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it's in the eye of the beholder




I love May.



J.R. Murdock

Wow! Skulls Puking Knives is the name of my new band.


Wait… May gets it? Is she… maturing?

Yahsho Jinn

Oh how I've missed that buxom bitter blueberry. But honestly I'm getting some real wildberry poptart vibes.


I kinda want to motorboat May's new body and I'm not even ashamed to admit that.


Yeah Bubs be more supportive of your minor employee/contractor/tenant


Kids are people with value! Jeph you made my teacher heart VERY happy tonight. Learning that the webcomic I've been reading for half my life gets it is super validating!

Michael Boettger

May understands Sam's art better than Bubbles. She gets the whole zeitgeist thing. Oh, and hi there May.


Just wait until SkullMaster shows up...


May gets it. And I think she and Sam are gonna get along just fine. (I'll also always be happy to see Sam in the comic, one of my favorite secondary cast members)

Captain Button

The constant joshing insult style of friendship is easily misunderstood.

Bruce Steinberg

/“Generous Person who helps pay the bills because her business is currently more successful yours.” 🙃

Bruce Steinberg

May’s always had hidden depths. Way back when she gave Dale some excellent relationship advice (despite never having been in a serious romantic relationship herself?)

Shawn K. Younkin

Thank you May for wearing a tank top to show off you new "Bomb rack".

Matt Grayson

Now I want a demons fighting monster trucks spray.


Is Jeph gonna show us these demons fighting monster trucks or is he just a skull-tease?

Joseph Bonnar

Almighty Om... As if I didn't have enough reason to love that horrible tall blue hobgoblin, now Jeph does THIS to me...


Aw Jeph, now I wanna play those old games again, EOB 3 was my favourite, that was nuts.

Joseph Bonnar

Trouble with sprays on humans is that they don't wear off. *sigh* True story. Girl I knew was dating this guy, Jake... Her first tattoo? Jake my love... She broke up and hadda get it changed... Jake the snake.

Andrea Andrew

May’s back! And she’s working with Bubbles and Faye. Awesome! Maybe Faye will find out about May and Sven, and encourage May to pursue Sven romantically.

drone r0m-3

Sam is a true *ar-teest*


When did May arrange to assist Sam? I feel like I've missed or forgotten something here...

Andrea Andrew

It was when May was getting her leg repaired after it kept falling off. Sam hired her to help cover the cost with a discount.


Is she going to draw a beholder puking knives? Like projectile vomiting blades? Like a breath weapon that deals slashing damage? Hmmmm...

dizzy ditzy

Well first May has to get one Then figure out who to show it to first Then find Clownboy

Shane Wegner

May: I will try to swear less. Literally one second/panel later....


I really appreciate Bubbles. I was like Sam when I was a kid and there were times when my adventurousness and fearlessness would get me stuck in places that were too Adult for me and I would get in over my head. I appreciate Bubbles looking out for her well being and being aware that kids may not respond to being teased the way May is used to teasing her adult friends.

Chris Gallaty

The knives are a metaphor for the pain the skulls feel inside.


Damn that's a long time ago. Never made it out of the forest in EoB3 =P


I never knew, but of all the Mays, snooty-nose-in-the-air-May is best May


So, I realize I'm about to suggest a terrible thing that should never happen, but someone should really introduce Sam to Jimbo. I'm sure she could do some BITCHIN' covers to "Swordprincesses of the cyber highway thunderdome" or whatever

Grace Kieser

At this point, Jimbo is probably living large in a double decker trailer somewhere in the Hollywood hills! He's got that shitty romance novel money!


I'm pretty sure the correct verb to use here would be "to fighter jet"...

Evgeniy Semyonov

With this new body May can also get free sprays as a model / demo stand for Sam's talents. Also I think that some time in the future Bubbles would get some small spray for herself.


So is Bubbles the curvaceous coconut? Momo the strawberry shortcake? Winston the precious peach? Melon is… Melon?


I cant help but hear Harley Quinn when May is taking. I'm sure I'm wrong but it's just what I'm hearing.


I enjoy how May is almost as tall as Bubbles.