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How often have they been meeting up?


O yeah, it was sven having sex with may that started this arc of her body continuing to fall apart, wasn't it


So long as he doesn't make any stipulations, it should be okay

Spoogle McGee

Anyone else expecting him to ask if he can have her old one?


I'd been thinking about this since the fundraising bit started actually

Michael Boettger

Pony up with cash, Clown boy! And write a song.

A.A. aka Double


Grace Kieser

Oh, Hanners... Sweet, naive Hanners...


Her body was falling apart before they had sex, but it didn't help


I mean, he did accelerate the body malfunctions so PAY UP, BUCKO.


"How much would it cost to get May an absolute dump truck ass? Boobs would be nice, they don't have to be big, oh but if they do like, synthetic pot belly, that might be nice..."

Michael Boettger

Hanners would be scandalized if she knew. Then again, given how long she's lived in Northampton, perhaps not.


As long as the bits and bobs (e.g limbs) are de/re-attachable, Sven and May could have *a lot* of fun.


Sorry, that pledge level has already been sold out. (By Hanners so people don't abuse it)

Captain Button

It is just like buying her sexy lingerie, only more so.


Sven cares about ethics now!


completely forgot they were having weird sex together.

Joel Bateman

Sven is secretly hoping May gets a "Human Accurate" body.


"Here's some money. And here's a LOT MORE money if you buy the following add-ons, which I'm sure you'll enjoy as much as I will."


Let's be very much honest: Sven can probably just buy her one outright at this point. But that he's looking at the ethics angle makes for good, positive character growth.


Being serious, I'd say the best thing would be to anonymously donate, and then never mention it unless doing so would involve outright lying. That way, yeah, maybe he "directly benefits" later, but it won't involve pressuring or guilt tripping or anything like that.

Timothy Roller

Uh, Sven that's going to cut down on the number of holes.


WHAT!!??!! No specials on the blackboard? I'm SHOCKED! Is CoD slipping?


If Hanners didn't say his name I'd have NO idea who he was, last we saw him was 4102, and he had glasses...the lack of glasses REALLY threw me...

Creepy Cat Lady

I'm a little confused about the ethics question. I donate to LGBTQ+ causes, women's causes, secular causes...improved freedoms for those groups directly benefit me, how would it be unethical for me to donate to them? Of course I also donate to trans causes, BIPOC causes, and other causes for groups to which I don't belong, but that doesn't mean I can't donate to causes I belong to also, does it?

Douglas E. Smith

I dunno...I think Sven's tastes are getting more diverse at this point, especially with May as a partner.


It's all good, Sven! After all, what goes around, comes around! 🙃

Douglas E. Smith

I didn't recognize Sven right away. I'm still expecting glasses.

Bonnie Fiddis

I thought her falling apart would benefit him more. More strange orifices to explore that way.

Nicolas Demers

OMG I'd totally forgotten that particular line in the QC relationships graph


It's a joke about their prior sexual encounter, and how he could benefit carnally from May's new body. My guess is that he's debating it because he recognizes that donating for that reason would be pretty fucked up.

Summer Sudbrink

Perhaps they could spring for non-corrosive lubricant with his share of the donation.

Mister Cletus

Ohhhh right. I forgot he fucked a robot and the lubricant corroded his hair.

Thomas Halpin

Maybe I'm malfunctioning. I'm not seeing an ethical dilemma


Hanners could also probably outright buy her one but recognizes the importance of the community involvement of a fundraiser

Captain Button

For people with flexible morals, having paid for someone's body might be seen as giving you a right to play with it, or at least an obligation on the other's part to let you do so. Fundamentally moral people would never consider that, but this is Sven. He might be worried he'd backslide. Or be worried that even if he doesn't mean it that way, May might think that he does. Or Dora or Faye, if they find out.

Daniel Burnett

When did Sven become so adorable and baby faced?


Apparently, his association with May has made him a better person. Probably a reflection of her gentle, angelic spirit.

Sleepy John

Maybe he can buy the discarded parts and have fun with them.


Aw, Sven. Growing a conscience. How cute. <3 Seriously... I kind of get where he's coming from, but the ethical lapse would not be in giving May money. It would be expecting favors from her as a result. But as setup for a joke, it worked perfectly. ;-) Although if she freely volunteers to give him a ride on her new chassis.... well, that's her choice.

Andrea Andrew

I didn’t recognize Sven, because he looks younger. It’s so sweet of him to want to help May.

Andrea Andrew

I guess Hannelore still doesn’t know about May and Sven.


God, I do not recognise him without the glasses and the hair.

Allison Hastings

Dang I forgot about the May x Sven stuff

Captain Button

For general scale, didn't Momo and Marigold once mention some really really cool model AI body that cost $30,000? So an AI body is sort of like a car? An utter crap one for a few hundred, a semi-decent one for a few thousand, but nice ones cost many tens of thousands?

Simon Green

No point getting new nipples if you have twizzle them yourself.


