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Marigold is still my favorite




more like MariLEWD amirite patreon


Those two are way too in-sync with one another

Denizen Blue

Did Marigold lose some weight? She seems a little skinnier here.

Daryl Resplandor

Marigold and Dale are my favorite idiot nerds and I love it.


Dale & Marigold are the perfect couple.

Alejandro Enriquez

Butts Disease still metastasizing I see 😂

Fart Captor

God I love them


Must... resist... making a joke about The Ring....

Michael Boettger

True love and concern there on the part of Marigold. But its not a groundbreaking sum towards May's new chassis. Guess they can't all be a undiscovered presidential letter.

Spoogle McGee

Speaking of horny lewdness... Anyone else suddenly remember why they threw in their dollar?


Dale's eyessssss ..... sooooo weird...........


Can anyone make out the back text?

Shawn K. Younkin

It's the title of the anime.... ::grabs chest:: Ackkk... ayyyyyy.... it's claimed another victim!!! ::dies::

Thomas Halpin

Back text sez colo rectal mecha dormroom, near as i can tell

Captain Button

Is this supposed to be a non-sequitur, or are they going to auction it off for the body fund or something?


To be honest, this sounds like something May would want to read, not sell.


“the guy died because he was watching while driving” got me lmao


Oh, it also scans to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” so that’s a good time.

William Cole

I think the latter is implied, but maybe they should just gift to May; it sounds very much in line with her taste in porn.

William Cole

Oh god, it really does! I'll never be able to hear that theme song the same way again.

Captain Button

Prolapse Monthly panned it.


I love this strip for clearly the right reasons. Also: fates damn it Jeph how dare you.

Dylan T

You know with all the talk of systemic inequality for robots in this comic recently I kind of forgot most of our heroes were just gigantic dorks


Thoroughly enjoying this storyline doubling as a check-in with characters we haven't seen in a while. I <3 Momo


oh no, Dale is shaving now! The things we do for love!

Anthony Gaglianese

Anyone know where to find these online rips? Asking for a friend

Anthony Gaglianese

Also, Marigold is peak relationship goals, here. How I wish I could find a woman like that.


Omg it’s so good to see them again!


And, uh, Marigold has lost a lot of weight! Good for her. Must be all that, uh, exercise she gets with Dale!


Yeah, that was the first thing I noticed. She's always been drawn as someone outside the body norm with that. If it's intentional, then good for her!


Sometimes we get lucky and get stuff for killer prices. My greatest find ever was a DVD copy of End of Evangelion from a used book store for like $20, and this was years before the series and movie came to Netflix


DALE HAS EYES?!?!?!?!?!

Simon Green

Mum always said if I stared at the screen too long I'd go cross-eyed.


Marigold has an iron will!

Clifton Royston

This whole cartoon is hysterical.


I can't tell what I love most - Dale getting caught up in the moment and making a bit of it, or Momo's face in the last panel. I'll go with 'both'


Yeah, I was going to say, May might prefer to just have the dvd than the $80. ....though if there are rips online, then...


I’d love a Hannelore & Marygold spin off

Eric Lusby

Marigold! I've missed her so much!


I think we need to see a screenshot of this movie...


According to certain people, QC already is a spinoff of itself :P

Akashimo Hakubi

Best couple! And Momo at the last panel XD Also all I can think of, that this could be referencing, is just the one H that had a normal H ep, and then, the second is what it became known for, something something vampires.


Aww yeah, this is quality content!


May will be *thrilled* that this helped pay for her new body


The big question is - how much would Pintsize pay for it?


Driving you say? In the '90s, a guy was arrested for lewd and indecent conduct in Schenectady, NY. He was watching porn while driving through the city. He forgot there was a screen for the passengers in the back seat and someone in the car behind him called the police...


I'm still just so proud of May for accepting her friends' help.


Cue May: hey, that's my body in there. Ok, now I know why it is so worn down. {only with more swearwords}

Some Ed

One would think any bots in a movie like that would have an asshole. I mean, yeah, May's body does have a bit of an asshole, but that's the driver, and she's gotten a lot better after being exposed to some decent people for a while.

Some Ed

It's more than Hanner's father managed to actually assist with the requested goal. I did really like the analogy of him taking the ball and running off the field with it.

Some Ed

To be fair, it's my impression that a lot more people are just gigantic dorks than will admit it in public.