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fire embelb





Jackie Horn

HARD same, May


I was hoping for a fighter jet


did this come out a day early? also mmm me

Michael Boettger

Rather more practical than the fighter option.


Marigold would probably do accidental property damage if she got one, I mean May lost half her face to a miss placed sword.


Of course Marigold chooses the weeb spear.


feels like this is out early?


If she can't have a bomb rack she should at least have a *bomb rack*.


I feel like May gives off serious Black Eagles vibes. I can definitely see her being totally on board with the general agenda of 'be gay, do crime'.

Michael Boettger

She could do private security in that chassis as well.

Eric Sieck

May: I’ll gonna live a queen! A damn hell ass queen!

Yahsho Jinn

I wonder if May will keep her old head, or another random body part as a souvenir.


Or Jeph is teasing us by interlacing this plot with the Bromance...which I wouldn't put past him... :D

Michael Boettger

And the look on May's face in panel 4!


Wait, did I miss Saturday? What day is it??


May would totally rock in that body and Sven would probably rock that body.


So… Momo is Hilda; May is Marianne; & Marigold is Dorothea. (As a bonus: Hannelore is Anna.)


2020: the year where everyone forgets what day, month, and even what year this is.

Michael Voorhis

What I'm wondering is: what happens to May when she actually achieves the vision? That's never happened before. Not legitimately, not illegitimately. She'll be in terra-incognito; the impact of this incursion on her part into unknown territory will be ... unpredictable. I hope it works out for her, but sadly I predict a degree of emotional chaos.



Ann M

When do HELL ASS shirts go on sale?


I dont know, but it would be a perfect accompianment to my "White Text on a Black Shirt" shirt.


May would make a great FE lord, she already has the requisite blue hair


May with a pole is 🥵🥵🥵


Emblep's pretty good eh?


Still blue, as she should be. <3


Knowing May she'll need a shield before long. You can only be so offensive.

Anthony Gaglianese

I sense an upcoming rematch in the butt contest


Give. Her. A. Bomb. Rack!


With Trump in office, I think we ALL could use a polearm It's time to get Black Eagle on their asses. #PolearmsForBidenHarris

SSJ Carrot Cake

Biden would claim he fought with those alongside Ghengis Khan and Harris would lock up any black person carrying a pole like object.


I am almost positive it is not legal for her to have bombs.


I can keep this up ALL NIGHT. I am a fifty-year-old Second Degree Wiccan Witch and Priest in the Braided Wheel Tradition, a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and a fucking pissed off Liberal. I am older and smarter than you. Begone, Conservative! I cast thee out! THE POWER OF OBAMA COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF OBAMA COMPELS YOU! Seriously, go away. The ADULTS are talking here.


If May doesn’t get that body, I will be very disappointed.

Akashimo Hakubi

Hoping May gets that bod, dream bods always important goals -nodsnods-

Dave Warren

Fire Emblem is good taste


The real question is, what would May's proficiencies/hidden talent be??

Am Queue

I have no problem with that body. That waist cincher, tho, would make for fucking uncomfortable movement for anything other than stiffly postured slow dancing at court. My biggest peeve regarding fantasy stuff.


It also lets Clinton take a healthy amount of time to get more comfortable with himself and figure out what to do next, while giving us something more interesting to look at than him just thinking.


I've either dated or been close friends with enough goth women (and several goth guys) who said that fitted corsets were pretty comfortable for just about anything


am i loosing my fucking mind or is this a day early???


Not dreaming of being a fighting jet anymore? May is really getting comfortable with hanging out with a bunch of human nerds. also, she and Marigold should totally join a reenactment or cosplayin group. She ROCKS that polearm


I also love that she still wants to be a blue robot chick. She truly found something of herself with Dale.


I hope, out of nostalgia, she gets a model with an option that lets her ass drop off at will, rather than randomly.


I *used* to be MAY. But now, I am MAYHEM!


With so many Geek AI’s in this town, there just HAS to be a body shop that’s set up like a game character selection screen. Maybe with a dice roll for stats. 2xD20 for butt size.


"hell ass" = hélas (old french) expressing affliction, regret, deception or dissatisfaction??

Joseph Bonnar

If she were a nun (bwahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah) she COULD use a halberd. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3645


A naginata? Marigold always chooses Sumire Kanzaki when she plays Sakura Taisen, doesn’t she?

Kyle Rudy


Shawn K. Younkin

Post Script - I would LOVE a pin-up full body shot of May in that armour. It looks fucking awesome.


Please also consider: flemblem


I hope she stays blue.


Compare to "helaas" in modern Dutch, meaning "unfortunately, ..." or "that's too bad."


I too have been playing too much Fire Emblem, and wish to wield a polearm

Joseph Bonnar

That was, I think, Melon. Let me check. Yes. Melon. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3486

Joseph Bonnar

It's nice to see May is looking forward to having something nice in her life, the horrible little blue goblin.

Danya Michael

I'm surprised she didn't visualize bigger boobs.

Yonatan Zunger

My hunch: when she _does_ get a new body, it's going to lead to some snark-filled conversation with Sven about taking it for a test drive, and this is ultimately going to lead to the two of them actually dating.

Simon Green

He'll stump up (pun intended) to have something made detachable.

Yonatan Zunger

Honestly, I was a bit surprised that her first thoughts didn't go to modular genitalia where you can get all sorts of wack-ass attachments. Um, so to speak. But if there's anyone in QC likely to enjoy the fuck out of that, it's May.


Knowing her, there's every chance they'll be inflatable.


Or Pint Sized, if he ever decides to get a different body...


Jeph! Bonus comic of May in her new imaginary body (with polearm). Include something alive that Jimbo lost. PLEASE. Pretty please?


Or, something that Jimbo lost from one of his novels? An escaped antagonist?


Does she get a new face?

Ísabel Pirsic

Yeah, haven’t seen her with such a purely and intensely positive expression since ... ever?


Amtgard poles aren't legally weapons and thus probably no problem! :D


Look again... those ARE bigger boobs. I think the Patreons would need to know if she gets Robo-nips like Millefuelle too.


Fire Emblem GOOD


In MA, the answer is own, yes. Carry anywhere, no. At least not if it has a double edged blade.