggo pictures?? Just take care of yourself, and share dog pix if you feel like it.


I'm kinda torn between "Take the week off" and "Ollie pix." I'm gonna go with "Take the time off and I won't complain if Ollie happens to step in front of the camera."


Take time off. Personally I will just reread older portions and keep an eye on twitter for ollie pictures.


Do whatever feels good for you with no obligation :3


I was going to say just take the time off, but if you're going to offer Ollie pix, then that's what I have to vote for!


Happy for you to have the week off... Wouldn't say no to some Ollie pics though 😉

Simon Green

Have a holiday, dude!

Ted Van Roekel

Take the week. It's been a hell of a year, and we all deserve some down time.


I love the random button on QC, that'll hold us over till you get back.


Take a nap and enjoy holidays!


I too am in category "You should absolutely take the week off! But if you're gonna dangle 'Ollie Pics' in front of us as an option..."

Cynical Rhys

Just have a good holiday, I can live with a week off and you deserve it for the 51 other weeks (damn I'd hate to have only a week a year, we're greedy expecting that). Merry Christmas


You deserve a break too, Jeph. This year sucks and my support isn’t going anywhere. Take time for you. ^_^


If you have time, I'd love to see old comics with new commentary, but you deserve to have time off, so feel free to do that. We'll be here when you get back!


Chill out and relax, you deserve it.

CW Foxfaer

See you next year!

J Andrade

It's the holidays. Take a vacation


Try this one, The Professor's Glogg, http://www.brewery.org/cm3/recs/12_27.html -- The Best !!


Take a break and thanks for an awesome comic... although offering pup pics is entincing,but you deserve to relax!


Honestly, take a break! I'm taking some days, so should you! That said, if you've prepped commentary on strips you've already made? Oh I am INTO that shit


I wouldn't turn anything down, but a break during these times does feel like the most appropriate response. We all need some extra care, this is your chance to recharge.


The Chain Gang can wait. Enjoy the week off.


I'm totally cool with you taking a break. You earned it! I mean i wouldn't turn down dog pictures, but don't stress.


I'm on PTO but work keeps bugging me anyway. One of the hazards of being project-critical, I guess. I say, if you've got the option, just shut everything down and relax.


As much as I'd love to see all of these things. Take a break! You deserve it and you probably need it! <3


Dude take some time for your self


You've been incredibly on top of everything, I'm absolutely in awe at how on top of it you've been. Take an incredibly well-deserved break. We appreciate you.


Take a break, man. You deserve it. Happy Holidays!


Just relax, eat too much food and enjoy Christmas after this difficult year. We'll still be here when you get back!


Nothing or ollie pix if you feel like it. Thanks man.

Chris Waldrip

Take a break. You deserve some time off to recharge. :-)


Enjoy some time off, you deserve it!


I voted Ollie Pix but there's no reason you shouldn't get to take a break every now and then!


Take the time! ...but if there was a dog pic, i wouldn't be mad about it....


I needs all the cute doggo pix, though :3


I vote take a well-deserved break! If you happen to share some Ollie pics, that's nice, but not necessary!


You deserve a break, well done and thanks for a great year of comix!


Rest is so important. Take a break and don’t feel guilty about it!


After the year we've all had - take a break & enjoy your family! Many thanks for all the good things you've shared with us this year.


Everybody deserves a holiday. Take a break and don't stress about it!


Holly jolly merry happy & all that! Enjoy a relaxing break!!


The times are shitty, but your webcomic brings us joy! Take care of yourself and enjoy some time off, you deserve it.

David Perez

We'll see you in a week...get some rest


Just take the time off. We'll see you in a week,


Have a nice holiday and enjoy your week off!


Your art brings me joy 5 days a week. Take the week off.

Raven Razor

I was 100% going to put rest, but Ollie pix are amazing.


Take some time off and spend time with those you love


Enjoy the week, Jeph. Thanks for everything.

Just some Fish

If you get bored, throw up old comics with commentaries. If Ollie does something photo worthy, throw it up. If neither happens, put your feet up and we can go chuckle at vintage QC christmasses. I still keep ...whichever year was Randy and the Shame Orb... on hand mentally if I need to make myself chuckle.


Enjoy your week off and relax! Thanks for all the hard work you do.


Ollie pics is good. Kevin pics are even better.


I love the comic, rest up and ring in the new year with new energy!


Have a nice break, you have definitely earned it


Jeph, your comic is one of the highlights of my day, but you deserve every bit of rest you can get--take a break!


Everyone deserves a break. Take some time off. Chill at the beach and let your robot butler brings you Mai Tais while your other robot butler rubs your feet. You deserve it.

Brittany Huckey

Take the week off, obviously! You give us an incredible story all year long. Take a break, rest, enjoy yourself! ......... But Olie pix is def my second answer


Bembo! HAM IS BEST! Seriously though, have a week off, we all need it!


Voted to take the week off, but something with Alice Grove, one day, maybe? Still ready to buy the book.


Take the week off, but we are all desperately curious about the horny vault

Ralph Little

Everyone need a break!


