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sourdough is great fuk u >:[


i once made bread after a bad breakup. the room filled with fog, the paint peeled, and every dog in a ten mile radius wouldnt stop whining until i ate it.


Putting the sour in sourdough


Poor cinnamon roll

Daniel Burnett

Every time I read this story it hurts me. One page a day only on week days is too little to satisfy my need


Sourdough does taste like hatred. Delicious, delicious hatred. It's why it's the perfect bread for Northern California, it's how we get the hate out.


I bet every time people eat the bread Roko makes, it’s like a whole season of Food Wars plays out.


soda bread? more like sodepressing bread

Michael Boettger

Now, bear in mind, Clinton is still with Claire at this moment. So Saturday, we could see him coming into Secret Bakery, grab Elliot, and breathlessly say "Yes".


love the new haircut and look, Renee-especially that little dancing curl over the left eye!


Yeast hate the various microclimates of San Francisco.


And then Renee walks in to them topless and just faints in delight.


I forsee the health inspector shutting down The Secret Bakery when Renee learns that Brun, Elliot and Clinton had a long, serious make-out session together, and it all went pretty well.


That sourdough would be so salty!


Honestly, I feel like I'm the only one not shipping this. I'm happy for all of you who do, though! I just thought they would be so great together as just friends.


Aw, Elliot, don’t be sad! He’s gonna get back to you!


Not that it matters but he's getting up at 4am to bake that bread =p


When I feel like that I do a re-read, starting from #1000 or so.

Dylan T

I relate with many of the emotions Eliot displays in this comic


I hope Elliot's plans don't go a-rye, that would be crumby. If Clinton decides he wants Naan of that, it will be sad but it will get butter in time....


They make Pita when Renee is being a PITA :)

Douglas E. Smith

If emotion is baked into the bread, is that one of the reasons why Roko gets so steamy when she gets bread from Secret Bakery? It does seem to be a hotbed of suppressed lust.


Tastes like Hatred, Smells like Teen Spirit.

Thomas A. Dennis

He really needs to get his hands on that dough and work it around good until it's ready to rise. Wait, is that a metaphor for something?


I'm sure Roko can be the knead-iator here.....


Taste the Sadness. That should be my next coffee mug.

Bob Grannan

Classic Khalil Gibran.

Bob Grannan

“For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger.”


You take your puns and your upvote and get the hell out.

Sleepy John

Blunder Bread. Tears down strong bodies twelve ways.


I'm not necessarily shipping them either, but damnit Elliot deserves some happiness so I'm just happy for him that something actually happened, and hope that it keeps happening


Elliot seems to be slowly working his way back up to his full bulk (https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3438) from the oddly Martenesque frame he seemed to have dwindled to recently. I approve!

Dean Reilly

If Elliott makes baguettes, everyone will be able to taste his pain.

Marc Pengryffyn

Now there's a pick-up line - "Come back to my place and feel my pain". It'd work on Roko...


Heartbreak bread would sell like wildfire


Sourdough tastes that way because only the strong may consume of it. Very Klingon. *yum*

David Howe

Brad would be Sad?


My worry is that Elliot would have so many issues in any relationship with anyone so hope he accespts help from his friends whatever happens. But really I want to know more about May now!


So, there's still the whole Brun thing... Where's that going to go?


Tai was in an unsuccessful poly relationship a while back... maybe its time for a successful one... ElliotxMillie is kinda doable.. and ClintonxMillie seems right... so why not a four-way poly thing?


You just want one panel with Elliot in bed, arms wrapped around the entire rest of the cast piled on top of him.


Reminds me of a scene from “Shaolin Soccer”: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=969D6mIKMYo


Actually, I'm just curious what Jeph will do with the Brun storyline. Kinda depends on Clinton's thoughts too. Brun and Millefeuille are their own thing and I don't really see Brun as wanting to be involved with a lot of people. She seems more introverted than that.


Get out of my head! That was the first thing I thought of as well.

Peter Jensen

Perhaps, but maybe that kind of arrangement would actually work better for an introverted person, because the other people in the relationship have each other when she gets too "peopled out" and needs to recharge. As with everything, it all comes down to the mutual comparability of the people involved. Looking forward to seeing how this all develops in the years to come.

Matthew Reiter

Crankydough is my favorite type of bread, with hangrydough being a close second.


It's definitely just me, but I didn't really feel like this built up to a relationship between these two, as compared to, say, Faye and Bubbles.


It probably helped speed things along that one of the participants actually knew he was attracted to the other. And it still felt like it took too long to me; I've been waiting for this for ages.


Did it have to? That's not how it always goes in real life. "I've met this guy four or five times, I think he's hot, and my friends poked me enough about it, so I asked him out." That feels like a very real story, to me.


Men are often accused of being more...visual, when we choose our partners. Gay men will often leap into a relationship quickly, and sometimes it lasts, sometimes it doesn't, speaking from experience. Straight people do it too. The physical attraction (which seems the main piece being explored in this arc, and the ramifications of being attracted to someone of your same sex) is only the first part, it won't sustain a relationship. But given some shared interests, I could easily see this pairing happening in real life.


I feel like this has been building for months. I was excited about this ship before COVID.


Faybles was an extremely slow burn. Jeph's comic comment when they kiss is "FRIGGING ... FINALLY!"


He'll probably get back to her around 2025 :-)

Some Ed

I feel like this fits with both characters very well. If Clinton had a more enthusiastic response, I'd feel bad for Brun. But it does seem like this ship is going to happen, it's just not quite like some hoped. I do feel like it's going to be a better ship because of it being well considered. I think it also has more potential to become the polyship that so many want. Next conversation: Clinton: I've thought about it and I do really like you. So, sure. But I have to admit, I still think Brun's hot. Elliot: I have to agree, Brun's pretty hot. But so is her new AI girlfriend. Clinton: Really? Any chance the four of us could get together?

Ursus Ridens

Y'know, Renee's really being a pal here.


It's a build up to a guy asking his crush on a first date. Not like they're moving in together.