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a reading rainBOWWWWWW




One might even call it a reading rainbow-chicka-wah-wah

Raven Razor

Knowledge is power! Momo and Martin have the right idea.


Wow I never get here this fast. Hopefully she doesn't beat herself up too much for that.

Michael Boettger

Voyeuristic thoughts about Faye and Bubbles, Marten? Best not to go there, sir.

Alex Kosnett

I mean… we all clearly know where we stand on this one.

Lee B.

lol "The Horny Vault"

Joel Bateman

We know Millie and May are anatomically correct...but is Momo?


Marten represents the readers in this comic.

Joseph Bonnar

Poor Momo. (One would almost be willing to bet that she's gone through that book at some time.)


lol, some things you can’t help but want to know.


Are you claiming that you don't want to see that book yourself?


Bonus Comic! Bonus Comic! Boner Comic! Woops!

Jaron Mortimer

Does...does Momo not know Brun? I need a "here's who knows who" connections map. Also, Jeph, where can I get a copy of that book? Asking for a friend who is totally not me.


And so began Momo's career as an illicit horny book peddler.

Gary Walker

Look, when you grew up in podunk in a fundie family, libraries are a major source of stuff your deranged mom won't throw away or burn, but which is still full of erotic material.


Human standard number/arrangement of holes seems to be optional, and I can't really see Momo opting for it.


Tbf, a "rainbow" in binary is still just a bunch of code. In which case are we to assume that AIs have a thing for numbers?

Peter Jensen

https://www.questionablecontent.net/cast/castchart.jpg It's a hundred or so comics out of date, but a good overview


The book is "Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships" by David Levy. Published in 2008 and sent to me free for possible adoption in my robotics and artificial intelligence course.


Same Martin, same

Andrew L Butula

You know what they say, when you assume you end up being completely correct, just a bit premature.


Missed opportunity for Reading Rain bow-chicka-wow- wow!

Darnel D Cooper

*comment*It would appear that there are definite levels of bodytype for AI in this world,.. and the closer to "human standard seems to matter.

Kriss Pang

I think Jeph was making an effort to try not to be crude lol

Kriss Pang

Wait since when was momochan working at the library? It's been so long since I last saw the place!


This is all a diversion. In 7 years Jeph will reveal that Millefeuille's co-worker was the actual protagonist of QC all along and the rest of the strip will focus on him.

Peter Jensen

Quite a while: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2007


Looks like the next arc is everyone goes to Horny Jail. Looking forward to it.


I assume Momo has already read it


She could now start applying it to practice as well ( #4399)

Thomas Halpin

so when is this book making its way back to Faye and Bubbles?

Hugh Eckert

I love the fifth panel. So conspiratorial!

Nicolas Demers

But AIs don't think or perceive colours in binary, just like we don't perceive colours as quantified wavelengths.


ughhh they are a couple tho please make it so...

Some Ed

I've known enough people who did not actually know where they stood on those sorts of things to feel confident that there's at least one person here who doesn't.

Some Ed

I'd think her career as an illicit horny book peddler would need to start with her first sale. She's just providing access to illicit horny books. I'm not sure what the term for that is.

Some Ed

Sometimes. Other times, you might have been correct but you ruined it. Still other times, you're just wrong.


OMG, I LOVE that pun title! XD


Pintsize is going to get the wrong idea from Marten. Hilarity ensues.

Stephen Wells

Completely at a tangent, but Momo and Marten are both just looking so dang professional in their white button-downs. Look at 'em adulting! It's adorable :)



AJ Saint

So it just clicked for me that Marty is so frequently wearing a white button down because it’s his work shirt. Had to see Momo looking all cute in it to finally catch it.


Horny Vault - aka the hentai section?


It’s art damn it!

Darnel D Cooper

Sometimes I feel so sad for MoMo.