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ah, my question from yesterday's comic is answered


hands up, who had the super soaker 50? that one was THE BEST


Man, May’s got it pretty damn rough, doesn’t she?


On one hand now I want to cry too. On the other, robo-titties.

Alacrity Fitzhugh

I know the feeling. "What's going to break today?"

Michael Boettger

If Faye can install the tear ducts, I'll hand May the tissues.


I mean....if she’s getting super soaker parts, I don’t think tear ducts is where she would normally put them...iykwim

Joel Bateman

How can we donate to May's new body?! I've never seen the blue grouch so sad, and it's breaking my heart.


I am crying for you, May. ;n;


Ugh, man, this really just hurts to see.


Very sad. A hell of a commentary on the state of health care.


Are you certain about the second panel?

Michael Boettger

Perchance an opportunity for Sven to do a selfless deed. I daresay he could donate a fair amount. Or he could write a song.. Anybody got titles?


"Anybody got titties for my robot girlfriend", somehow to a country rhythm.

Chris Gallaty

You would think they would just need to find her a Bluetooth speaker. Those things are *everywhere*.

Sean Kinlin

Poor May. Also, there is a typo in the second panel - Faye says "cerain" instead of "certain".


But no robo-nipples, which I think the even the more baseline modern bodies have. They may not be having children but AIs appear to enjoy having erogenous zones and sexual responses... May *clearly* values sex and sensuality and it has been denied her. Damn shame.


what if her creator set up some sort of ... subscription, where we could make monthly contributions. we could call it ... May-treon


I Have No Tear Ducts, and I Must Cry

Captain Button

Panel 2, "cerain" -> "certain"

Matt Grayson

There have got to be robot junkyards. Or parts on eBay. Or rummage in Jeremy’s storeroom...

Dave Van Domelen

That, or time for a swoop and squat to get a new body off Crushbot's liability insurance.

Dean Reilly

Interesting that Faye assumes that $80 is a minor expense for May.


That's so sad! Not even one curse word.


I didn't interpret it that way. I saw it more like "sure you can pay to replace it, but it's not really a viable solution." Plus, Faye likely has more knowledge of her financial well-being than we do anyway.

Andrea Andrew

Poor May. At least now, the switch to a new body can begin, because she has no choice now. I hope she gets better. I just got done reading an article about the possibility of the pandemic becoming permanent in America, and I feel the same as her. 😢


aw buddy :(

Michael Boettger

The only reason Roko survived Crushbot was that her substrate was reinforced. May might well not survive this.


Load her into Momo and have them share a body!


Let's see... In her circle of friends and acquaintances, May has contacts with: A fairly rich singer-songwriter who could easily be her official boyfriend A nice guy whose mother could reach into her little dominatrix book and call in a lot of favors A nice girl who is heir to two separate incredibly rich people A powerful AI who works for one of those people An incredibly powerful AI with effectively unlimited power Now, it's virtuous to say "we don't want to beg from our friends," but at a certain point, someone should just say "Hey, our annoying but likeable friend needs some help, and all it would take would be the equivalent of spare change from you guys." The government? The government has failed her how many times already? Governments do that for individuals. Always.


If this doesn't end with May at least getting half an hour in the robot version of a T-38 (plane, not tank), I'm gonna be sad for her.

Sleepy John

Is there a crowdfunding app called "GoF*ckYourself"?

Sleepy John

Crap, MY body is past its design lifetime, can I get in on this??


Came here to say, I had to call in sick (ironic in 2020 but whatever) because of the constant, no, increasing pain from nerve damage I sustained years ago and general upfuckedness of my body and yeah, I want in


Someone up above suggested Sven should write a song for her to raise money. No need. I wrote it for him. I don't care that she's blue or smells faintly of latex I don't wanna hear about how she's always fallin' apart I don't wanna hafta tell her she ain't got no future prospects I don't wanna know how far she is from the state of the art Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... oh yeah. Just wanna see them hooters havin' a ball Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... yeah-yeah... Just wanna see them high-beams on. I don't wanna talk about how she ain't got a robot vagina I don't wanna talk about just where I stuck it while I was drunk I don't wanna bring her down with talk about burnt hair and rashes I don't wanna think about what her lubricant did to my junk Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... oh yeah. Just wanna see those little buds standin' up tall Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... yeah-yeah... Just wanna see them high beams turn on. Doesn't she deserve it? Hasn't she suffered enough? Isn't it enough that her leg fell off and her face got tossed in a blender? I just don't get it All that she wants is a muff Is that really so wrong? Why can't everyone see her true spleeeeeeeendoooooooor? I don't really touch on how we can't get it on without hurting I don't wanna spend my life rubbing burn ointment on my peen I just don't think it's fair how she can't even take care of herself Just once I'd like to walk in while she's flickin' the bean. Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... oh yeah. Let me say it now, just once and for all Nipples for my roooobot girlfriend.... yeah-yeah... Just wanna see them high beams turn on.


