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pretty good reference imo



Matt Grayson

She'd do it, too. I've seen her fortify a library.


I love Bubbles ❤️

Cody Renton

Bubbles getting super carried away with hypothetical scenarios is the best running theme


Claire will get every job available, wherever she applies. Or else.


I love it when Bubbles goes overboard on her statements.


Dibs on bubs for my zombie apocalypse team


Alexandria could have used some defensive AIs


I love this.

Michael Boettger

We should all have a friend like Bubbles in our corner!

Samantha Yeaman

If only Bubbles had existed in the same timeline as the Library of Alexandria.

Anthony Gaglianese

I get the feeling that Bubbles would get along well with Strax from Doctor Who. Likely a shared love of grenades, cluster mines, and acid.


claire is going to get more job offers than there are libraries


I'd watch this Bubbles defends the library movie.

John Smutko

I would kill for this reference


Those library invasion guys are going DOWN.

Jackie Horn

Damn, I need that reference!


This is craveworthy content


Don't forget your armor!

Douglas E. Smith

I am having a 'Bubbles squee' moment. Mmm. Eee.

Matt Grayson

And THEN she'd plant succulents...

Melissa Smits

Bubs is the best. I get the sense that she's much more comfortable with her personal history now, as she's still so passionate about doing what's just/good.

drone r0m-3

I could use that kind of job reference right now.


Chill, Bubbles. What you said in panel 3 was enough. 🤣


It's a form of nepotism because they want to know if you know people who are super rich/influential.


I'd hire her

Grace Kieser

Bubbles, sweetie... Just, no.


"I would interrogate enemy units as to why they launched a major ground offensive against a library." This line just tickles me.


I need a ride or die friend like Bubbles, dayum...


Everybody needs a Bubbles in their life.


Bubbles is amazing


A good friend? Or a good friend housed in a billion dollars of military-grade hardware?

Paul Britt

Two questions...What is AO? ....Does Bubbles have any other name than Bubbles?


AO is "Area of Operations", and she does have another name, but due to *things* we don't know what it is.


Bubbles: will hype you up in an interview also Bubbles: won't stand for violations of the Geneva Convention

Aaron Schulz

So like, do you put just bubbles(AI) and then a phone number? Do you need to explain she is an AI since she has a one word name? Do people care she is an AI? They have show the gross side of the world not liking them but like, how does that work? Does she have a phone? Does it call her head?


Bubbles strikes me as possibly nd, that's the kind of literal answer I would expect.


i mean, i'd certainly employ her based on that reference


As someone who does hiring in libraries, I'd hire Claire on the basis of this reference so fast

Ol' Firebones

I love Bubbles so much, you guys.


I think previous strips have shown AI characters using a phone or the like instead of more direct means, just because they wanna.


I assume you mean neurodiverse, not North Dakota or Notre Dame or any of the other things Google suggested.


Those inter-library rivalries can get pretty intense......


I'm pretty sure anything less than a .50 cal would just scuff Bubbles' paint and annoy her.


Have you seen the anime called Library War? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_War

Chas Simmons

I'm not clear how one would know it will be possible to "destroy in detail" -- meaning attacking fractional portions of the opposing force, one at a time -- until you know how the enemy is deployed. If their forces are concentrated, it can't be done.

Shane Wegner

If a Bubbles-class AI+chassis ever went rogue, I'm not sure local police forces would be sufficient to stop them. Well, if they also have a few battle-bots of their own I suppose.

Andrew L Butula

Given that she was disabled by an EMP, but not destroyed or even damaged beyond repair, while her squad was slaughtered around her I wouldn't bank on anything man portable.


This is gonna end up with Bubbles fighting a crocodile in an australian library, isn't it?

Shane Wegner

Bubbles! This is a LIBRARY! I hope you're at least using silencers! ("suppressors")


Witty Comment.


Rogal Dorn would be proud!

Professor Harmless

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is classical literature! The History of Warfare is the next isle over!


THEN unleash the spotted pucculents! https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3423


Now Claire needs a third OTT component for her applications to go with this and Marten's cover letter https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4361


Bubs does have a tendency to get intense, doesn't she? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3277


Can I use her as a reference someday? :)


Yes. Just yes.


Bubbles doesn't mess around

Matt Grayson

I picture a Bubbles "furious counterattack" as a reddish blur - followed by a lot of enemy equipment and uniforms simply falling apart leaving a bunch of naked disarmed soldiers. (Yay applauding politely from the sidelines with an "old fashioned, but effective" comment.)

Mark Thomas

I'm sure she can put a pretty good bit of speed on a single movement, but shes too much of a tank to be a blue... Especially in her armor. Maybe a tank that can hit 30 or 40 mph on paved roads and run FOREVER without tiring, but still a tank. The Inverse Square Law hits you harder the bigger you get. Moving her body in a running motion at the speed required to make her appear as a "red blur" to human vision would put INCREDIBLE strain on every bit of her frame, especially at the joints. Assuming even that she was capable of both doing that and withstanding it, the momentum carried by her limbs at that speed would destroy the surface she ran on and splatter body parts that she touched. It would be Impossible to both move that fast AND be gentle... Watching her surprised (unarmed, except herbody itself) counter attack would probably be more like watching the Juggernaut tear into an enemy, but with Professor Hulk's intelligence

Kriss Pang

Bubbles! Verbose response off please! :)


Just went back trying to find May's original holo form, and found this.. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3004 Bubbles has changed quite a bit in the last 5 years o3o


Bubbles cannot be stopped