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no one is allowed in the horny vault unsupervised



Michael Boettger

I like where Momo's mind went there. Wonder if she uses those for her Momo/Sven fan fic?

Timothy Roller

Says you. *reaches for decoder*


dumb thots get locked in the horny vault for their crimes

Spoogle McGee

something something Wetware.


Spoiler: It’s actually Momo’s locker.


Is the Horny Vault gonna be the new Patreon tier?

Cody Renton

Milliefeuille definitely knows. Brun definitely doesn't.


This is the quality content I subscribe for 🤣


"The Horny Vault" would be an excellent name for a QC Slipshine series, huh


if we never cut away and just had these two forever, i would be okay with that...


Momo understands

Captain Button

So do you need two simultaneous keycards to open the Horny Vault?


Would consider upping my tier to Horny Vault tier.


Momo's eyes going uncolored in panel 2 would have been perfect in 3!


I think Momo's eyes are missing some color in panel 2


And know which numerical part of the Fibonacci sequence you have to press if you accidentally get locked in the Horny Vault.


Definitely thinking at some point Momo & May are going to cross the lewdness spectrum.


Hey! no telling civilians about the horny vault!

Mark Thomas

Lies! That is T.OT.A.L.L.Y. NECESSARY

Mark Thomas

Also, they have a "SHUT UP" sign instead of a "quiet please" sign, and I totally respect that XD

Fart Captor

No no Millie, it might be! We don't know that yet!


Ws this playing during Momo's moment in panel 3? https://youtu.be/cOy6hqzfsAs

Clifton Royston

The books in the Horny Vault are just the novelizations of the smut game Millefeuille was playing previously.


She’s trying her best to be helpful. 🤣


well damn, now we definitely have to visit the horny vault. we'e not going to leave a pandora box like that go unopened!


I am now renaming a certain folder on my computer “The Horny Vault.”

Sleepy John

"Shut up". Subtle.

Joel Bateman

I want to know more about the Horny Vault.


I vote that if there are ever Patreon exclusive bonus comics, that the first one is more about the horny vault. Also still waiting for the detail comic for May's new body.

Hugh Eckert



Hope for joy


Momo's irises are uncoloured in panel two! It would have kinda made sense if it had been in panel three; she went pale with her eyes before blushing with her face!

Gary Walker

The keycard is so you won't catch people fuckin' in there.


Dang it, after decades of going to libraries, I never knew that had horny closest. It's just my dumb luck to learn about this during covid when my library is closed :(

Adam Friedlander

What if the real horny vault was the friends they made along the way


^ The Horny Vault: Just one of the special perks of being in the Library Guild in high school. #BookwormsRock

Captain Button

The Horny Vault is a magical place that only shows you smut that appeals to you.

Dylan T

The hyperfixation is real

LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

I get the feeling that The Horny Vault is a Momo creation. University libraries just shelve that stuff like the rest of the books. 😂

Minzoku Bokumetsu



For a moment I was thinking Brun is gonna be mad when she figures out she's getting crushed on *again*, but now I feel like the twist is she's gonna realize it's cool and exciting when it's someone she's actually into

Yonatan Zunger

This also implicitly answers a question about whether Millefeuille's interest was horny or not. I'm going to take that final facial expression as a "yes."

Shane Wegner

That's what the stacks, conference room, reading nook, beanbag area, bathrooms, janitor closet, other conference room, balcony, microfiche room, front desk (after hours only), Tai's desk (any time), and reading tables are for!


The horny vault... interesting. Is there a waiver one must sign?

Shane Wegner

Myomer is the synthetic fiber that powers the muscles of BATTLEMECHS.


Momo gets the subtext as does Millefeuille.


That's why she's saying it's not nessecary to go to the vault


This is the questionable content I subscribe for


I read this page two or three times without seeing that final bit from Millefeuille. When I finally saw it I laughed out loud for a solid 30 seconds


I did not know that Momo was taller than Brun, much less THAT much taller than Brun

Luke McKinney

I do enjoy Momo's reaction being "omg embarrassed *OVERRIDE: ASSIST THIS*"


The Horny Vault is Momo's special place. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4034

Rob McBobson

I'll take that expression as a "maybe yes, maybe no; sex is just embarrassing.


When I worked in the Bodleian Library, (Univeristy of Oxford) there was a special floor of the stacks that was sealed off with key cards, and it did contain all the pornography submitted to the library since the 1600’s. since it’s a Deposit library, it gets a copy of every book and magazine published in the UK. This was indeed the Horny Vault.

David Pipes

Suddenly, I regret not considering English Lit and Security Studies in college...

David Howe

I am assuming Millie already HAS those in her... personal collection. Mostly PDFs, some graphic novels, then there are the sexy spaceship games...

David Howe

https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2037 - vintage p0rn https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2212 - The Horny Vault.

David Howe

I am assuming Brun is Ace at this point, so may be deliberately missing the "hints" here..

Stephen Wells

While every other character in the strip arrives to bring them books, coffee, snacks, new body parts etc.


As I read this, I suddenly envisioned Bubbles creating a series of instructional videos, 'cause Bubbles is just that kind of helpful. And then my brain stuttered, and got stuck.

Stephen Wells

Many have tried the Horny Vault, but few can stick the landing.

Joseph Bonnar

The technician who keeps my Dire Wolf running would agree, if House Kurita agents hadn't poisoned him last week.


In my day, the horny vault used to be at the back of the Blockbuster video store!


May? there's something you should know about

Wild Card

Ah, the special section of the library. Always curious what it contains, and how accurate things are in it. And which books have post-its in them saying "don't do this! it is unsafe!"


I hope this inspires a line of AI/Human valentine's day cards "I want to visit The Horny Vault with you."


I love that M blushes blue!