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eventually I'll figure out how to draw Sven so he doesn't just look like a brown haired Marten :P



Dylan T

Oh I'm so excited for this makeover


She can get a cover for the new USB port in her ear to protect it for later


Ahahaha, for a moment judging from this title I thought Jeph was making a Patreon-exclusive post. "THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME MONEY, FRIENDS"


Their community 😭



Tara Cook

She's going to have such a bad ass body!


So i didn't see sven as a brown haired marten.....until now. Now that it is pointed out I cannot unsee it.....looking back at older pages looks wierd too now....


Idk why this made me tear up. I'm such a cry baby.


ruh roh, typo! "And IF she wants"


the left ear port is traditionally where the USB coffee warmer is plugged in


"Ask me how I know." I think this is my new favorite way to tell someone you're fucking


Oh no I didn't realize that was sven until I read the description text


god imagine Marten growing his hair out and then he looks like Sven and not the other way around


I would be more concerned if Steve eating cereal will now look like a redhead Marten eating cereal.

Justin Cox

Awww. It's so nice seeing everyone care for May, despite her not thinking anyone would or does.


This had me so emotional, this year must really be getting to me.


She might get enough to be a fighter jet!


Grammar be damned, we all know there's not gonna be any "if" about May wanting butt implants.


Nothing is more badass then a fighter jet.


Giving Sven his glasses back would help a lot with the sameface. “Sven! You're wearing glasses again!” “Yeah, I didn't like the contacts.”

James Cooper

Now are we going to see May have a growth moment of "omg all this money I can get the fighterjet!" Then turn around and get a moderately cost body and set aside the extra for the nonprofit that Roko and Beeps work for?

Spoogle McGee

I usually pay someone that much to bust some of my ports.


Yup. Really looking forward to her discovery that she is valued by her friends.

Michael Boettger

I'm wondering what her reaction will be when she sees how much money gets raised and the names of all those who gave. Her coolant pump will grow 3 sizes* Faye and Bubbles can handle that, right?


I have a feeling that when May finds out it's gonna be like "HRNGH NICENESS OVERLOAD"



David Durant

This is a great opportunity to see some folks we've not seen in ages. How are Penelope and Wil these days? Steve and Cosette, Raven and didn't Jimbo make a bunch of money selling trashy novels...?

Chris Heg

No, Thank You.


Millie just wants a world where everyone can have the ass they dream of. the best motivation.


I could see Penelope & Will contribute. I’m not sure if Steve, Cosette, Raven, or Jimbo would have known May. Pizza Girl would donate after she learns of May’s plight from the Invisible Emu.


friends :3

Bailey Tighe

I need more Jimbo.


Isn't Sven supposed to be kinda tall and willowy and gorgeous? Maybe try sketching Orlando Bloom at the corresponding age?

Anthony Gaglianese

This is going to break May in the best way, and I honestly can't wait to see it. As well as wanting to see what she will have as a body once she's migrated over.


Marten and Dora look like twins, so why shouldn't Sven look like Marten as well?

Nicholas A Wagner

Sven should have an air of casual confidence about him. "I know I'm good and I don't even try"


In comic #5491 it turns out that they're all from the same family. I can't wait!


Jeph...you know you're going to make a 35 year old man ugly-cry with this storyline right?

Evgeniy Semyonov

Sven/Marten problem is easily solved: just draw Sven in more explicitly weird carnal festivities with May, and we'll know that he's definitely not Marten. ...unless May's new body will be a dorky-looking red-headed floofy librarian type (really nice model going on sale, perhaps?).


I think Sven just needs a different, distinct way to style his hair. Probably in an annoying hot way


I have, on a couple of occasions, had cause to ask for charity from friends and loved ones and... I have a sense of how this is going to hit May. Seeing how much people are willing to help you if you're in genuine need and just ask can be utterly mind-blowing in a very good way.


Yeah, I thought Sven was really tall. He looks too short here, and I thought he was Marten at first.


Neck meats. NECK MEATS!

Carl Fink

I have bad vision. I had to squint to realize Tai is lighting a pipe.


aaaaaa this just reminds me of all my friends who've donated money to me when i've been in need and now i'm crying ;o;


I'm gonna cry at the end of this arc, aren't I?