I wonder if the last panel is an intentional reference to "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"


May is **NOT** crying because of her dilapidated and decaying body! She's crying because she just ran out of cuss/swear words. Or they just sound wrong on that speaker, losing their verve and impact.


Is there no way that she could be temporarily loaded into a used non-humanoid chassis? Like why not put her in Momo’s old chassis?


Given how Roko reacts to being in the "wrong" body, even though it is quite similar to her old body, I can only imagine what kind of hell it would be for May in a body that's not even shaped like she's used to...

Nicholas A Wagner

I want to know the real reason May stole the money. Without a ground crew and flight clearances a jet fighter body is useless. (Not to mention the now ironic steady stream of replacement parts). If she did take off, As soon as she was discovered she would be shot down. I like to think it was for something less selfish but May dosen't want anyone to know.

Yonatan Zunger

I have a feeling she'd enjoy the tank, too. In fact, she'd likely enjoy it enough to make that a _really bad idea._


May has shown a talent for not thinking things through.


Poor May


you've got a typo on faye's line on panel 2, "... but at a cerain point"


Is no one else going to comment on the fact that AI bodies have a "design lifetime" and given human form AI are relatively recent development in story the fact that May's is past it means they have a comparable life to cell phones.

Joseph Bonnar

Crap. I haven't read that in well over two decades. Lets see if it's stored on the web somewhere...


Why would you think that human form AI bodies are a recent development? Roko's back story would seem to indicate that she had been a police officer for a goodly number of years. May had apparently had a body prior to her incarceration which wasn't terribly short.


[Take my money] gif.


Mae's gone topless again. This time without the danger censor box.


So, no chance of her temping in a hunter-killer Droid body? A far cry from a fighter jet, but still a form or aircraft, vis a vis drone tech. And she'd still have arms for running the register, plus an automatic +1 to all intimidation rolls against problem customers.

Evgeniy Semyonov

I wonder, could there be some form of robo-hypochondria and could May develop it after all these mishaps? Given Roko's dysphoria and various quirks of other AI, it seems possible.


The AI version of a GoFundMe page for medical expenses. We’ve reached peak 2020.

Stephen Wells

Can they ask to borrow a Yay in the meantime?


$80 for a little speaker? Ouch! I notice May isn't opening her mouth when she talks via the external speaker. Does her voice sound different this way? Is mouth moving for AI talk purely cosmetic, or does it shape the sounds? Maybe when May talks, her lips don't move, she just forms an appropriate expression with mouth open so the sound can come out? Is it model specific? Can May gargle like Beeps, or does Beeps have a gargle upgrade?


The way I read it: the part in Bubbles hand is the diaphragm of the damaged voice box that will be the $80 replacement; the speaker attached by a cable to her forehead is a temporary measure to assist with communication during the procedure. I may be wrong though...


I'm imagining May in Momo's old body after a catastrophic failure.... and it is freaking glorious.

Ted Van Roekel

Oh my god. There are a few old chassis lying around. Momo and Winslow have both gotten upgrades, and what happened to their old bodies has never been established other than the butt zombie sequence.


You should start a kickstarter for May's replacement body. People who donate enough could get access to her limited edition X-rated photo shoots while she's trying out a few high-end models... More modest donations just get to vote on things like model color, lol

Shawn K. Younkin

May's mind in the body of a God AI?? That would be the worst thing that could happen for mankind. I couldn't support it more!! Yes yes yes!!

Yonatan Zunger

Honestly, May doing really weird porn shoots to fund her new body would be pretty in-character for her. All the more so if she got Sven involved.


I hope she gets a model like Roko's, poor May.


Where's Crushbot when you need him?


It always makes me sad to see may like this she easily one of my favorite characters.. <3 i hope she gets a cool new body.


Panel 2: "cerain"? You mean Certain?


While I agree I'm slightly scared to see what she considers "a cool body"


That might be a bit obvious, having Crushbot "accidentally" flatten May's body. Even if it really <i>is</i> accidental, it would look awfully suspicious.