He's already done that. 😉 https://www.patreon.com/posts/questionable-27012431


Whatever you decide to do (or whatever the poll decides for you), I hope it is relaxing and recharging for you. You deserve it!


Cold turkey...but just for a week. We can handle it, man!


Bring back the cussing bird and the angry girl. They were a hoot


Thank you for all your hard work, but you need some rest to be able to give us your awesomeness in the future to come. Take some time of and care for yourself. It's important!


Personally either take the time off or just upload some old patreon exclusive stuff. It’s your holiday too

Errol Lobo

I want ollie pix, but I want you to have a holiday. I voted correctly.


You need a break as much as the rest of us.


Glad to see the majority agrees


If it's an easy thing to turn on comic reruns, go for it, otherwise, kick back w family and relax over the holiday. We'll all still be here when ya get back. Merry Christmas, Jeph.

Jason Zions

Ollie pics if they're easy, although I follow you on Twitter and probably see'em all there. But take the week off and chill - you deserve it.

Hugh Eckert

Take some time off, but do what's best for you.

Ye Olde Phart

Basically it's all been said. Do what's easiest. That's probably just taking the week off. :D (wouldn't mind ollie pix or reruns but everybody needs a bit time off in a while, so don't feel bad!)


Take a week off. Even though I'll miss the regular daily dose, we all need some off time in our jobs.


ok I voted rerun but actually take the week off my dude you've been entertaining us regularly for forever u deserve the break


Would not object to Ollie pics, but you should take time off


Take the week off, aaaaaaabsolutely [...just sayin', though: Elliot deserves something Extra Special this year, please alert Robot Santa at some future date]


You need a holiday <3


I think the summary is: take the week off, but if you feel like dumping one of the above (Ollie pix seems to be the trend) or even something not in the above, go for it.

Yelling Bird

It would be cool if you could run some stuff you already have done, stuff that takes minimal effort, but otherwise yeah, take a break.


I have to say, out of every online community I have ever seen, none have ever been as positive, accepting, and supportive as this comments section. I love how every comment here is literally "We'll appreciate any gift you want to give us, but seriously take the week off." You've created a great community with your great works, Jeph. I'm grateful to experience both. Thank you and have a great holiday.


You deserve a peaceful break! Blessings all ways and always!

Mandy Hoskins

Seriously, Jeph, just take the week off! You’ve more than earned it!! Just give Ollie some extra snacks from us. 😄

Ali Grotkowski

All of these options are excellent! :) But really you do need to rest and take a break!


On second thought, just take the week off, OK? You deserve it.

Scott Kenney

After all the joy you've brought in an awful year, sit back and relaaaaaaaaax

Michael Keogh

more robot butts butts butts

Dave Kekish

Take a break. Enjoy family and friends if you can


Rest and relax please. Enjoy your time with the pupper.


Take your time and enjoy it! If you can share a little Ollie with us, in the meantime, we’ll love you even more than we already do. PS- it was such a delight to see Martin reappear at the library the other day... I love where QC has gone, but I do sometimes miss the good ol’ days with just him and Pintsize.


I'm on Team Take the Week Off. If you have some Ollie pix handy it would be fun to see them, but don't sweat it and absolutely don't spend more than five or ten minutes on it. (Just for clarity, that's 5-10 minutes over the week, not per day. Sorry, I'm bad at this sometimes.) Take care of yourself and we'll see you in 2021.

Peter Jensen

Most of us get to take a week of work, so of course you should as well. That being said, I will never say no to a few more pictures of Ollie the Low-Poly Collie :-)


Wow. Y’all are too nice to this guy.


Ollie pictures will never go unappreciated, but for real — we’ll all be good, take the week off if you fancy it :)


Happy holidays! Take the week off!


Enjoy the time off!


I was hoping for select illustrated pages from the book of Human/Robot sexual relations..... But time off is good to....


Ditto. After nearly two decades of QC five days a week nobody is going to begrudge a one week absence. But Ollie pics will certainly be more than welcome. Happy Festivus to you and yours, Jeph :D


Please Jeph, take the week off. You've totally earned it.

Christopher Bowen

We genuinely like you and want you to have a break.


Legit dude, just take some time off


I think you should take a break. I don't mean just an interruption in posting, but an actual, stop working and stop thinking about work holiday.


You deserve a week off. We’ll be here when you get back!


Take it off, you deserve it


Take the time off if you need it, but I would also love to see you just ramble commentary on your comics.


Take the week off, play with Ollie, and then post some pics of him.


Wait! I wanna change my answer. I want this instead. Lol


I seriously love this community! The vote totals and the comments above show just how amazing everyone is. Much love to all, see you in 2021!


God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlebot. Let nothing you dismay.


Take a well deserved week totally off. Enjoy being unplugged as much as possible, give Ollie all the attention, well most of it at least lol. We love your work and we will all be waiting when you get back. Take some time to yourself.


Rest is important for everyone, and creative works especially require a break now and again. You deserve time off just as much as anybody else.


