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i imagine she suddenly sounds like a daft punk album a cat leapt onto


oh, and here I was thinking she was starting to cry, but it's tech issues. Can a robot body cry? Does it have the capability?

Andrea Andrew

Oh no! Poor May! I hope she’ll recover!

Lord Crusade

She's now the penguin from toy story


May sounds basically like my teenage years in theatre.

Michael Boettger

I understand that things like joints can seize up, but a voice box (or speaker) shouldn't have this problem. Is May having a system breakdown? I hope not.

Joseph Houk

It overclocked her vocal coding protocols.


Missed opportunity to say "a frag in her throat" sorry I'll see myself out

Captain Button

The morality filter for ex-cons kicking in.

Joseph Bonnar

Somebody call Faye and Bubbles. STAT!

Michael Boettger

Or she's just getting the electro- mechanical equivalent of getting choked up?

Samantha Yeaman

Your comment made me imagine her broken beeps transitioning into Robot Rock and every AI suddenly engaging in a synchronized dance-off and that's a genuinely great mental image.


Swear TOO much?

Simon Green

Those politicians are obviously smeeeeeeee heeeeeees. They're smeeeeeee heeeeeees.


She's got a fuck caught in her throat, more likely


I'm gonna be honest, I totally expect this to be damage from filling her mouth with lube and/or letting Sven go to town (see #3304)


Tai walks in, whips out her phone and records her, mixes it into her piece at the next rave in the library, a producer picks it up, gives Tai a big fat check which Tai then applies to pay for May's upgrade. May, er, "reallocates" some of the funds to upgrading her [bleep], so one of her legs keeps popping off but damn is Sven impressed...

Joel Bateman

It wasn't a frog that was in her throat. It was a Sven.


probably a furball made of Sven's pubes


Can we just get Hannelore to hire May as a bodyguard plx

Chris Heg

We need a Go Fund May

Chloë Salzenberg

Is this a reference to Schlock Mercenary, or are they both referencing something else?


Poor frog :(


around the world around the wooorld

Todd Ellner

Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. And some have greatness fucking thrust onto them.


heckin nothin goin right for may. hope she can get stuff sorted.


And if May learns Sign Language, she'll curse her fingers off...


Maybe munched on too many chips and is experiencing a Snack Overflow?

Brooks Moses

I mean, that's not even a lot of swearing, for May. And far less creative than her usual, which I take as further indication she's a bit overwhelmed by the situation.


I don't know which I like better. May's ANGRY face, or the shape of her breaking-down dialogue box!


In my head, some person with common sense (Nelson?) will suggest just using a Bluetooth speaker. So May's voice emanates from this speaker off to the side ... and May realizes it's actually BT mic as well, and uses it to spy on people.

Thomas Halpin

I was hoping she'd curse so hard she melted somebody's earwax, not so hard she melted her voicebox. I demand to speak to a supervisor.


Perhaps we should try . . . the paperclip!

Charles Fitt

This is actually legit somewhat disturbing. This would be a hideous thing to have happen to you.

Zach Elwyn

She can communicate via PDFs going forward


ah, the universe found an indignity it had yet not heaped on May


Robot frog?

Cody Renton

So the current plan for getting May a new body is slowly having Faye and Bubbles replace all the parts of her old one, like that old thing with the broom?


Grandfather’s axe. Only replaced the head once and the handle twice.

Sleepy John

There’s always interpretive dance.

Sleepy John

Union Robotics can fix her, but the chassis is obsolete. They can swap in a voice box from a similar model, but it lisps.


Wait wait wait - do robot's lips move to make sound? Or do they have smiles as words come out of their mouths? Is this like a speaker, or like vocal cords?

Marc Kevin Hall

As someone going in for throat surgery this week with a non-zero chance of this happening... can confirm fear.

Nicholas A Wagner

Knowing May's luck she will get fired for failure to up sale during the rest of her shift.