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Cody Renton

Forty years in real time, 6 business days in QCverse


heheheh its all coming together

Michael Boettger

And I'm impressed by how mindful Brun has become.


Dangit add me to the ship even if it's just for emotional support gestures and butt implant pillows


The phone hand is perfect.


Urge to make JoJo reference... rising....

Yonatan Zunger

Brun and Millefeuille are very wholesome. I approve.


I do the phone gesture when i'm on a call on my airpods... its just polite. So hard to tell if someone is on a call or not!


Like this thing in that series Continuum where the kid buys the agent from the future a Bluetooth ear piece. "You just went from crazy lady talking to herself to business professional."

Douglas E. Smith

I predict someday there will be a wireless dermal adhesive speaker and mic you can attach to your thumb and pinkie. I will be amongst the first in line for them. Or better yet, attach them to any thing you like. Like a banana.


I do it when my psych meds run out and the voices tell me it's the polite thing to do. Probably should get some airpods too...


There are winter gloves that work like this. They are Bluetooth and I want a pair really bad


Love these two together, and loved Brun's inner thoughts. She's growing.


Now, see, THIS is the Brun 'ship I want to see. SO MUCH CUTENESS!!!


Aww Brun already sees them as friends!


I love this... and also, I'm curious who else has seen the tik-tok video of a dad asking his teen kids to make a hand gesture for "on the phone" if they're playing charades... and they DON'T do the pinky-thing! I felt so old! Clearly needs more research. https://www.tiktok.com/@guesswho_718/video/6846764702500916485?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6893283788555929094&is_from_webapp=1


She remembers key words and applies them appropriately. I do that at times.


I love the thought-bubble version of Renee that is Brun's conscience!

Matt Grayson

Bubbles, as I recall, makes a holding-cellphone-to-ear gesture when on the phone.


I see Brun's inner Renee is making a return appearance. I wish I had an inner Renee to help me out.


Yep, it's like how some kids now don't know the save button is based on a floppy disk, they assume that's just the 'save' icon the way a triangle is the play icon.

Summer Sudbrink

Awkward Sam relationship questions in 3... 2...

Shawn K. Younkin

Nahhhh, she made it through the butt implants w/o losing it (too much)... she should be fine since she already KNOWS the best lesbian robot woman relationship.

Sleepy John

Good job, Brun.

Captain Button

OK I am forgetful, but what do butt implants have to do with restful sleep?

Clifton Royston

I wish I had an internal Renee to tell me when *not* to say and do things. And also occasionally when *to* do them, but the *not* is more important.


That's the actual American Sign Language sign for "phone."


Renee and Brun live in the same building as Millefeuille, Roko, Elliott, Melon and Yay, correct? I want to live in that building. Am I missing anyone?


I believe Renee, Brun, Millefeuille, and Beeps live in a different building than Roko, Melon, Yay, and Elliot.




Why are these two so cute without even trying?

William Cole

It's been at least a three days: she's had time to celebrate the butt implants and crash at Tai & Dora's (1) and to welcome Renee & Brun and serve as Brun's pillow (2), and then Brun worked a shift that got entangled with Clinton/Eliot drama (3).


Yitzbin - three days since that implant scene, didn't think about pants to fit so get that AI new-wardrobe-shopping!

Magic Beans

I can only assume the QCverse has social scientists devoted to why, how, and to what degree AIs adopt human norms.


Is this flirting?


I love the little AI anthropology bits. AInthropology? Anyway, performative social signals woo


From Brun? No. She's really into explicit communication. If she wanted to tell Millefeuille that she was attracted to her, she would do so directly.


A very broad answer would be that this new "species" has little history or culture of their own yet, so they adopt that of their "parent" species. Yes, I'm deliberately comparing the AIs to children here, not in a negative way. Over time, they will develop their own habits and customs, and may even reject the influence Humans had on them. If you're familiar with the game Overwatch, the story of the Omnics (sentient robots) is a, uh, "less optimistic" version of such a development - to keep it simple, there has already been a global war between Omnics and Humans. But the currently ongoing comic "London Calling" came to my mind in this context, because it features Omnics with a love for Human music (particularly Punk, sic) while the majority of their community rejects anything that "smells Human" to them.


Not to contradict you, because it's functionally correct, but these thought bubbles are actual memories of something Renee told her.

Julia Allen-Hesse

I love the little Renee’s voice in Brun’s head thing. 😹

Sarah Buisson

I have the bad impression that for Millefeuil it's a date, but for Brun it's not.


I am all about the little Renee in her head. it's a lot like the tiny picture of my wife in my head that keeps me on the right track.


omg, I need a Renee in my head!

Stephen Wells

Brun already asked Millie about her secret feelings and was cool with the results. They're fine.

Brad Knowles

Replacement femur? I’m gonna have to find that one....