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I had to get smelling salts once when I almost fainted. It was INTENSE



Jackie Horn


Terry Parry

I'd say it's like taking a big whiff out of a horseradish jar

Captain Button

The secret revealed! There are no AIs, just brainwashed humans with extensive cyberware and prosthetics!

Anthony Gaglianese

The worst is ammonia inhalants. Sits in your nose for a good 10 min or so.


I think if someone challenged me to come up with a group of four people I would love to see interact, I'd struggle to come up with a better bunch. I'm here for this.

Michael Boettger

Hi Sam! And somehow I don't think Brun is susceptible to impulse hurling, but you never know.


what are smelling salts


I play rugby and ammonia is a very aggressive and common thing haha

W H Sparkman

Me at the dentist office

Andrew L Butula

On the one hand Faye is essentially a robot surgeon, and really should develop a least some bedside manner. On the other hand I hope no one ever tells her that.


Awful small box for a human-analogue femur. Just sayin'.


There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza...




Yeah, you definitely don't want to sniff those. They may be effective, but that is one nasty smell!

Ted Van Roekel

I found a smelling salts capsule while cleaning out my grandfathers house. Crushed it out of curiosity. Wooof!


I have no idea who will be the bad influence on the other between Sam and Brun, but I look forward to find out.


The Bucket is one of the really basic tools.

Yonatan Zunger

Obscure fact: buckets are strictly forbidden in nuclear facilities, because they're one of the leading causes of criticality accidents.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

I have had to endure smelling salts before, that smell... PERSISTS... it's a curiosity one shouldn't take likely (and if you DON'T smell anything from it... uh... please get to a COVID testing station stat)

Alan Wiggs

I demand explanation of the nuclear facility rule. How do buckets influence neutrons?

William Burns

I don't want to be a boron the subject, and if I'm going to be your moderator I would just slow you down, at least for up to ten minutes and eleven seconds.


It's basically just ammonia, which will definitely get your attention in even small doses.

Zain Redding

What does it smell like?


I had no idea people still used smelling salts! It sounds like such a 1800s thing...


I understand it to be so acrid that the whole body recoils.

Shane Wegner

Given their mostly robotic clientele, why do they even have smelling salts? Maybe they have some function for testing olfactory capabilities on AIs too.


They're very popular with hockey players. You'll see them on the bench between shifts passing packets around. Supposedly it boosts adrenaline but I don't know if that's actually true. I guess now that Jeph's in Canada he's acclimating to the culture up here.

Stephen Wells

"Just gonna pinch this off and come back to it later" SPLORT SQUISH "So how was your day?"


I haven't experienced smelling salts, but one time in high school chemistry class, we had to do the 'waft ammonia toward you to get a little bit of the experience' bit. One of my asshole classmates (but I repeat myself) must have thought that I was being too cautious, and shoved my head over the bottle, where I took a deep sniff by reflex. I can't say what it smelled like as such, but it sure occupied my entire universe for the next minute or two.


When I was a teenager, my godfather tricked me into sniffing smelling salts as if they were a faintly scented candle. Took a big whiff and it was like time slowed down as I felt my sinuses expand, my lungs implode and I briefly felt I could perceive all universes simultaneously before doubling over in pain. He of course thought it was hilarious.

Sleepy John

When you’re done, please return the bucket to the walrus. He misses it.


Melon probably huffs smelling salts for breakfast.

Clifton Royston

I foresee Brun and Sam bonding intensely.

Comics Ladybird

It seems it was eons ago that Sam sealed off Millefeuille’s leg with her dermal precision application device or whatever.