He wants dat robo booty

Captain Button

Mitsubishi PX-3500 chassis https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1994

Joseph Bonnar

Lets hope he ponies up a decent amount.


And suddenly, all of Sven's truck-related christmasses came at once. Figuratively.


Buying your slam piece a new body? How very Pygmalion. Or as Pintsize put it; like jerking off to hentai you drew yourself


The big question is: Has Sven ever fucked a fighter jet? He is about to


The ethical bit comes in if he goes to her and says, "If I donate, I want more sex." But just donating and never letting her know means he feels good in two ways. Everyone wins.

A sheep

I mean, if he goes up to her and goes "I got you a new body, let's smash ass" then it's not great. But if he donates, and doesn't tell her, but still smashes ass, then it's probably ok? Anyway they should smash ass again.

Michael Boettger

The last two strips have been about characters giving of themselves. Marigold will likely sell the thing she was showing Dale, and donate the proceeds. Everyone seems willing to chip in, and Sven may be about to cross a threshold into not being a douche Hanners gave because she figured her dad would forget about it. If Her dad only completes 4% of his projects, there must be a ton of unaccountable money floating around. There's another source of funding.

dizzy ditzy

My guess is that Sven's going to write that passion project song he mentioned, sell it, and donate the proceeds


Why does Sven look so different now?


didn't he use to have long hair and glasses


why do I get the feeling this is going to be an excuse to touch base with all the other characters we haven't seen for a while?

Chris Crowther

I mean, that is actually a legitimate quandary for Sven.


Sven: "I could front the heavy duty hip-joint upgrade option."


His most ethical option is to donate and just not let her KNOW he donated so there's no chance of undue influence. And if and only if she ever finds out through someone else, making it clear there were no strings attached.

Nicholas A Wagner

"I'm sorry I can't help you fix your car because you may someday give me a ride in it." Would be a dick move. As would "I'll help you fix your car if you give me a ride in it".


MORE Sven & May!!! please!!!


i'm now imagining him helping with the purchasing process.


Sven trying to throw more money....

Yonatan Zunger

Sven's phrasing it a bit confusingly, but he's spotted an important interpersonal issue well. It's not really the ethics of donating to something he may benefit from; it's the effect that his donating might have on his relationship with May, especially if he's thinking about donating substantially -- which I suspect he may be, simply because (I suspect) he has a lot more cash on hand than most of the others. If he keeps it a secret but at some point she finds out, it could create a great deal of discomfort for May around what his expectations might be; there's a profound norm (not even just among humans) of reciprocity. Even if she never finds out, he might have subconscious expectations of reciprocity, and those could cause him to act badly. To really avoid that requires a lot of internal clarity about one's conflicting urges, and an ability to communicate very easily about it -- something possible but _really hard._ Failing that, one needs to be ready to deal with mistakes when they happen, and communicate about those. Which I suspect Sven could actually do nowadays, but it's very appropriate that he think about that seriously ahead of time.

Some Ed

about May, his relationship with her, and her predicament. Perform it for her in private. Let her decide whether it gets published or not, and let her choose where profits from said song go if she chooses to publish it (but don't make that offer before she's decided to publish it. Just put the fact that you're going to make that offer if she agrees in writing, and make sure her other friends know about it, because you can't have too much CYA in this case. Make sure to make it clear to her friends that they will only ever hear this song with May's permission.) I mean, seriously. This material is 100% up his alley. As I'm thinking about this, I suspect that she'd like the song, and if the song profits could go to a charity for paying for decent bodies for AI ex cons (her body first), she'd like that option.

Some Ed

caveat: If she blows up at him for his not having contributed, it'd probably be reasonable to show her the record of his contribution. It's possible he'd be well advised to divide his contribution in a smaller portion and a larger portion, so he could show just a portion of what he contributed. I mean, assuming that he's contributing as much as he probably should given his relative affluence and position as her boyfriend.

Some Ed

Fun fact: I've actually heard both of those quotes said by actual people in all seriousness. Both directed at me, and directed at others. Fortunately, I didn't need either person's assistance. I hadn't even solicited their help. I just had a car I'd bought for $120, and cars that you buy for less than their scrap metal price tend to break down a lot. But I knew that when I bought it. It was held together with duct tape, coat hangers, and rubber bands, and none of those are super-durable in the usage they had in said car. So I just needed to wait for it to cool enough to re-assemble whatever fell apart, adhere it back together as appropriate, and I was good. But it was a small town, I was well known, and offers were made or explicitly not made, and I was disappointed in people I already didn't have high opinions of. When I heard them said to others, usually I was already there and rendering assistance. I've still not figured out what caused them to feel the need to say anything.

Jeffrey Nonken

Bravo, clearly and succinctly put. ... Holy cripes, Yonatan? Didn't notice it was you at first... Small effing world. Well, now I know it's you, I'm 100% not surprised. Blanche says hi.

Wild Card

Shouldn't Sven have a robotic hand? Or am I mixing up characters in my head again?