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that's one way to do it




okay that was unexpected


Sounds like she is asexual.


Asexual or demisexual...


I've been wondering if she's a virgin.


You can do it anywhere as long as you have permission.... or if you don’t get caught 😝


The cops said I couldn't even do it in the park at night


their mutual obliviousness is both a delightful treat and incredibly frustrating the fact that they're dating but don't realize it is the platonic ideal


LET HER DISCOVER WHAT SHE IS PEOPLE though I do understand that representation matters ❤️

Andrea Andrew

I feel like we’re going to see these two in bed soon. The sexual tension is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.


Asexual relaxation, more like.

Dave Van Domelen

I'd lean towards something in the demisexual range and hasn't found the right person yet. Remember, she found the idea of Clinton and Elliot having sex to be very arousing, so she's not ace...but her description of her experiences suggests she has yet to find sex particularly noteworthy when she herself engages in it. Maybe she's only aroused by mlm, which is a fairly unusual situation AFAIK.

Am Queue

For once, I'm not seeing sexual tension here. I've had those types of conversations (mostly as an experienced person talking to an inexperienced one) without any sort of tension at all. Just information sharing.

Captain Button

Could you, would you, in a boat?


I think Millie is interested, but Brun has always come across as being asexual - see the recent byplay between her, Clinton and Elliot. Today's story doesn't look too promising in this area. I'd love to see her and Millie hook up. One can but hope. [Edit: I'd forgotten about her reaction to the thought of Elliot and Clinton together. So not asexual.]

Mark Thomas

But they AREN'T dating. It's only Dating if you're both agreed it's a date. The events they've participated in together would be good dates if they were dating, but that doesn't automatically make them so

Alacrity Fitzhugh

I'm just worried they walked by a nice kitty and didn't say hi. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


What, like the back seat of a Volkswagen?

Anthony Gaglianese

From an aro demi guy's perspective...definitely sounds somewhere in the demi neighborgood. The interest in sexy times sounds like it's there, just not the right partner.

Jennifer Doyle

Jeph, Brun's head-tilt in panel three? *chef's kiss*


Honestly, never getting an exact answer on if she's ace, or if so exactly what kind (grey ace, demisexual, sex-ambivalent, sex-repulsed, etc.) would be realistic. Many people take a long time to figure out their identity, or fluctuate between many different identities. Especially people on the autism spectrum.


Kitty was obviously sleeping. They were being polite to not wake it up with their lesser non-feline existence. One must always let royalty sleep.


she's interested, she hasn't found the interesting yet.

Captain Button

You shouldn't do it in the road, it frightens the horses.


Brun's probably Asexual.

Andrea Andrew

No, I’m definitely seeing tension. This seems like Faye and Bubbles all over again.


Millefeuille is getting so much fanfic material

Thomas Halpin

I have to wonder. Brun hasn't mentioned liking or disliking sex, but i recall Brun being enthusiastic about masturbation


some places may require more permissions than others


*checks* *checks again* I don’t see any of the aforementioned hand-holding and hair-petting! Jeph you tease.


"I know how humans make more humans, and frankly, it's ridiculous."


Omg I love Brun's expression in panel 3 - most adorable Brun face so far!


Masturbation =/= wanting to actually have sex. I have some asexual friends who'd gladly appreciate horny art and use sex toys for personal satisfaction but the actual act of having sex with someone else doesn't interest them.


Hm that answer seems disingenuous ... I mean... that was something known before trying... so it seems like a strange answer after saying the she tried it to see how it was.


I’m just gonna come right out and say it: Clinic sex is weird. I never know who’s watching, or where all those wires are leading too...


"I mean... that was something known before trying" Only if she'd done the research first? Just throwing that out there.


Pretty sure there’s a story out there somewhere about a couple of researchers getting it on inside an MRI so they could study the deed for realsies. That definitely classifies as clinical. And weird.

Sleepy John

Hey, if you go to a motel, it's $100 or more, but if you go to the clinic, and you're over 65, Medicare will cover the whole thing!


I bet the pre-authorization process is awkward, though.


you can do it anywhere if you have permission - or don't get caught.


Pretty much word for word how I describe the time I got laid


oh please make them an asexual couple!


This comic is giving me the same visceral sense of frustration I had when I dated an asexual woman for 3 months, lol.


About 5 minutes after the MRI was invented. Who knows, perhaps the MRI was invented For that, and all the rest is just a bonus?


Oof. I get the Brun is Lebanese and German but (mixed black women here) this is the most uncomfy thing. Behavior like this ( specifically the use of pet) makes me feel like the person says sees me as an animal, not a human. Yes, I'm sure some of you think this behavior is okay or may even think you'd enjoy it but its belittling, othering and reeks of other issue said person may have with BlPOC. I know cause I live this.