Dean Reilly

It's a shame that Dora and Tai aren't having their bachelorette party in Montreal. Pintsize probably knows all the good strip clubs...


How does this make me cry? I don't know, but thanks.

Thomas Halpin

Is anyone going to ask Yay to contribute? I mean, they already know, but i bet they would appreciate being asked

Simon Green

Does this mean it took Sven three tries to get it into May’s left ear?


"ask me how I know". seriously. PLEASE ask me!!!!


Yaknow, with the technology available in the QC world, May could get a reasonably priced body, maybe even an slightly older model that is anatomically correct, and then if there is enough left over she could get an RC fighter jet that she could upload into and be able to fly fast.


Or a roomba with a jet engine strapped on. There may be a couple of those flying around here already.


Warm fuzzies!

Sleepy John

Remember, optimists can never be pleasantly surprised.


Much heart warming! One worries though...if May's body is such a wreck, what about her memory core? Roko had extra reinforcement because she was a cop, which suggests that the level of protection an embodied AI is provided with varies. Is there a mandatory minimum level of durability and shielding provided so that even someone like May can reliably expect not to experience physical damage to the ol' processor in the course of normal wear and tear? Put differently, if she's subjected to severe feels overload because of unexpected generosity and kindness, is it possible for her to actually suffer injury from it?


Yea new Sven is terrible. Without the dialog I have no idea who he is.


Would be funny to see Dora's reaction to people saying her brother and Marten looking alike.


Yeah, I hear they have a deal for Wendy's themed robo-part covers


who is this sven imposter?


Ooh, now I feel really bad for making the "Martinize" joke. Sorry! Not to mention that everybody just thought I didn't know the spelling of "Marten." You'll have to look up "Martinize" (or maybe ask your grandparents).

Michael Boettger

When Roko was suffering from a particularly severe instance of body dysphoria, Yay put her into sleep mode. More than likely someone will extend the same courtesy to May.


"Your ass will be an inspiration to the whole company. You'll go into battle on stilts so everyone can see it!"


She may be a fighter jet yet.

A sheep

Yeah give her the ass implants

Brian Leahy

Is Tai doing crack??

Cody Renton

Panel 5: "And she" should probably be "And if she"

Chris Waldrip

Damn, at this point I want to give to May! ;-)


Give her all the implant. No too late for that multitool idea


What doyou mean I cannot donate to a fictional cause? This is outrageous

Armin von Werner

I read marital arts and now I wonder what that would look like.


We’re apart of this Patreon club. Who says we aren’t already donating?


Sven's features were usually more angular than Marten's too.


missing the word 'IF' she wants any advice on butt implants

Bryce Maryott

Mostly it's an interpersonal communications course, with a seminar on making budgets.


Perhaps if you put Sven back in glasses...

Comics Ladybird

I dunno, this seems to be one if these subjects where it’s a matter of “when”, not “if”.


Did everyone always have the same chin? Researching...


So, no. In the past, even taking into account the evolving art style, several characters had chins that were more squared off, with a shallower jawline slope that other characters in the same strip. I don’t dislike the fact that in many newer strips all characters seem to have the slender jawlines and pointy chins. Just an observation of evolution! Not a criticism. Keep up the good work!


See, that's the thing. She doesn't have all these friends - but she does have a couple of very close friends who DO have all these friends. It's all in working your extended network.


Didn’t Sven used to wear glasses? That would help.


so who should model for sven-I nominate a young James Taylor!


Partly it’s that Sven is a physically kinda big dude. When you see him beside Hanners in that first panel, recall that he used to be drawn as close to a head taller than her, notably broader through the shoulders? Not, like, ripped and burly, but definitely lanky, noticeably among the taller characters in the comic. Now...he really, honestly looks like Marten with brown hair, except even younger. It’s the most startling change in design of a character that I’ve ever seen in QC, which I’ve been reading for, jeeps, more than ten years?


I complained bitterly several months back, when Dora basically became unrecognizable! If evolution continues along these lines then pretty soon they will all have to have name tags, like May... (Resistance is FUTILE!)


When you pallette-swap a character it makes them more powerful.


Will May be able to cry when she sees the outpouring?


"Ask me how I know." Oh, Faye. Love you.