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Hannelore has the solution



Dylan T

The speed at which Hannelore was able to reach this idea is slightly concerning


Hannelore, your mother is showing.


It's nice to see he has grown up more as time passes.


Winslow was more on the nose than either of them knew.

Douglas E. Smith

Oh dear, is that another Mom move, Hanners?


Oof. Cheeky Hannelore might be my thing...


calm down hanners

Clifton Royston

Came here to say that. Hannelore probably learned how to do this by age 13 from dinner table conversations and is unaware that it's not part of the usual teen repertoire.


hey, ya never know, Sven; May could be into that kind of power dynamic

Scott Vogel

It's weird seeing him without a pony tail and/or glasses.


I enjoy the fact that Hanners likes this reveal, rather than being shocked by it.


Also, shout out to any QC fans from Luxembourg.


Wouldn't the fees to set all that up be enough to, I don't know, pay for an arm at least? Several years ago Dodge had this website where you could "gift registry" a car and ppl could buy you specific car parts (lug nut for $10, side mirror for $50, etc.), and now I'm imagining something like that but for bodies.

A.A. aka Double



There's an interesting moral question here.

Joel Bateman

I mean yeah, he'd benefit from it, but he'd also be helping a friend out in the process.

Joseph Houk

Yeah - at least one other semi-notable comics artist tried that route. Didn't get him much.


Is hanners channeling her mother again already? uh oh.


I hafta say, Sven has gone up mightily in my estimation. He really is trying hard to turn himself around and his qualms about the ethics of contributing to May's fund is the most promising sign yet. Hell's bells, I sure wouldn't waste any time thinking about it. Dora really needs to know this but I can't see her finding out without somebody spilling the beans about Sven and May.


I'm not entirely convinced that she hasn't already released the virus… into this world


would it be wrong not to do it only because of his conflicts?


The shell company will research the device to wipe Sven’s memory of donating. Later he’ll wonder why he has a bill from “Colorectal Anime Studios”.

Captain Button

Hey, international financial gymnastics is an essential part of becoming an Evil Overlord like Mom.


It’s not just the shorter hair and the lack of glasses in Sven’s appearance, though. He’s always been recognisably lanky, tall, and has had a distinctive sharp chin/longish face, plus his hair was more blond.

Dave Van Domelen

For all his growth, I'm not sure Sven is to be trusted with a shell corporation.


Luxembourg IS quite nice! I have had the pleasure of reading QC in Luxembourg back in 2008 when I lived there for a while. Can't believe it's been that long!


She was a good woman before Bernie Sanders took her life. RIP Rosa Luxembourg


Way to over-complicate shit... both of ya!

Simon Green

Which is, obviously, "Would a giant novelty cheque make May feel even worse about accepting charity?"

Lyman Green

When I was 17 I went on a class trip to France. Which started in Luxembourg. It was nice!

Sleepy John

I see where her dad gets it from.


I hope that this story line doesn't end up with Sven getting chewed out for "not" donating at some point or Dora guilting him into doing it.


I assume mommy taught her that

Grace Kieser

Hanners, if you're trying to not be your mother, setting up shell corporations and laundering money is not helping...


Called it.

Daniel Rydberg

I now wish ”NOD NOD” is a special at CoD.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Later: - Hey, dork! Thanks for your donation, but don't think that now I owe you anything. - How... how did you know? - Believe it or not, I worked in finance, so tracing your stupid donation wasn't even hard or illegal. Now, if you'd somehow started a shell company in, say, Luxembourg... - ...


...Is it me or did Sven shrink in height?


Will Sven try to buy her old hip?

Joseph Robertson

Hanners, starting people down the path of money laundering and tax avoidance...

Captain Button

Speaking of which, I hope Sven's intern has moved on to better things.


I read that as "monkey laundering" and didn't even blink at how absurd that would be.


Hahaha, I love this one. I am from Luxembourg. We get shell-companies as gifts at birth. (No, we don't.)

Some Ed

I think May's been pretty clearly shown to *not* being into that kind of power dynamic. I mean, maybe she'd like it if the roles were reversed. But she doesn't want to owe anyone like that.

Some Ed

Absolutely. His moral obligation here is to figure out a way to navigate the minefield that he's found himself in, rather than to stand on this spot and hope that he's not currently standing on a ticking mine. (Note: in this metaphor, he's also standing on a ticking mine.)

Andrea Andrew

It’s moments like this that remind me that Sven and Hanners have a surprising bond.


Another way she resembles her mother?