Naaaa... WORK! I want my money's worth! Ollie pix!


You deserve some time without having to think or create or post. Take a break and don't think about Patreon for a while!


Take your time, dude... but at some point I would love to see some NSFW May New Bod pics


Relax. Spend time with loved ones. Get inspired. Come back super charged!


Take some time to recharge! I'll just go to the main site and re-read Hannelore's roomba arc.


I hope you take time off, and have a wonderful time if you do!


Same, some random lewds would be fun but nothing is necessary.


Take some time off, you deserve it!


Take it off!

AJ Saint

Rest your hand, rest your brain, enjoy some time for yourself man. Marty could use a break from the library too.


Enjoy your break Jeph!


Take the week off. Personally, I'm really looking forward to having a few days off starting tomorrow. Feel like Marten in his original job in the comic - The Office Bitch!


I went with time off. Cuz ^

Matt Pedone

I'd love to have some commentary on old comics, but man, you give us so much already. Take some time off. Kick off your shoes, put your feet up. Lean back and just enjoy the melodies.


While anything you wanted to put up would be great, you give us amazing stuff every day. You deserve to have this time off to relax and take a break. We can always go to the main site for an archive binge if we get withdrawals.


either take off, or doggo pictures. either works. :D


take some time to recharge, Jeph!! a few Ollie pics or new lil doodles are more than appreciated, of course, but you do so much for us all year! we wanna see you having a good time and relaxing too :)

Eric Bogerd

I voted for 'Take it off' (wait, that came out weird...), but if anything doggo pics always amuse me. Just KISS (wait, now it's super-weird; I meant Keep It Super-Simple). Okay, just going to awkwardly wander away, before I discover what goes into your mouth after both feet are already in there (crap, crap, crap, super-extra weird.) Shutting up now.

Darren Stalder

Why shouldn't you get a week off? Relax.


I voted "take the week off" - but maybe that makes you feel guilty, so I'll also accept sketch dumps/ollie pics/butts - basically whatever you've got cluttering up your hard drive and won't take you any time beyond hitting "post".


Take the time off and enjoy the holidays! Thank you for your hard work the rest of the year!

Haunted Hermit

Take the week. Time well earned and deserved. See you when 2020 ends.


We wouldn't be here if we couldn't spare a few bucks every month. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but statistically speaking, almost all of us probably have the ability to take time off when we want to. You deserve the same! (So does everyone else, for that matter!) Take a load off, enjoy your holidays, and we'll see you next year. =)

Joseph Bonnar

Then there are us old, retired guys. I gotta agree with you, Jeph deserves a break. :)


Dude yeah. Take your time when you can. It's a lesson I am trying to finally internalize for a whole lot of reasons right now myself.


Skulls puking daggers! Kidding, kidding. Enjoy the holidays man. You've been a welcome respite from the chemical plant fire that has been 2020.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

If for whatever reason you decide you can't just take off for the week, I encourage you to post sketches of your doggos.


Someone else said they were joking, but im not. I wanna see skulls puking daggers!

Kerin Schiesser

But I'm cool with option 3 too. If you get bored, or think up some funny or touching commentary you'd like to do, and have the time, I'd love to see some commentary of earlier strips, from the perspective of now, after a lot of character and story development is under the bridge.

Kerin Schiesser

BUT, if you'd just like some time off, maybe you could do some of that as a treat for the time AFTER New Year;s is over, for the next week... and maybe even work on the buffer a bit more? If there's stuff you could show at no effort, without having to work up commentary, that would be cool too. just so there's something new to look at each day? How about re-running the strip that shows the main introduction strip for the last 5 new characters, with a link back to it, so we can re-read those arcs? See how far those characters have come, since their introduction? Yay is a fun one. :)


As someone who obsessively reads every bit of text, I'd love to get your unspoken afterthoughts you've never had occasion to share with us. But feel free to get plenty of R&R. You've done great work this year, as always!

Ruth Merriam

This year's been a suckfest. Give yourself a little down time.


Take the week; you've already given us our money's worth in content. Enjoy the break, and we'll look forward to new material in 2021.


Have a rest! it's well deserved.


I would love to see random/new/Christmas stuff... but, to be honest, after the year we've all had? Just have a break, my dude, and enjoy it! :) Merry Christmas, Jeph, and we'll see you in the New Year x


Take a week off or robot butts.


Please do just take the week off, but I’m never not going to vote for more Ollie pix.


Everyone deserves rest and decompression! Ten-fold so this year.

Eric Lusby

Old but unpublished Ollie pix. So you've still got no obligations for the week, but we get more Ollie.


Bring back yelling bird. This year must have come out of his cloaca. It’s only fitting that he pinch it off.

Fay Roberts

I love how literally thousands of us say: Take. The dang. Week off! And so you give us incredibly cool animations of the drawing process as you work on your buffer. Which are gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but I hope they're not extra work for you!


Right? it was literally a 3:1 ratio in favour of taking a break. I love the time lapses but I hope there's some of that well deserved R&R in there that Jeph implied/promised he'd take.