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the QC America is a lot better than real-life America

(this is not the place to debate socialized healthcare, if you do I will delete your posts)

EDIT: changed the wording in panel 1 because eagle-eyed readers reminded me that healthcare has not explicitly been socialized in QC yet! Remembering 4300 comics is hard y'all



Bailey Tighe

Ooohhhhhh... I can't wait to see May's response.


i was hoping the qcverse would have socialised healthcare, thank you jeph <3

Michael Boettger

Be careful of what you ask for?...

Andrea Andrew

Now, I really wish we all lived in the Questionable Content world!

Spoogle McGee

May's Profanasaurus, 3rd Edition.

Thomas Halpin

I'm hoping for a string of curses so powerful it melts all earwax within 30 meters


I'm Canadian and I want to live in the QC world Q_Q


I hope this leads to May going up to station, and then experience the laser demonstration that Marigold experienced. “This is the greatest day of my life!”

Alacrity Fitzhugh

Sooo.... how does one move to the QC America? Asking for a friend.

Anthony Gaglianese

Just the AI made me want to live in the QC universe. And now eccentric billionaires that actually want to help society? Now I'm in even more.

Captain Button

It isn't <i>completely</i> socialized, since Dora thought it was important to keep Faye technically employed until after the emergency room bills for alcohol poisoning came through.

Grace Kieser

She's Michelangelo when it comes to swearing!


Yay(not spookybot) the story gets back to May. Also I'm expecting a full page of cussing


I hear QC America healthcare is pretty much any other 1st world country? 😓


its nice to take a break and imagine a better place. i love QC america

Evgeniy Semyonov

So... What's the name of the Beepatrice/May ship? Maypatrice or Bay? Bay seems appropriate, because it could be pretty... explosive.


What is fiction if not a place to indulge your ideals?


phd stands for Pretty Heinous Dictionary

Chris Reed (aka Animeraider)

I've always wanted to see May curse like Sydney does in Grrl Power. That would certainly help Beeps.


I just had a lightbulb moment... May has been in the comic a lot longer than anyone thinks! Prior to her current body, she was an AI bird... a yelling bird!!! :O


#Bodycare4All Until all of us are free, none of us are free! Stand in solidarity with our AI siblings!


I have socialized medicine and it's great 👍👍

Nicholas A Wagner

Well ya, you have AIs, you better run things right or they will make you!


Maybe it happened after that. If not directly relevant to the story, background news is background noise.

Douglas E. Smith

Beeps will get more than she bargained for. This could be life-changing...


No wonder she wanted to steal/inhabit a jet fighter: MAJOR flight upgrade, to say nothing of the weapons...


I mostly wish I lived in QC America just because of the robotics technology


Awww... It's so nice to know the human QC characters get good healthcare! I would be very happy living in that world. (The robots are cool, too.)


TBH, AI's probably run the economy in this world, so my bitching about socialized stuff not working on the last comic was probably pointless since an AI-run tax/social benefit system is probably highly efficient. Edited:


Let's assume that they just copied Canada.

Yonatan Zunger

One of my favorite things about QC is the way Jeph shows us what a better world looks like. Today we're seeing it in the big things, but how often do we also see it in the small - in the way people relate to each other, work on their traumas and issues, take care of themselves and each other? I want to live in the QC world; to get there, we're going to have to make it ourselves.

Joseph Bonnar

Fuck everything else, I want a full strip of just May, swearing. :)


Whether she's intending to or not, Roko is being a good lawyer for May here. A lawyer's responsibility is to her client, not society at large (even though society is hopefully helped by the lawyer's efforts for her client!). Roko's doing right by May: her focus is on helping May, and she's asking how May wants to proceed. So interesting to see a former cop turn basically into a defense attorney overnight!

Joseph Bonnar

This is an answer for everybody who is commenting about the earlier strip, where Faye was kept on as an employee to allow insurance coverage. Jeph is creating a wonderful, interesting, and very complex story. I will NOT criticize him on anything until I am SURE I can do better, and unless I have PROOF of that. Which ain't gonna happen. (Translation, I done lost my rights to bitch at Jeph.)

Dan Curtis

Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Dora say she wouldn't file Faye's firing from Coffee of Doom until the insurance went through after she went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning? If so that would mean that at that time insurance was still tied to employment.

Captain Button

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a block function in Patreon for other commenters.


Thank you for qc amirca

Brad Kirkwood

speaking for australia you get basic health care for free but to get faster, better healthcare you need private insurance, some jobs offer that as a perk of employment, that may be what was happening


Is there some kind of like, inter-dimensional portal that would lead to the QC universe?

Dylan T

I wish for a world without the pumpkin man

Joseph Bonnar

The hardest thing I have to do is to keep my ol' alligator mouth shut and not fan the flame wars. But having read what Jeph said, I'm gonna do just that. :)

Joseph Bonnar

Um, maybe, maybe not. BS = Bull shit. MS = More of the same. And PhD? Piled higher and deeper. (This is intended as a joke, folks. I have several advanced degrees and they have served both society and myself very well.)

Joseph Bonnar

Or it would short her out and we'd need Nelson with a paper clip again. In the paperless world of the future in QC there will ALWAYS be room for a paperclip. And PDF's.


For some reason I'm envisioning this as a bonus comic. Basically Yelling Bird, with a different art.


He said on the internet


Wait times 100. Private costs 5x-10x as much as before. I call that an oof.


Heh. My Aspergers is too strong for that level of maturity. Good job on you, though.

Jason Rock

I would like to live in QC America please

Fart Captor

Healthcare and horny robots is the future liberals want

Simon Green

Why do the robots have what appear to be *two* coffee machines? And how do I sign up to work there?

Sleepy John

May's got reserves of vocabulary that she hasn't even touched yet.


Synonyms for poo might be involved

Frederick Ohlmann

From a distance, the right to correct embodiment seem much bigger than socialized healthcare. I would more put it to the level of "right to a correct habitation". It's also very different if there is a theoritical right to a correct body without actual consequence if it fail, or if AIs can sue something to get a new body. (from a country with socialized stuff)


One standard coffee for visiting humans, one special robot coffee for them?

Nicholas A Wagner

An AI without a body would be very vulnerable. "We are closing down this division and thus this server, you have a week to get a job with someone else and get downloaded to their server before we shut this one down and sell it for parts."

Chris Crowther

May actually seems pretty down for "making stuff better for everyone". I don't think she's actually an arsehole, she just behaves like one as a sort of defence mechanism. And I can see Hannelore's dad possibly fixing May's immediate problem by just giving her a job that comes with AI healthcare. Although this might give her worrying access to fighter plane bodies :s


She probably *would* be down with that, but I also think it wouldn't be fully fair to expect her to be on the forefront of a civil rights movement. She wants a body that works, and I wouldn't hold it against her for wanting to pursue that through faster avenues than advocating to change the entire structure of AI rights.


Dude, you gotta socialize your healthcare or when it gets older it'll keep barking at other people's healthcare and you don't want that. Wait no, that's dogs I'm thinking of. SOCIALIZE YOUR DOGS! (Preferably with me)

Joseph Bonnar

I can get away with THIS advertisement because it's for one of Jeph's products, as well as being relevant. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1829/4817/products/qc-gooddogs.jpg?v=1571449018

Joseph Bonnar

Not that I know of. Nor are there any magical wardrobes. We want a QC universe, it's our responsibility to MAKE a QC universe.


I love Winslow's line in the last panel. He seems to have a good grasp of what May is like.

Simon Green

Arguably in that instance the server *is* the body. It's just one that doesn't physically move. At the very least it is the physical embodiment of the brain.