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good morning Beepatrice




I'm guessing this is not the questionablecontent.net version :P


Beepatrice cheesecake for the patreons?


Panel 3 has a surprising lack of butts


Beeps just snaps awake. Does Roko have a routine to wake up slowly?


Not gonna lie, I zoomed in expecting the Listerine to be coolant or something

Michael Boettger

Identifying more and more with her organic compatriots. Also robobooby

Anthony Gaglianese

Beeps is just so damn pure, even the casual 'nudity' doesn't feel any worse than an undressed Barbie doll.

Dave Van Domelen

I mean, the shower and mouthwash make sense given that she can still get dirty from external stuff. Also helps test the integrity of her moisture barriers.


Somehow, I'm not surprised Beepatrice is a morning person.

James Cooper

I agree with Roko, the shower seams a little much unless the robobodies sweat? We need a breakdown on what these bodies can and can't do lol.


How do you do it Jeph? Make a character super adorable, then somehow make them even more adorable.


Clean off any lube from the last product testing would be my guess as to showering often. Wouldn't want to smell like a sex toy factory the next day right?

Terry Parry

I wish I were that perky in the morning!

gaijin 99

Well, the shower makes sense anyway. The mouthwash I'm less sure about, unless she makes a habit of eating or something.


I want that CATS t-shirt.


I want to see her grow up healthy. I want to tell my friends and neighbors about her. I love her. I will protect her.

Shawn K. Younkin

Butt flap PJ's are cute on cute Beepatrice!!


She even sweats while doing sit-ups to show solidarity.


I'm so glad we're back on this storyline!




Dayam Beeps...

Vik M.

Well it doesn't look like she's got nips, and that's the thing that'd hav to b censored, right? Or am i completely wrong about this

Shawn K. Younkin

Clean your cache and delete cookies- they could be impacting your operational capabilities. If you are still feeling "unperky" in the morning, you might want check your system specs and see if you have any viruses, or malware... I heard there is a new virus impacting A LOT of people called C0v1d version 0.19. If you have that - seek a professional assistance immediately.


Woo! Naked shower Beeps!


watch as g ads attempts to block this


Well, her chassis does appear to be Soap and Mouthwash proof :P (that costs extra, "Sealed Joints" mod)

Dylan T

Beeps is a pure cinnamon roll

Merle Blue

She's right about the butt flap.

Simon Green

It's probably some sort of silicone-based soap/mouthwash to cleanse and lubricate all the joints.

Sleepy John

How does a robot doing sit-ups sweat? (profusely, I know...)

Bailey Tighe

Now I want to know what Bubbles' morning routine is for comparison.


Funny, just this morning I was just wondering what was up with Beeps.

Shawn K. Younkin

She probably wakes up and removes the cameras that Pintsize placed in their room, and then she goes into the bathroom and removes Pintsize from under the sink, she then runs a shower and then she gently wakes up Faye. :)


There’s a bit of truth in that underline - I haven’t shaved since Jul 1999, because I hated doing it every working day (with maybe 5 exceptions) for 20 years.


But, during those years, if my shave was imperfect, I would return home and do it again, just to ensure the ritual was exactly complete ...


9 years, 5 months, 11 days. Shaved every day. Had to be perfect. Hated it. Left the Air Force, haven't shaved for over 37 years.


Beeps does a LOT of things because she thinks they are cute.


It would make sense for routine cleansing of AI dermal coverings to be with soap and water. You wouldn't expect exercise to be needed for physical health and fitness, but I could see it potentially having benefit for mind-body integration. But gargling? That's a pretty complex oropharyngeal, glottal, and airway process! It implies that AI speech mechanisms are similar to human, which seems awfully inefficient compared to electronic speakers and voice synthesis.


She’s a morning person. Augh. :P

Captain Button

A bad sign. Butts Disease victims often go into remission right before the final stage begins.


Am I the only one wanting a hat like that for my PJs? :-)

Greg Morrow

Beeps, you are weird. That's fine! You be you!

Stephen Wells

Honestly was not expecting the casual Beepatitties today, but no complaints.


omg beeps

Matt Grayson

Must not think of Millefeuille and Beeps showering together. Must not. No. Bad!


Beepatitties may be my new favorite word.



Nicholas A Wagner

I find it kinda odd AIs sleep. oh well, maybe they have to defrag or something every so ofter?


Well they do need to recharge. Why bother keeping your eyes open when you have to stay tethered to an outlet? I guess they could be on Facebook or SkillShare all night. But maybe they charge faster in low-power mode?

Joel Bateman

Wait, you censored Beep Boobs...does that mean she's....GASP